My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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I sing the song Elvira all the time, at least twice a day. My husband does too. haha. Its so funny.

Yes, I call her Elvira when she's doing something bad! haha. She knows too, she knows when I call her Ellie its alright but if I call her Elvira she stops what she's doing and stares at me like "what mom, I didn't mean it!" haha. She's too smart for her own good or for my own good, I haven't decided yet. haha.
I just need to look up clicker training and how to teach them, I just don't feel like. I just say Elvira is a stern voice or as my husband calls it my "mom" voice and she stops. That or I treat her like a dog and let her sniff some lettuce and then throw it across the kitchen and let her find it and eat it. That usually works too. lmao.
It makes me think of my husband, his name is Alexander Lee-first and middle. When he was doing something wrong, his grand mothers and his mom would yell at him "AlexanderLee" like one word and for a long time when he was a kid, he thought that his whole first name was AlexanderLee. hahaha. I always laughed so hard at him for that. My grand mother always called me Morgan Elizabeth, even if I didn't do anything wrong she just always used my first and middle name, she did the same thing to my mom too. I don't understand it? haha. Old school I guess.

Oh and the rooster sort of attacked me today. I was on the phone when I let him out of the house and he was pissed for being cooped up for so long, I was a little late letting him out. lmao. He came out of that house doing about 100 MPH with wings flapping. He slammed into the side of my leg and squawked at me. It wasn't bad and he didn't hurt me or anything, he was just so mad! haha. Then he hopped his big butt up on his perch and crowed for the duration of my phone call. haha. Hes such a bad boy!
Can´t imagine what it´s like trying to have a conversation on the phone with a rooster crowing in the background lol.

Yes, my mom used to do that as well, she always called me Christine Elizabeth when I was in her bad must be people of a certain generation who do that. She used to do it with all of us.

I´ve just sung that song again. You´ve got a lot to answer for little Elvira.
Teenagers :pullhair: You could always bring the 'ugly' cage back in.

What a good momma hen. Can't wait to see new pictures of all the chicks.
I had to pick a few of the chicks up today. They're so fluffy! I have a few really nice looking colored ones but they're all SO cute. And so healthy looking and happy. They just play, eat, run back under mama, then come out, eat, play and go back under mama. Its so funny!

I knew it was hormones! AHHHHH! I just want to rip my hair out.

Here are some pictures I took today, you can't see all the chicks because they went back under Hen when I walked up. But you can see one of the yellow ones on her back! And then one of the is my barn cat on the fence post.



Aaah look at those lil boogers ;) stinkin cute!! Love their different colors too!
Okay, so something is wrong with my wireless router. Its making me insane, it works some of the time and then it stops working. I wonder if its because the PS3 streams constantly when we're watching tv shows on it, and the router just can't keep up. Its like the middle of the road one so maybe we need a top of the line one to keep up with constant streaming and then constant use of the computer. Because this computer, everything runs off the internet, all my document programs and everything runs off the internet, so I think the router is having a hard time. I think I'm going to call the internet provider and get them to come out and take a look just in case it isn't the router.

OMG my rooster just ATTACKED me! Like chased me around the yard and freaking attacked me! He put his spur through my boot! I didn't have on cowboy boots I had on Ugg boots and he stuck his spur though it and through my sock into my foot. I am so mad right now. I don't know why he did it, I think its because I had the eggs that didn't hatch in my hands. All I know is it hurt and he kept on coming. I threw sticks at him, I kicked him, I chased him and he chased me back! haha. It was bad. I was yelling at him trying to be the "bigger bird" but that didn't work either. I think that I'm going to have to find another flock sire, that is less aggressive. I can't deal with being attacked all the time, he was so good but now he's so not. He's being crazy and he is too big to be attacking me! His spurs are 2 inches long! They're like razors and his claws are an inch long coming off his toes! He has flipping talons!

There are 12 babies! I got 3 eggs that didn't hatch and so that makes 12 chicks. They're really cute, but most of them will be white! AHHH! There are a few in the color I want but like 7 of them are white. Jeez, stupid genetics, it wasn't supposed to be like that. They should have all been slate blue. But she has brought them all out of the house and they're playing around in the coop. They're so cute.

Okay now Ellie news. She is so sweet. I know its the hormones, but I like that she likes to be near me (as long as I'm not trying to do something) but I kind of like when I turn around and right there periscoping up at me waiting for a treat. AND she knows what the apple jack bag sounds like and when I got to get apple jacks out she goes nuts! hahaha. She's too smart.
I'll take some pictures of her later and post them. I think she's gotten a little bit bigger though! Which is pretty exciting.
Routers, computers and anything electricial at the moment is a pain. Mine has days when it´s so slow and takes ages to do anything.

The way you tell it, it is so funny imaging you being chased by this big roo and the fight that ensues. I know it can´t be funny for you, I´ve see what their spurs are like and wouldn´t like to be on the end of those, just wonder why he does it. It´s such a shame cos he´s a lovely looking bird.

Shame about the chicks colours but they are sooooo cute.

That little madame is too smart for her own good lol. Sure is hormones and hoping they settle. It is time for a few Ellie photos, we´ve missed them but have loved the cutie chick ones as well.
I don't want it to sound like I'm unhappy about the chicks being different colors. I'm still going to keep all the hens, I just have to figure out good matches to make the color I want and that might entail me getting another rooster and letting Big Boy go. I'm not sure though, we'll have to see how they feather out. I don't want to sell any of them them! I just want to keep them all but I can't have too many roosters because of the fighting and stuff.

It wasn't funny to be part of the fights but it was probably hilarious to see me in the fight with him! This massive bird. He's such a jerk! I don't know why they do it but its maddening. I have to make sure that the roosters that hatched out from the hen stay sweet, I have to handle them all the time and keep them tame and people friendly. I don't know what happens in their brains to make them so aggressive, but he's terrible. I hope he gets better because I really do love him and I would hate to lose him.
Morgan, this chicken raising is so much more complicated than it sounds and I can understand that an agressive rooster must be a mean SOB. He looks in the photos but wouldn´t fancy him running after me.

The chicks are all gorgeous but for breeding purposes, I understand you´re aiming for a certain type and colour, I hope you manage to get there in the end. I suppose it´s the waiting to see how they turn out and being so happy that they´re all OK but disappointed that they didn´t come out as you´d imagined colourwise. You have done so well though and your hen is such a star.

By the way, the cat is lovely, just love the colour and it´s such a good photo.
Morgan, you always have me cracking up. You are too funny! So I've already got 3 attack rabbits that I have to deal with, but I don't think I could deal with an attack rooster. My brother's calm little chickens made me nervous, I couldn't imagine dealing with an attack rooster. Hahaha, I can just see you out there trying to fend off this giant bird with your feet and sticks.

Oh no! Watch out or Ellie is going to turn into a sugar fanatic. I used to have a rabbit that knew the sound of crinkling wrappers meant something yummy, and she would come dashing towards me from where ever she was. I would be up on this really high bed and she would LEAP up on there and be right in my face begging for a bite of whatever I was eating. It was my fault cause she learned this from this bag of fruit bites that I would feed her for a treat. It was too funny though. She was probably the smartest rabbit I've ever had. I've got a picture of her somewhere. I'll have to see if I can scan it and post it on here.

I would have no idea how to fix a router problem. Usually if there is a problem I will just unplug it for a minute to reset it, then plug it back in, and that usually works. I pretty much know nothing about computers, so if it's anything more complicated than a reset, I luckily have a sister down the road that fixes all our computer problems.
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Okay I had to stop real quick and post about Ellie. I just finished her cabinet cage and put her in it. Its not 100% but its done enough that she can get into it and be safe, while I'm trying to do stuff in the kitchen. She is not a happy black and white! She is going flipping nuts in there! She's digging at the wire on the door and I'm scared she's going to hurt her front feets. I don't really know how to make her like her cage, but I put some greens and half a baby banana in the cage with her so she could snack and then hopefully take a nap.

I think she's stopped digging now, I'll let her out in a few minutes after I do the floors and get the area cleaned up. Then she can come back out, but I think that I'm going to start putting her up at night again because she's making a mess of my kitchen at night. I will say that its pretty hard to sweep with half the broom bristles gone. hahahaha.
We NEED pics :) Haha, Ellie is used to being a free bunny, but she'll get used to it. You could try doing all feeding and treat time while she's in her new cage so that she'll start to like being in there. Also, when she's digging at the door, you may not want to open the door to let her out, or even pay attention to her, so that behavior won't be reinforced, and wait til she's not showing any bad behaviors before you open up the door.

Ok, so here are a couple pics of my super smart bun that I had about 10 years ago. Her name was Sunshine and she was a sugar addict, as you can tell by the wrapper on her head. Yes, the bag was empty, but of course that didn't stop her. I'm sure she was licking every last morsel of sugar from the inside of the bag :) I never rabbit proofed my room, and surprisingly(luckily) she never chewed on any cords, she was a really good bun, but she loved to jump up on my bed and pee on it. It was totally intentional!

rabbit pics 001 (1024x689).jpg

rabbit pics 002 (1024x689).jpg
Aw she is so cute and love the pic with her head in the bag. I´m sure if mine got a chance, they´d be exactly the same.

Ellie will have to get used to being caged again and she´s probably not gonna like it. Maybe as Jenny suggests, make sure it´s a place she gets her treats and she´ll see as somewhere she wants to go. Then again as she´s so smart, she´ll be in there all the time expecting treats and you´ll never get her out again lol.

Pics please to see how it´s turned out.
Jenny, that is an adorable lop! I love her. What a sweetie she must have been.

Okay here are some pictures of Ellie's new cage. She did calm down after she was in there for a little while and got into her box.
So before you guys jump on me for the size of it, I know its small! With all the stuff in there its a lot smaller than I anticipated. So thats why I said earlier that its not 100% done, because I HAVE to add some levels in there for her to have more space.
Oh and the box she is in isn't her usual box, that box was way to big so she got the small box, and she is much to big for that box but she seems to like it. hahaha.

Here is front door of it

Heres what it looks like on the inside.

And then a hen and chick picture. This isn't all the chicks, some of them were on the other side of the house, but this is most of them! She brought them out today and they spent the majority of the day outside. They're all so adorable its unbelievable!
I just thought of you. I'm watching episodes "A Bit of Fry and Laurie" on netflix, HILARIOUS, and in one of the shorts one of the characters says "I'm aroused...every morning by a rather insistent COCK."

They were asked to describe their alarm clocks. *rolls around laughing*
I think her cabinet cage turned out great. You are so handy and don't worry about the size. To me, the only time size truly comes into play is when the rabbit is "caged" all the time which obviously isn't the case with miss Ellie. I like her cozy box. My two do NOT like enclosures like that at all. They like their tunnel, to run through and play, but to sit inside something......neither one like it! :)

The chicks in the yard with momma look so cute. It's so amazing they were just in an egg a few days ago and now walking around and pecking and eating!
Morgan, her little hideout is great, you are so clever and it doesn´t really matter as she spends most of her time in the kitchen. She does look a bit bigger sitting in her box, she´s so cute, I just love that colour.

Missy, I love Fry and Laurie and they are so funny together. I was watching re-runs at my friends house over Christmas and they got together not long ago to do a special as well. I just love that type of humour which is double-entendre but the way they do it, it never sounds that bad. I didn´t think Hugh Laurie was as well know for this period of his acting career as he´s so much more well known over there as being House but he´s a really funny comedian.

The pics of the hens and her babies, well I just love it. Nature is amazing that last week, they were inside the egg and now they´re out with their momma.
Okay Missy, I've giving A Bit of Fry and Laurie a watch. I love Hugh Laurie, he's so handsome. I also love Stephen Fry, he's hilarious. And you guys know how much I love British tv! haha. The police station being owned by share holders and the bank, isn't that about the truth! Lmao, they were a little before their time. Argue the Toss! hahaha.

Ellie spent last night in her cage! She did so well, I didn't hear her scratch at all. I put some romaine in the cabinet before I put her in, so she went in a ate and then I guess she laid down and went to sleep. She was in the box when I came down this morning and she didn't get to RUN out, she got up and stretched and slowly hopped out, so I think she likes it! :D
My husband said something about a shelf in there for her, for her to explore more. So I think we may do that this weekend, along with doing the chicken coop. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that it doesn't rain this weekend so we can do everything outside that we need to do!
Ellie's cupboard looks great! And she looks like she is really content in there. I think rabbits like to have a nice snuggly place to settle down in :) I'm sure she'll like having an extra shelf in there to explore too. Wow, Ellie has gotten so BIG!

Seeing those chicks out with their mom is too cute! So is there chicken wire along the bottom of the chain link fence, or do the chicks just stay in there close to mom?

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