My Bohemian Bunnies

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That's good to know about the email money transfers!! I'm going to look into that :) We do have Global pet foods, I saw one the other day and it's not far away at all. That's good to know.

My sister lives very close to Moncton and she is coming down in a few weeks so maybe I can get her to pick up the oxbow. Where do you find that?
I just snapped a picture of the sleepy babe. I sent my 4 year old off with the cam because she has a gift no kidding..we come from a line a very longgg line of photographers. my grandmother had a photo shop in Germany that she and my grandfather opened before the war. My grandfather was a very gifted artist well... I HAD the gift with REAL cameras (oops.. I guess all of them are real lol).. but digitals, I hate themmmmmm... especially when they are crappy.. anyway here is the sleepy pic...


I can't seem to stop writing today!!! Finn just did the happy bunny flop for the first time. Apparently he likes alison krauss. I put it on because I have a silent house, my hurricane ( my 4 year old) and her daddy-o have left to get proper bunny nutrition and Finn perked his ear up and wow can they perk.. and then over he went.
oh Trist hes GORGEOUS...!! I LUV HIM! he looks like my Sherman ...we weighed him the other day and he is 13lbs of pure bunny bliss....i love how baby Giants have this itty bitty tiny baby eye look but huuge ears that they are so clumsy with.....does he do the head binky ? my Sherm can do some groovy moves for a big dude...:)...dont forget to weigh him...and take lots of baby pics cuz he will lose this look very quickly..and its TOO STINKIN CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..
Oh heavens he's adorable! :shock::inlove:If I visit Canada.... :pI'd be a total sucker for this bun. He'd get away with everything. Lol.

edited for typo lol
Yup you can get Oxbow there and their stuff is AMAZING!
Moncton doesn't carry it 24/7 so if you want something call them, they irder it in then your sister can pick it up, it takes about a week for it to come in so call ASAP if you want her to get it.

I'd call the one close to you to see what they have and get them to order it though since it's close and all...also Oxbow has the better buyer cards so you buy 6 bags and your 7th is free.

I just ordered 50lbs of timothy hay and OMG it's sooo fresh and green, the buns are going CRAZY, they love it and they're all on Oxbow pellets. Next I'mordering 50lbs of pellets, trust me with a flemmie you'll go through the 50lbs in no time. They also sell Alfalfa based pellets they are called 15/23 and then they have the timothy ones which are called T.

That pic is too adorable :heartbeat: You have to take a pic of that Santa he is laying beside, I LOVE decorations!!
Lisa This boy can EAT.. holyyyy. and drink.
and poop.and poop.and poop. BUT he did NOT have one accident all night!!!!! YAY!!

How can you not GUSH about babies. I can't help it. Nela, he is already getting away with murder muhahaha in terms of being spoiled rotten.

My husband is the worst. He is so nervous ( I am too) like Finn is a newborn human. My husband is always shussshing everyone. " not too loud, you'll scare him.""turn down the tv, he has big ears he probably hears better than anyone in here" My husband did teh dishes SIDEWAYS last night because Finn was laying in front of the sink lol

Brandy, I will def take xmas deco pics. The santa was turned the wrong way by the Hurricane Girl.
The only thing I'm really worried about is the fact that Fin doesn't chew on anything. Doesn't even try except all the hay hay hay hay hay and pellets he eats.

is that normal?
he is also a deep sleeper. He is so mellow, is that normal?

I mean really mellow.

He binkies, and yes, Lisa those ear shakes LOL once in awhile.. but mainly he hangs out at our feet, on our feet or under the tree. He will get up, shake his head and off he goes but not for long, he then flops and he is zzzzzzz.

My father said his uncle in germany raised them ( I did not know that in my 43 years on this planet) and that they were very very docile and he used to bring them dandelion greens from the banks of the river. What a bueatiful image. I was doing the teary eyed thing because Dad told me how much he loved those rabbits and how Finn was gorgeous.

omg bunny love . I feel bad I'm not gushing about the others right now but he is a baby..I'll get back to the others, to talk about them but right now, it's all about Finn.

Brandy thanks for the info.. :) I will let my sister know what she's up for. I see many trips in her future lol

Trist the only thing about the Oxbow is its VERY expensive...Brandys right its kick butt stuff but i cant afford to feed all my buns with way.i did at first cuz i only had a couple of em but 9 bunnies nope no way...:)and 2 of them are Giant Sherm doesnt chew on anything ..nothing..he is my Gentleman ..hes proper and polite and yes hes lazy and a kick back kinda dude....none of my other buns are like this..,my female giant is a booger..she digs ,yanks on the bars of the cage,,,,and let me tell u when a 16lb bunny digs and yanks at the cage ..u KNOW IT!.she has yanked her poop box outta my hand before and it went EVERYWHERE....and it was dirty...ack...hehe
Trist i love hearing about ur husband shushing everybody..hehe..i do that too..shush ur scaring the bunnies!!..i tell that to anybody who comes over to my house.,..i dont care if they have a prob..they can leave...hehe
bahahahahahah 16 lb bunny .. I can imagine what chaos that would be with a personality like you described! I hope Phineas stays as mellow as he is. I was over worried because seriously, he is no trouble at all.

He is very happy but just so laid back. Nothing phases him.
he is completely separated by two rooms/gates and doors. I am quaranteening him so he has the run of the livingroom while the other bunnies have my bedroom in turns.

He does nothing but follow me everywhere, do happy little energetic spurts, eats with BOTH paws IN the dish and I had to put the whole dish in his litterbox to keep it stable and he likes it on an angle. ( spoiled brat already ;) He likes the pellets under the alfalfa hay and digs for them.

However, seeing that Oxbow is really expensive, I think I'll have to stick with what I have now.

I had to get a huge non flippable dog dish for his water because he loves to drink. I swear he has grown in 48 hours.

Ooooph now I need a nap. I'm running on a low tank. Busy busy day. I will have new pics tomorrow! yay. I'm keeping the dinosaur of a camera. bad quality but at least it captures moments.
k I'm off to put the hurricane in the bath and then I'm snapping on the tv and I'm going to chill out until I fall asleep :p
I'm sick today blahhhhh.. sore throat headache, I look like a mess and so I went to chill out on the couch and I fell asleep and then briefly woke up to a soundly asleep Phineas on my chest LOL

It's the first time, he has made it onto the couch and now he owns it. I think the bunny breed thing is all wrong. He's not a rabbit, he is a dog. Yes, he is. A dog. Since Saturday morning when I got him, he has acted more doglike everyday.

This baby boy gives kisses ON COMMAND. I say, " come here baby boy" and I put my face down and he puts his face up and we kiss. I mean.. come on..really. The bunny is 9 weeks old.

The negative thing, he pees on me and only me. He peed on hubby's foot the other night but since then has been perfectly well mannered. Me? He lays on me whenever I sit down or lay down which is a lot today and then I wake up to warmth and mr.babyboy has peed on me again.

Three changes of clothes and two blankets later.

Tahli did it on my husband all the time and now Phineas has picked me. WHY??

He binkies all over the couch, super speed and he doesn't care if my head is on a pillow, he binkies over me. I'm taking pictures later tonight. I can't miss these moments..

All is well in the Bohemian bunny household, all bunnies are happy.. now if only Phineas would stop using me as a pee post it would be perfect.

Oh I had to edit..correction!!!... my household WOULD be perfect but my 19 year old is being a 10 year old. If I had talked to my mama like she talks to me lately, I would not be here gushing about bunnies let me tell you.

Wow he's beautiful! Congratulations!

Yup on the alfalpha. Free feed as well for at least the first year with Flemish Giants too. Because they are a "giant" they grow rapidly and need more than the average bun. ;)
Thanks Suze :) Getting him ( I consider him a rescue since he was not bred to be a pet) was the best decision I have ever made.
I'm planning his kidnapping... I thought I would warn you in the hopes that you wouldn't put up a fight... :)
he is amazing... and totally kidnappable but I have ways to hide him muhahahhaha.. thanks for the warning though ;)

btw, I just heard from the breeder his birthdate is Oct.7/2010
so it seems he is a little younger than I thought. he'd only be 2 months old yesterday!
oh hes one of the best looking Giant Bucks ive seen in a long time...did u happen to see his parents?..or find out how big they got?? interesting to see how big he becomes...stock up on pellets now cuz they plow thru em..hehe..Trist u really did good with ur new bunnies ..both of them are perfect as bunbun is even with his lack of hair on his ear..:)

Trist ur not feeding Phin any veggies are u??..please dont yet..
nope no veggies, just hay and pellets, I'm too nervous to do anything else. his parents were 22 and 24 lbs. so I'm hoping he gets that big too.

lisa, when can I give him veggies? I heard not before a year??
u can start him slowly on a small amount of 1 veggie at a time about 6-8 months..nothing fancy just basics like romaine,parsley,cilantro

unlimited pellets for now too....have u listened to him eat yet?..i luv hearing baby bunnies eating their pellets...they make the sweetest baby sounds..
Alfalfa hay is best for him right now but tim hay will be fine .. maybe have a little alfalfa around as a treat for him,or as a bribe ...thats the only way i can get Ms.Perty back in her cage..its tough corralling a 16lb bun.
oh almost forgot to tell u...fair warning when he starts getting hormonal,ur gonna get peed on more then u ever thought possible...not just tinkle tinkle kinda shoot straight out in a stream then kick their back hoppers thru the stream and all over ur face,ur clothes,ur hair....i got so freakin tired of running to the bathroom with my eyes closed trying to start the shower.ive had to do this 2-3 times a day cuz they can pee a couple feet and then when they kick it it goes EVERYWHERE for a 5ft radius....they pee ALOT and its projectile....i neutered him the day it was ok to do it...and what else suked was even after i showered my other buns smelled it ..and showed me how much they didnt like it....ive been clawed ,bitten,Flashie even beat the poop outta the phone book after he smelled it...he grabbed the heavy phonebook with his teeth and thru it up in the air ..and kicked it all to hell with his BACK feet..(are u picturing this?) it was crazy looking...i never seen nothin like it in my life.
thshok.gif not gonna scared me a little...i dont give him the phone book anymore.
omg. what age can he be neutered?
I'm not going through that with a monster bunny when a snip can prevent it!! He already pees a lot, I can't imagine even more than that!
he was doing fantastic with litter training but last night and today he figured he could go wherever he wanted. so I put more boxes in the kitchen where he stays at night and it cut down on the pee a teeny bit.

thank god for the bunny fund. It's looking healthy.
it will be topped up by January again enough to get everyone done and more.. although bunbun?? i'm still not so sure.

I don't know why I'm so scared for him but I am.
anyway thanks for the heads up lol

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