My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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I got Ellie a clicker and I'll work on it tomorrow or the next day, the starting process. If not then, then this weekend because my husband will be out of town working. So we're starting that fun stuff! She wasn't scare of it or anything when I clicked it near her, she didn't care.
I got her some new food, I just got some small world(walmart brand) rabbit pellets, she **** near ripped the bag open to get to them! haha. I'm going to start the transition tomorrow. Hopefully she continues to like them and hopefully they help her gain a little bit of weight. She's still so skinny to me!

As I'm sure you guys have read on Katie's blog, yes I did stomp an advent calendar to death and yes I do yell at my plants. They say that you're supposed to be nice to the plants and you're supposed to talk nice to them. NOT! haha. I don't talk nice to them, only if they're really sick or I'm trying to get them to sprout then once there is green or improvement they get yelled at like the rest of them. Like I said before, I had a really sickly rose bush but I put the fear of god into and now its 7 feet tall! haha. Its like that in my house. I walk around fighting with a rooster and yelling at my plants. I'm pretty sure that my neighbors think that I'm schizophrenic and wander around like a crazy person, yelling at random things. But it works I'm telling you! hahaha.

Yes, this post took a weird turn. lmao.
She is so lovely and yes, her half white nose is so pretty. She has got quite long ears for her size but they do suit her and she does look a bit bigger.

Congrats on the poultry workshop...what does an NPIP tester test...yes, I know it´s probably a silly question but I´ve asked anyway. :blushan:

I must start looking what all these trees look like...pretty useless at plants and trees, you can see I´m no good at gardening so I´ll have to do my homework.

You are like all great comedians, they have to have that bit of eccentricity which makes them think differently from us normal people. You have a great talent for being funny and for making us all laugh and that´s got to be a good thing. Keep it up Morgan, I look forward to reading your posts which always brighten my day.

By the way, lovely sunshine here and quite warm....wish I could send some to you all.
So yesterday I went errand running with my friend who is getting married, we were returning something and we were looking at other stuff. So we went to Garden Ridge; I don't know if there are Garden Ridge's all over the place or not, but they're awesome!
I haven't been there since I was a teenager and to be honest I had completely forgotten about it. We went in and we were amazed at the amount of stuff that was in the store! They have every wicker basket that was ever made, like isles and isles of them stacked to the ceiling! I was shocked. They had every color and size and pattern and everything. It was great. I love baskets, probably too much. hahaha.
Basically the store is nothing but home decorations. They have everything. I saw a rug that I really liked for my son.

The things that I really wanted though, that I'll be taking my husband back for were...the rooster kitchen items and the garden gnomes. hahaha. Okay, you guys know how most peoples kitchen decor is either 1 apples 2 roosters 3 sunflowers 4 red, just red 5 modern, chrome and stainless steel. Thats what I've found to be true. But my kitchen is all of those mixed together, except the stainless. I have roosters and I have sunflowers and I have antique medicine bottles and antique spice extract bottles. I have apples, a giant wooden apple. I have giant silverware, two sets. haha. I have an antique egg scale and coffee grinder. So its a hodge-podge. But it works because my stove and fridge are from the 70s.
Anyway, I found this wooden rooster that was painted like a rainbow and it had the colors that are in my kitchen, it was big and awesome! I love it. I saw other things that I really liked too, like giant skeleton keys.
But the yard gnomes, I'm so excited about that! I love them. When I was teenager, I used to steal them from people yards, as bad as that is. I just couldn't help myself. hahahaha. Thats terrible and I can't believe I did it. But there was one at the store that had a sign that said "there's no place like gnome" It made me laugh so hard! They had all kinds of gnomes and they were doing different things and BEING AMAZING!

So now to Ellie. She is making me nuts! I'll post the picture later, but she's ridiculous. I put a new litter box out for her, to where she likes to potty on the floor. So instead of her pottying in the box, she goes NEXT TO IT. I just put her up last night and didn't pay any attention to the floor, I was so tired. Then this morning while doing my normal stuff, I found it. The pile of poop. If you've seen Ted, she was like "there's a s**t in my floor!" thats what I said this morning! hahaha. It was funny. I tried to get her used to the clicker last night, but she doesn't seem to care. I was feeding her her new pelleted food and she ate the first few from me and then lost interest. She's so crazy. So I would try to get her to take the treat and she would hop off to her litter box to sit on the outside an eat the hay inside. lmao. Nuts.

Ohhh. And I'm going to color my hair to make it darker. I'm really blond right now and its too hard to with the upkeep. I'm naturally pretty dark with lots of red, so I'm going dark now. I think its time for me to grow up and be a natural color now. haha. My mom has red hair that I've been jealous of my whole life, so I'm going to go closer to her hair. My hair HAS red, but isn't actually red. Its this gross dull color that wouldn't be cute on its own, so thats why I've been blond since I was 14. haha. So the color I'm doing is pretty dark, but with red and its really pretty. When I get it done next week, I'll post of a picture to show you guys!
As I'm sure you guys have read on Katie's blog, yes I did stomp an advent calendar to death and yes I do yell at my plants. They say that you're supposed to be nice to the plants and you're supposed to talk nice to them. NOT! haha. I don't talk nice to them, only if they're really sick or I'm trying to get them to sprout then once there is green or improvement they get yelled at like the rest of them. Like I said before, I had a really sickly rose bush but I put the fear of god into and now its 7 feet tall! haha. Its like that in my house. I walk around fighting with a rooster and yelling at my plants. I'm pretty sure that my neighbors think that I'm schizophrenic and wander around like a crazy person, yelling at random things. But it works I'm telling you! hahaha.

Yes, this post took a weird turn. lmao.

I agree with Chris, you are like all comedians a bit eccentric to make you different from us normal people. I, too, look forward to jumping on your blog and reading your hilarious posts lol! It brings sunshine to our cloudiest of days :D

LMAO! I can just imagine you in Garden Ridge acting like a fruitcake!!!!!! Lol! BUt hey! Aren't wicker baskets-without the bad chemicals-okay for rabbits to have? I need to go there. But its far away and a pain getting there because these idiots do not know how to drive normal.

Haha, yes you're right, everyones kitchen has one of those 5 themes lol. Mine is wolves, and I have a dragon I painted, a borracho (drunk little mexican....some people call them the lazy or sleepy mexican, but mexicans are hard working! So I believe he just had a really great Friday night lol!), & a large painted mallard duck. My theme is weird huh?

LOL I loved Ted! Try something special, like craisins that she will go GAGA for, but since theyre so sugary cut up like three and then be done with it. You just want to make the connection that the click=happiness AKA delicious treats.

Oh and you said ealrier about her digging, BUSTER DOES THAT TOO! If I'm sitting on the couch, we have to pause or mute the tv and I'm like dang it Buster! And I go in there and once he was between his cage and the wall, now he found out he can squeeeeeeeeze into this tiny space behind his big organizer thingy and so he is back there trying to dig to China....well, I don't care anymore because we decided that we are going to rip out that flooring this year anyway :p

My hair is like...."sh*t brown color" and I got blonde highlights and then i kept getting more and I thought I think I will go blonde (since Leo is head-over-heels for blondes...*rolls eyes*) and I did and at first it looked orange it was terrible, then we got it actual blonde and put in low-lights and I love it. But when the roots grow out its looks sooo ugly!!! :'( I know how you feel, I feel jealous of some redheads too :| just not the redheaded stepchildren LMAO! HAHAHAAHA!
Morgan, just do what you do cos I have just laughed my a**e off all the way through that. I was killing myself laughing at the kitchen, that must be a US thing cos I´ve never heard of it over here. You´ll have to take a pic of the rooster if you get it, it sounds great. I also laughed at Katie´s comments as well.

But I do love garden gnomes and the saying on it is so corny but really funny as well.

Mine dig as well, god sometimes it drives me nuts especially when you don´t have a clue why they are doing it and they just won´t stop. Katies, yoúrs is going to China and mine´s going to end up in Australia at this rate.

I laughed today as I took back a TV box to the store as the remote wouldn´t work, I bought it in November. Luckily I bought the same box for my friend about 10 days and I still had that receipt. I took it back and the guy looked at the remote and said that one of the keys had a bit missing off it. I looked at him innocently and said ....yeah, I noticed that but don´t know what happened....he said it looks as though it´s been cut. Anyway he just swapped the whole thing and off I went. I was laughing all the way out thinking that Snowy had bitten the top off the button a couple of weeks ago...

Hair, don´t lets go there. I´m fed up with mine. I´ve had it dark red, lighter red, dark brown then I went back lighter but now I´ve got two tone hair as ít´s darker on the outside than underneath. I really now need to go to a hairdresser to get it put back to one colour and start again...girls, can´t imagine wanting to colour my hair if I didn´t have to, it´s a real pain in the butt when you have to, I can tell you....ohh to be twenty something again lol.
Katie, the wicker baskets that aren't colored or anything, like the natural wicker ones are safe for buns to chew on.
And yes, we were acting like fruitcakes in the store! We were like yelling at each other over different aisles, talking to each other! It was hilarious. There were like 2 other people there other than the workers and they where acting just as crazy as we were because its a little over whelming in there and there is just so much crap to look at! I was taking pictures of stuff too and sending it to my dads girlfriend, we were going crazy!

I will use craisins to work with her with the clickers. I thought that she would like the new pellets enough to use them as a treat, but after a few she didn't care about them anymore. haha. She's so silly.

OH I forgot to say earlier. I got some butter lettuce for me to eat some good delicious salads and I gave Ellie a leaf or two last night. She barely ate it! I gave her some cilantro and she spit the lettuce out and ate the cilantro. haha. She was sitting right in front of her cage and I was trying to nudge her in there by putting all the greens in the cage, but she wasn't having any of it. She had a really long strand of cilantro in her mouth and took of running around kitchen with me half-assed chasing her to pick her up to get her in the cage. So shes eating AND running at the same time, I finally snatched her up and she continued to eat the cilantro while being held and put into her cage. She is completely insane.
AND she has been digging non-stop, all day long. I thought they were supposed to sleep during the day?! Not this one! She won't stop digging. She's making me insane.
Love reading your blog and yes it cracks me up too! You seem to have SO much energy!! Sometimes I'm "tired" after reading your rants....hahahha :)

Kitchen themes. Aaah yes. Very popular in the 80's and 90's but working themselves out. I was browsing Craigslist and saw an ad with a woman selling her entire Apple kitchen theme. My friend is obsessed with lemons and so her kitchen was yellow and lemon themed. I guess you can just pretty much come up with anything!!!! My kitchen doesn't really have a theme. If there is one it would be wine themed. Which is another common theme. I have a couple glass jars that I filled with wine corks. I have a wine rack on top of my cabinets that I keep wine bottles in. I also have a project I want to do where you by a huge corkboard letter of your last name and then glue wine corks on it. Its SO cute!!!

yes post pictures of your hair! Whatever you decide to do. My natural color is sh*& brown too Katie, haha, or dishwater blond. You and Morgan are too young for gray hairs but when I was preggo I stopped coloring my hair for like the first time in years and I have gray hair at my temple!!! Talk about depressing. So I have no idea how much gray I would really have. I haven't been my natural hue totally since I was probably 18 years old.

chris that is hysterical about the TV remote. I can just see you being innocent..."oh wow, the button is gone? Well gee, I have no idea what happened." hahahaha. Classic. My two LOOOOVE tv remote buttons too!!! Its rubber. Something about rubber.
Lisa, yes no idea what happened there, it just came like that. All my remotes have bits missing, only takes a second and it´s gone. Talking of eating...I could here a little bunny behind the sofa but as I have the wires rabbit proofed or so I thought, I wasn´t worried. I have just gone to flush him out as he´d been there ages and they´ve unproofed the cable, Houdini has been scratching at it and it´s slid down and down and Bandy has been munching away on it.....all the white plastic has gone but the coloured wires inside are of these days, they will get a freaky hairdo from the electric shock. They are two little sods.

I´ve been covering grey hairs for so long, I can´t remember when I last had none. I can tell you it is no fun and I have to do it now every three or four is a real PAIN IN THE BUTT. There are some advantages of being my mother´s age (she´s 86) cos she doen´t have to arse about with that any more lol.
Lisa I'm so glad you mentioned wine! I forgot that I saw the wine rack that I want at Garden Ridge! hahaha. Its shaped like a boat! Its like a john boat that is standing up and the bottom part of the interior of the boat is for the bottles and it has metal doors that cover the bottles. Then the top part of the boat which would be the bow of the boat is where you hang the glasses. It was AWESOME! And only like $60. I want it so bad, I'm going to take my husband back and make him buy it for me. Along with a ton of other stuff. I got so excited in there! hahaha. I'm so stupid sometimes, I'm like excited about 7 foot tall completely ridiculous giraffes and crazy stuff like that. And gnomes, but I love those little suckers. I can't wait.

Hahah. They had these alligators that were stone and it made me think about this fake alligator they had at walmart. Its a floating one like this
We're going to get one to put in our pond to scare people. LMAO! We got this fake duck last year that stands on the opposite side of the pond from the back door and in the winter you can see it clearly because there is not green folage, but in the summer you can barely see it because of the greenery. In the summer its the best because when people come over they're like "OMG! Look at that bigass duck!" hahah. It always makes me laugh. So hopefully when we get the fake alligator, people will scream and run away from the alligator! hahaha. I can't wait! I'm such a crazy person.

Lisa, I make you tired?! hahaha. Thats too funny. Surprisingly enough, I'm not very hyper active or anything. I just kind of putter around and do things here and there. I guess it comes out a little more frantic in black and white. haha. Actually, I am probably pretty exhausting because there is always some kind of BS spewing out of my mouth. lmao. My poor husband! Well, I talk to a kid all day and he doesn't have the verbal skills to talk back to me really so who else am I going to talk to? And if I don't go crazy when he gets home from work, he thinks I'm broken.
Maybe I am a crazy person, but it leads to funny things and lots of laughs. My husband laughs at me all the time OR he just stares at me with his mouth wide open, like...what?
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An alligator in your pond...that would have people running haha.

Back to wine again...I like fancy things for my wine bottles and unusual racks but there´s not much choice here not unless you want to pay a fortune.

Another programme you should watch´s called Absolutely Fabulous, two girlfriends and the mother of one and the daughter...I think you might like it.

You are a great eccentric and that leads to lots of laughter and crazy thoughts but you do have us all in fits and that can only be good. I love my daily fix on RO and look forward to getting to read your stuff.

I can really imagine him staring at you as like....WHAT ???

I did laugh at Ellie running off with the food in her mouth...´that is just so funny and I hate it when they don´t want to be caught,...they are such slithery little devils.
Oh Morgan, I saw you commented about 7foot tall giraffes, I just HAD to show you whats in my front living room :)

And I don't picture you as hyperactive or anything :) I guess what I meant by tired is that you have SOOO many thoughts in one post my head is spinning after I read it!!!

But keep them coming please. I love being "tired" after reading your rants. lol
Lisa, that giraffe is a lot like the ones I saw at garden ridge! They had all different sizes and they all different colors. They had dark ones like that but also ones that were pastel and almost kid like. They were cool, but my kid would be trying to ride the giraffe! He's a wild one.

So I think I screwed Ellie all up! haha. I noticed yesterday when I was cleaning out her cage that there was a cecal stuck to the wood near where her box is. So I decided to put a stick on linoleum on that piece of wood so the cecals would be easier cleaned. BUT this morning I go into the kitchen and I'm checking on her and she's crammed into her little box, I was like oh god, she's broken theres something wrong. So I offer her some cilantro, nothing. So at this point(30 seconds after walking into the kitchen) I'm in full blow freak out mode! This is what was happening in my head...OMG she's got stasis, I fed her too many craisins(but I only fed her 3); she hates the smell of coffee? she's scared of the washing machine? she's still not eating this so it has to be tummy problems. She's growling at me, definitely tummy stuff! OHMYGOD SHE'S GONE INTO STASIS FROM CRAISINS! I FED HER SO MANY!
Thats what happened in my head, but in reality what it was was the linoleum I put in front of her box was slippery and she didn't like to stand on it because she slid! I fed her a part of a banana chip and she ate it and then got out of the box to eat the cilantro but her front feet were sliding the whole time! So I put a blanket in there until I take that linoleum off the wood.
LMAO. My mind goes into the crazy place when she looks like something is wrong! hahaha.

My cat just licked my cinnamon bun! Ew.
So the last few days I've been really tired. I haven't pin pointed the exact cause but I think its because I haven't really eaten enough in the last few days. As much as I love food, I have the worst eating habits. I have to eat breakfast because I take vitamins, I pretty much live on salads. Like several a day, haha, its because I just love salad! I've told you guys about my love for salads, I'll eat all kinds of salad. Anyway, I think that maybe I'm not getting enough protein or not enough calories, or not enough something...? But that makes me think that's why I'm so tired.

Oh and last night(I have a picture to go with this) but I locked my rooster out of the coop yesterday, he's being really rough with the hen and when he's in there it makes it **** near impossible for me to go into the coop to clean, feed and water. So he got kicked out yesterday. So I forgot to lock him back in last night, I went out at about 10 to get him and he was on top of the coop! haha. I opened the door but he wouldn't get back in, he just stayed up there. So I said screw you and left him up there. I wasn't going to put my hands on him, he would have attacked me from over my head and I could have gotten hurt! haha. So he slept on top of the coop! I took pictures of him up there. He's so crazy.

I'll post pictures later, I'm going to take some Ellie today and post them too. YAY! :D
Lol, I can totally picture your Ellie freakout. I hate it when they panic us like that! I swear they like to make us worry about them. I had the same thing with one of my rabbits not wanting to walk on the linoleum. Dash hated linoleum too. I got sick of cleaning the carpet in her cage so I pulled the carpet out of her cage and there was linoleum underneath, but then she wouldn't come down from her second level to eat or drink. She refused to step foot on it. Sooo... I put the carpet back. Rabbit 1 Human 0, haha. I think panicking over our rabbits is pretty normal. Toby had some soft poops last night, I think from trying to switch to the walmart food. So I cut back the amout, but this morning I was worried, so I had to peak in on him just to make sure he was ok, and of course he was fine. I think cause the walmart pellets have grain and sugar in them, it makes it a little harder to transition off the sherwood, so I think I'll just have to take it a little slower and transition more slowly. I'm glad it's just the linoleum and not stasis. Stasis is a nightmare to deal with!
I know I'm glad it was the linoleum too! She usually comes to the door of her cabinet and begs for food or to get out and she wouldn't even come to the door, she just stayed in the box. One of the only reasons I really really worried was the way she IN the box, she was facing the back of the box with her butt to me. haha. She was just trying to not touch the linoleum!
I am also transitioning to the walmart food and I'm going SUPER slow. Like only a few pellets at a time, I have plenty of sherwood left, so I'm able to go really slow. I'm addicted to pintrest! It has the best arts and crafts stuff on it! But pintrest is a liar. You look at the stuff and you're like "oh I could do that, I'm crafty!" then you start the project and you realize that pintrest is a lying SOB and you're NOT crafty, you only THINK you're crafty. But really, you just have an inordinate amount of craft stuff for making handmade cards and you think thats crafty, but it isn't, its just 'cute'. Crafty is when you stain your own furniture with pennies and vinegar. Crafty is when you use stumps to make a walkway in your garden. Crafty is when you make a drawer into an ottoman.
I, my friends, am going to make all of those things! Because I. AM. CRAFTY!
An Ellie freakout....they do make our hearts stop sometimes but glad it was only the linoleum, that´s easily fixed.

Morgan, I am just hear falling off the sofa laughing at you being CRAFTY....and your rant at pintrest...haven´t got a clue who they are but you obviously don´t like them. I also would love to be able to transform things but I´m not that crafty (we call it handy). I´m always amazed at people who can get something that looks like nothing and turn it into something completely different or if they can restore it.

Making cards is useful but even I could do that and I´m not crafty. My mom used to do that at her club... I remember she always used to be sending home made cards for birthdays, Christmas, Easter, anniversaries, for anything.

Your cage for Ellie is crafty anyway, you transformed that and it´s unique now. So your definitely are CRAFTY and you didn´t know it LOL.
Pintrest is a website that has everything on it.
Its awesome! I actually do love it, but I don't like the way it tricks me into thinking I can do ALL of those crafts, but really...I can't. haha. The site just makes me think that I'm A LOT more capable than I am! haha.
They have DIY stuff and crafts and hair/makeup/beauty. They have history stuff. They have kids stuff. Their kids stuff is really AMAZING! They have funny stuff. You just get to see all kinds of stuff.
Just be careful when you check it out, because you'll be like...OH! I can do that with this dresser and then you'll get half way through and be like..I hate you pintrest! for making me think I could do this! lmao. Thats how it goes. My friend just had that problem with a wedding decoration. haha.
Hahaha. Thanks Missy, I guess I did miss that 'e'!

Here are some pictures that I took today of the chicks! And the rooster from last night and then a video of the rooster from today. He's a jerk.



I'll post the video once it loads. Stupid tinypic!

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