My daddy's been being strange

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2009
Reaction score
Gosford, , Australia
Daddy has been really strange lately, he's changed my water so it tastes bitter but it has mint in it so it's okay, he said it had D-kaffynated T in it... Well T is not my favourite letter of the alphabet and I don't know what kaffynated it, but i'm glad that they D'd it!

Daddy hasn't been feeding me as much as usual, but that's because I've got a new food, i turned my nose up at it so he's been feeding me on weetybix i love weetybix! Maybe he's going to bring me some more clover!

Has anyone else's mummys and daddys been strange lately?

Lucy xoxo
my mum has been crying latly... i dont know why.. its like the rain from the sky, but her eyes make it.
and is givin more time for us to go out.
My daddy cries a lot too, he'll come and sit by my cage and the water will pour down his face. I don't like it when that happens, I try my best to get ouf of the cage to him and eventually I find a way out. He holds me really tight and the water falls even more, so much that I think we'll both drown.

I don't want my daddy to cry but he does, and I do love the pats he gives me when he is, but I'd trade all the pats and treats and even all the toys in the world to see him smile instead, or laugh or try to do a binky (It's not that hard! How come hoomins never can do it right? It's just a jump and twist!)

I'm on Daddy's bed at the moment, the waters were coming from his eyes again and I'm trying to make him smile.
you do that lucy!
my mommy cant do binkies or sport.. she has a heart thing... whats a heart?
awh, i hope your daddy will stop cying now...
ill give him some clovers. it works for me and eyore...
my mummy is going to do history, geography, maths, citizenshhip and srt home work now..
ill go and help!
ill talk to you later lucy! and becafeful your daddy does not drown you!!!!
i hope he feels better soon.
(its caramels human, i hope you feel better. caramel is sooooooo bad at helpin me do home i might be on later, so slán for now.)
ps, eyore syas heellotrsi to you. i am stil teaching him how to press the micey thing.
bunny kisses xoxox
eep gomework! my daddys supposed to be writing a speech for tomorrow but he's too busy cuddling me. it's so cold! I don't know who's keeping who warm!

Lucy xoxo
Yeah when my mummy cries it is scary because I don't know what is wrong. It especially scares me when she has a weawwy bad migraine and gets sick. I want my mummy to be okay. She does tell me that she is okay a lot.

My mum is okay for now, I just hope that she doesn't get a bad headache again ever.

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