My boyfriend is jealous of my bunny (as well as my other pets).

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Good news on the sleeping! It's a sign things are getting better for you. how's the zoo crew?
My zoo is good! I've spent the past 6 hours with Weston. I got him some new toys from the thrift store and he's been investigating them as well as my laptop, my pillows, my tv remote, my cell phone, my hair, etc. :p He is in a goofy mood and has been in crackhead mode running laps around my bed lol. He also was doing serious plotting on how he could steal my lunch. Everytime I leaned over to get my drink, I would catch him with his paws on my plate. I had a burger and I offered him a piece of lettuce but he just sniffed it then sulked off in defeat. Before I got Weston out I had a very frustrating day, but his mood has definitely helped my mood.
Aren't bunnies the sweetest things. They make life fun and enjoyable. Derby does laps too. Not today as he is recovering from his neutering, but probably again soon. Last night he layed and snuggled, tell he wasn't quite himself.
Stopped by to see how you were doing. So thrilled Weston is making you smile. Bunnies have that awesome ability to perk up my day too.

BTW, saw your pic. All I can say is, boy did he loose out. What a loser he is.

You are a beautiful girl and deserve the same love and commitment you put into a relationshiop. Weston is showing you just that with his sweet ways.

Keep that chin up!

Hey how about a photo of you and your best guy, Weston. He sounds like a real cuties and definitely loves his mom. Derby sends his love and nose bonks. Hope you have plans for another outing today.
This has been an interesting day.
I didn't sleep well and once my nighttime meds wore off (around 9:30) I went to the store to get cigarettes and I wound up renting 2 movies as well. I hate watching scary/horror movies alone, so I got Weston out. He played for awhile then slept in his tube while I pet him occasionally. I've spent about 8 hours with him today. I got the house cleaned and relaxed a bit.
A couple hours ago I was really hungry so I went to pick up something from burger king. On my way back, a motorcycle had crashed in front of me. The entire right side of the bike was pretty mangled and the guy was laying on the ground (no helmet). People were already getting out of their cars to help. I lost my apetite and really thought I was going to throw up (i don't do well with stuff like that). So that messed with me.
My parents should be home in a couple hours so i'm trying to enjoy my last few moments of peace and quiet. I'll definitely be glad to relinquish some of the responsibilities tho, especially managing my brother.
gmas rabbit wrote:
Hey how about a photo of you and your best guy, Weston. He sounds like a real cuties and definitely loves his mom. Derby sends his love and nose bonks. Hope you have plans for another outing today.

I'll try taking a pic of me and weston soon. He's not a fan of being picked up/held.
So I was just talking to one of my friends from back home and I was telling her about what has really been going on with my ex. She was saying "ha" and "lol" alot.
I got pretty upset because I don't see how it's funny!
She also said that I need to look at my part and what I did wrong. I was thinking to myself "umm..that's all i ever did!"
That definitely hurt my feelings... :sigh:
We are a weird and insensitive species at times. Quite often more likely to joke and make fun of situations that make us uncomfortable, rather than be comforting and sensitive. Possibly it was over your friends comfort zone and she didn't know what to say to encourage you. Either way it was unfair and disturbing for you. Don't take it personally, realize that you have already analized your part and are ready to go on. Let it go and leave the past where it belongs, in the past. You are doing great and have made big advancements in the past week. Pat yourself on the back, wrap both your arms around yourself and hug tightly. That is from Derby and I.
I seriously want to scream and/or punch something right now.
My ex is being such a d**k! He has been contacting me at least 3 times a day. If I ignore him, then he just keeps texting wondering what i'm doing. He wanted to talk on the phone today and I gave in. He told me that he almost stopped by the other night. When I told him that I don't want to see him yet, he basically said that even though it would hard, it would be harmless. Then he said he wanted to make sure that I wasn't still hoping we'd get back together. When I told him that I wasn't, he just said "good. because your actions lately have reaffirmed my decision to split." He keeps asking who i've talked to about us and what their opinions are. And he keeps asking about things that aren't any of his business (like if i've been keeping my room clean and if i've been behaving myself)! I really thought that the break-up would bring about some relief, but it hasn't. I feel like anything I say to him can and will be used against me. I let my guard down and I vented to him yesterday about how I feel like I can't talk to certain people. And the one person I mentioned most sent me an obligatory text last night asking how I was doing. I answered and she never got back to me. I can only assume that he told her what I said (and he most likely added some stuff too).
I'm extremely frustrated and since my parents are back, my dad uses the laptop most of the day so I have very little time to actually talk to people online.
My sleep was better for awhile, but it got bad again and i've been having nightmares and I wake up really sweaty from them.
Sorry for the rant...
My opinion? Yu don't feel relief during the "break" because you haven't really broken away from him completely if you are still texting and talking... He is so desperately trying to continue to control you! Call your cell company and have his number blocked! He won't be able to call or text you anymore and you'll have some time to really get a clear head!

Big hugs!!! We are here for you!!!
Can you block his number on your phone? Don't give him any information because he deffinately will use it against you. He is out of your life and I hope you are starting to see that is for the best. Look at how happy Weston is with his new lovely set-up! He is still trying to control you.

Tell him if he continues to contact you or if he ever stops by you will get a restraining order, then DO IT if he won't respect your boundaries. He is so menipulative, you are so much better without him.

He is harassing you. :( It sounds like he is out to really upset you, because he desperately needs to get control over you back; classic control freak. He needs to be able to control you and your life in any way he can; I doubt he will be stopping any time soon. I suggest you get a new phone, or at least a new number, and break with him and everyone from that past life. Sounds like you don't need them, anyway. But if you keep the old phone, too, you can still have contact with people you don't want to delete, but might be inclined to give him your new number.

It actually feels really good going through and deleting contacts. :p It helps to free yourself in your mind from it all. I also suggest starting a new facebook page, and only adding non-mutual friends. Btw, if you or anyone else wants to add me, I'm Ariana Wilson; I have the poster of Reuben as my current pic. :D Wouldn't mind some more rabbit friends!

p.s., he looks like a loser. ;) Just sayin', he does! I'm not joking when I say you actually look like you're from a higher class from him.

wow I'm in a talkative mood today. :p
Jen, I certainly agree with the advise above about blocking this guy, changing your facebook and dropping anyone who says they are your friend and then uses you to report back to him. Get your dad to let him know in no uncertain terms that he is not to contact you. If all other fails, definitely put a restraining order on him. He is dangerous. How do I know?? As I said before, my daughter's ex tried to burn the house down with her and the kids in it, and tried to run her down with the car. It is a control issue, and HE will go to any extreme to control and make your life miserable. Good for you recognizing his dangerous potential and getting out, before you were married, before you had kids. Hang in there, we are all here for you.
I told him yet again that i'm not ready to be friends (after he sent me 4 messages plus a song on facebook). If he doesn't respect that, than I will consider blocking his number. I'm not going to drag my dad into this, he's never been one to express interest in any of my relationships. That was always my older brother's place. My brother and I's relationship is strained at times, but he did tell me 2 days ago that he is glad i'm not with him anywhere because it didn't seem good for me and my bf was always making rules for me and making me look/feel stupid.
Anyway, my boyfriend does seem somewhat set on hurting me. He made a comment earlier that he's tempted to go have meaningless sex with other girls. I can't tell him not to since we aren't together, but he knows saying that would hurt me. Especially since I tried SO hard to keep that from happening when we were together even though he knew it was really hard for me since I had been in a relationship a few years ago where I was raped. (Sorry if this isn't thread-appropriate. Mods, just PM me if I need to edit, or erase this last paragraph).
I just wish he would stop telling me that he loves me and is there for me.
Hmm i'm a bit concerned about the fact you are having so much trouble blocking him. You should not even consider it you should just do it. Honestly you are better than that and it's obvious he doesn't want to be your friend he just wants to control you for his own twisted game.

The way he is acting I would deffinately get a restraining order and if you move on and feel like him being back in your life won't harm you mentally or physically then take the restraining order off...

But I find it a bit unfair everyone one here is really worried about you and care a lot and are giving you so much good advice but your just waving the advice away and continuing with this stressful life style.
Bonnie Lee wrote:
But I find it a bit unfair everyone one here is really worried about you and care a lot and are giving you so much good advice but your just waving the advice away and continuing with this stressful life style.

I actually disagree. I've told my mom that me getting Weston was the best thing that could have happened because it brought me to this forum. If I hadn't started this thread, I know for a fact that I would still be with my ex. If you read the entire thread, you should be able to see progress. I know I see progress in myself. I didn't see how he was acting as abusive and I even defended him. I'm not doing that now. I really appreciate all the support that I have recieved. I apologize if I seem like I am dismissing anyone, because that is not my intent. I am just being honest with what is going on and how I am feeling.
It's hard to go from telling someone absolutely everything, to not being able to tell them anything. I think I am getting there tho.
My apologies if I offended you, I didn't mean in anyway that you haven't progressed as I can definately see you have come a long way but having night sweats is quite worrying to hear and it must be hard but he isn't being nice in your behalf the way you have explained it and I know what it sounds hard to stop talkin to someone straight away but you will move on and feel that by keeping in contact it has slowed down your progress... I can't explain what I mean properly so I don't know if that makes sense
She isn't waving the advice away, it's just hard to make changes like that. :) It's a process, and I know for me, everything always takes awhile for me to adjust to. I think Jen has relied on him a lot, and it's hard to just walk away from someone when you have feelings for them, even if they aren't treating you well, especially if you're used to them having a lot of control over you.

As for his immature 'threat'; that sure is a good way of showing how much he loves and cares for you.

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