My bun is crazy

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Mar 1, 2010
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
I am kinda confused about what to think about my bun. I have read the rabbitspeak site and all and I feel like I understand the psychology mostly but I still just am a little confused.

My bun is an extremely happy-go-lucky bunny. She is always very happy to see me when I come to her cage and when she is in her play area she will come over and see me when I talk to her. She really seems to like it when I sit down in the play area with her.

What I cant figure out is what she is tryin to say to me when Im in there. She likes to hop and bink all around me and then come up and sniff me all over and then she digs at me and bites me. If I yelp she starts to bink and run around and start the process over again. Like its a game. Im all for fun and games but I REALLLYYYYY dont like the biting, and why would she be digging at me? She also likes to headbut me too. Is it that she is being agressive? Am I just missing something here?:?
randaatje wrote:
I am kinda confused about what to think about my bun. I have read the rabbitspeak site and all and I feel like I understand the psychology mostly but I still just am a little confused.

My bun is an extremely happy-go-lucky bunny. She is always very happy to see me when I come to her cage and when she is in her play area she will come over and see me when I talk to her. She really seems to like it when I sit down in the play area with her.

What I cant figure out is what she is tryin to say to me when Im in there. She likes to hop and bink all around me and then come up and sniff me all over and then she digs at me and bites me. If I yelp she starts to bink and run around and start the process over again. Like its a game. Im all for fun and games but I REALLLYYYYY dont like the biting, and why would she be digging at me? She also likes to headbut me too. Is it that she is being agressive? Am I just missing something here?:?
sounds like a living doll,,wow--love nip...or are we talking drawing blood--its what i call the blood letting,--is the bun fixed.??-sounds like not...sincerely james waller:wave::inlove::bunnydance::pinkbouce::pink iris:
I agree with James here... Is the bunny fixed or unaltered? I doubt it's aggression. I think you need to make the bun understand that playing is good and you are willing to play but biting is a no-no. You might loudly tell it "no!" or you can stomp your foot. I find that a loud clap usually startled their attention away from doing something naughty. Some buns are overly excited and can't contain themselves. Nipping while not drawin blood, is stressful for us but the bun just thinks it's good fun. Is your bun a young one? Buns mellow after neutering usually, and with age.
My bunny acted like this a lot when he was very young. I think your bunny is trying to play with you and you need to teach her that this isn't an acceptable way to play with people. I had a lot of luck with standing up and walking away. I would return a minute later and if I got more nips, I would leave again. It only took a few days for my bun to learn that nipping makes his playmate go away.

I think neutering will also help.
Thanks for the advice, she isn't drawing blood - just driving me crazy. :) She is only 14 weeks old so really young and not fixed. I didn't think it was aggression because she always seems really happy to see me and really excited when I come in to play with her. I think I will try the walking away thing because Ive noticed that she doesn't like it when I leave her play area without her. She sits at the baby gate giving me the best sad bunny look she can muster up. Should I do the same thing when she digs on me too? That isn't the funnest feeling either.
Unaltered bunns love to nip and groom.
For hairless humans the experience isn't probably what it would be if we were bunns too! ;)

Our one male used to honk and nip me until my arms were pink and red and SORE!He was so happy though! He used to spray my long hair too...he would sneak up behind me while I sat on the couch and pee in my hair! lol
Then he would binky like a fiend and start all over...

He was just showing how much he loved me...and while I did appreciate the sentiment...we neutered him and the behavior soon stopped. She is just letting you know that you are now owned by a rabbit and by the sounds of it she loves you alot!:D

I would just give a "warning" for the digging behavior maybe. When she digs, say no and push her away from you. If she comes back and does it again, or nips you, then get up and walk away. Make sure to turn your back on her - giving her any eye contact or attention is what she wants. After a minute, return and play as normal. Hopefully she'll learn that saying no and pushing her away means stop and then you won't have to walk away every time.
ok! Last night when I sat in her play area to spend time with her she started to nip me. I pushed her away each time and said "NO!" But she bounced right back. So the next time I clapped my hands each time she went to nip me and said "NO!" but she didn't really care... Soooo... next I turned around so that my back was turned to her (while I was still sitting down). I started to think it was working.... but then she bit me on the REAR! AHHH!!! I got up and left that time.
I was going to warn you about THAT! :biggrin2:
I got the same thing from our BIG English spot/lop cross...and you thought the regular nipping hurts! Insult to injury! lol

I know its probably not funny...

You really need to get her in for a spay...if this is hormonal behavior it is really the only thing that is going to help curb it...if a bunn is being aggressive then clapping or yipping might help...but pure hormone driven nipping...that is a spaying issue!

The only thing I can suggest in the meantime is when the behavior starts...get up and leave the room until she settles down again...I did it with our male...and itbroke my heart because I knew he was just so darned happy to see me...but it gets to be a little much!

One thing you could also try...not sure if this works for females or not. To try to re-direct our male...we went out and bought a stuffed bear...we buy stuffed rabbit dolls now since they are more rabbit like...I put it in bed with hubby and i for a few days to pick up our scent...and then gave it to Solembum as a "friend" did help a bit...if he got really nippy we would get his bear out for him to groom and nip at instead of won't stop the nipping...but you may be able to split it between you and the doll until you can get her spayed!
Just a thought! :)

Haha, yeah, you really need to leave the area instead of just turning around - when you turn around, they think they need to bite harder to get your attention! Haha.
I'm on the "hormone band wagon" as well a spay would most likely fix this; I think she's trying to become the Alpha Bun over you. She nips you and gets a reaction. Buns if they can move you out of the way - the think "HA! I'm in charge".

I use the term "OFF!" and never back down (fear they notice and will push it once they see you react to the nip). Sometimes they have a valid "b*tch" your invading their space, etc.. but yours sounds like she's trying to tell you what to do which is fine, as long as bites/nips are not involved.

Good luck and it sounds like you have it handled, and will be curious to hear how it goes forward so post back.
if she keeps on biting you, try hitting her nose. Not hard, but just enough to show her who the boss is. and walk away as well.
Hope she gets better
I would not recommend bopping your bunny on the nose after a nip - this is a good way to raise a hand shy bun. Bunnies have a blind spot immediately in front of their nose, so a quick hand motion and a firm tap could be very startling.If you must do something, sometimes blowing in her face (just a little puff of air) or gently holding her head down for a few seconds can help.

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