My first Bonding attempt/ Rabbit ID help.

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Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
I took a big chance and broke all the rules. I was looking at puppies and saw a rabbit I just had to have for me; possibly a mix of some type I am guessing Fuzzy or Holland Lop. I adopted him without letting her meet him first, he is 4 years old fixed male.





They have had 3 date nights.

Date 1 Friday

This date consisted of me allowing the two of them to roam free in the bedroom, they showed no interest in each other at first. Then slight curiosity was shown by Elizabeth, the date ended after about 2 hours when Elizabeth kept trying to mount Thumper (I know) and he seemed to be getting irritated. We allowed him to sleep in the cage while she stayed the night in our holding pin, in our room.

Date 2 Sat Multiple dates this day each lasting several hours.

Again in our room running free. This time we noticed Elizabeth was warming up to him, trying to cuddle or rest on his back (not mouting). No adverse activity noticed, we decided to try to cage them together (water bottle ready) the only problem noticed was Thumper decided the litter box was his. He would not attack her, but would push her out of the box. So I setup a temporary litter box for her until I could get to wal-mart later.

Second date say day after being caged together for a few hours, went much like the last, they would hid in close proximity to each other, less then 6 inches. At some points in time she would be cuddling with him. This time we had a shared water bowl and small pile of treats, he would drink from the bowl she would just jump through it (She still drinks from a bottle). No fights over the food or water.

I then made trip to walmart got another litter box, more litter, and some chew sticks. Placed the second litter box in the cage next to the first; then said a prayer and let them spend the night together.

Date 3 Sunday.

Said another prayer and went down stairs to see if I still had two health bunnies. They both looked happy, and Elizabeth was moving around the cage more then she used to. One problem noticed, he now clamed both litter boxes, he would jump out from one to the other to chase her out. Moved the second litter box up to the raised perch. Elizabeth was now allowed to use the litter box un harassed. Again I allowed them to play freely in the room, this time my wife watched them while I worked around the house.

She called me to come to the room, Thumper would chase Elizabeth around the room, she is much faster and would slow down or stop to allow him to catch her. Once he caught her he would touch his nose to her bum and off she would go. Now Thumper seems to be a bit over weight and needs to rest often, so when he was resting Elizabeth would hop slowly over to him in a teasing way trying to get him to play. When he wouldn't play she would just lay with him until he was rested.

At the end of date/day 3 we noticed he is also territorial of the food and water, he was likely always like they we just didn't catch it. I have placed her bottle on her perch and a small bowl of food there until I can figure out what to do. I see no signs of physical aggression from either of them, he just hops over and nudges her with his nose when she tried to eat. Then he would start eating.

I am open for all comments and suggests, the good bad and ugly.
Awwww, that's so cute!! Sounds like you have bonded buns with only a few minor glitches, and assuming Elizabeth is a mini-rex, that's quite a feat, they're not the easiest bunnies to bond.

I have the opposite problem with my pair, btw. Darry, the mini-lop, is probably really tired of my little pig of a mini-rex, Mister, hogging all the food, so whenever I come up to the pen, she jumps on him, humping him until he backs off. They're constantly doing this to each other, they're not the snuggly pair my dwarf/mutt guys are, but they don't fight, they just chase.

The key is just to really make sure they have lots of space (how big is the pen/cage?) so they can chill out in separate areas. But you seem to have a good handle on that.

Can you expand the cage or put a pen around it? I had a mother/daughter pair of mini-rexes who fought like crazy, they had big patches of missing fur, etc, when they came to me. They improved with the bigger pen, which had two shelf areas, but they didn't totally get along until I added a third shelf along another side. It made all the difference.

sas :goodluck
I don't think I can expand it any more really, its 8 foot by 4 foot, so there is not much room in the basement for expansion. I did think about expanding her perch.

Elizabeth is a Mini Rex from what I was told, she is about 11 or 12 weeks old, so maybe she will woman up as she gets older. We have an appointment with the vet this week to see when we can get her spayed.

Elizabeth being so young is still not used to people, she is fine once you pick her up and snuggle her, but she doesn't want to be picked up. I have to climb in the cage to get her out for play time. Thumper on the other hand doesn't mind being picked up, unless you try to come from behind him.

Any suggestions on what thumper might be? he weighs 7lbs and is really furry, and is shedding like nothing I have ever seen before. He has a full coat no patches but man does he shed. I am not 100% sure on what he is or might be mixed with.
Very cute bunny you got there. Would love to see pics of the both of them.

You are certainly a lot more game than me, your two are more bonded than mine are in 8 months. But it's not so much that they don't get along, it's that I am too scared to put them together! I am gaining some courage from you over cyberspace I think... thank you.
I thought Thumper was a Holland Lop, but at 7lbs he's got to be a Mini-Lop or French Lop or something larger, LOL!

Or he's a REALLY overweight Holland. ;)

Thumper's just going through a molt, he'll get over it soon. I usually rub them down with wet hands and rinse the hair off my hands in a bowl of water and pet them down again. It will keep him from ingesting the hair.

Molts can make some rabbits crankier than usual, he may not be as possessive down the road.

Expanding the inside area works well, if you can add an extra shelf or expand the one that's there, that would be great.

sas :bunnydance:
I really was thinking Holland lop also given the length of his ears, from what I can tell from breed specification and pictures, his ears are too short for a french. They more closely match the description of a Holland, but he is like 2x the weight of a Holland.

Thanks for all the comments I will get some pics of them together today.,
He does look a little porky ;) A companion is a good way to increase the exercise level though.

It sounds like it is going fine to me. I would provide a couple of water bowls and remove the food bowl (just scatter food over the floor) so there is nothing to be territorial about if that's an issue.

It takes rabbits awhile to settle down so expect the mounting/chasing behaviour to tail off gradually rather than disappear instantly.
I agree with Pam. Your bunny is a tri-colored Mini Lop! She might be a mix-bred, its always a safe bet to consider a pet-store bought rabbit a mix-bred just because you don't know for sure. It's a very cute bunny! I love its chunky head!
One thing I would caution you - many young unspayed females get very territorial when they go through puberty around 5 months. She may want to be bonded now, but be prepared for their bond to break as she gets older. There may even be serious fights, so just be careful and don't worry if they stop getting along in a few months.

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