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I mean offense by this at all, just a thought...why aren't cats used as snake food?

Lissa, I think cat lovers would protest too much.

In my opinion it should be illegal to feed animals to animals, if your pet has to eat an animal,then get rid of it.

If I eat an animal froma pet store, would not I get sued for violence against animals? is not it the same thing?
Everyone has their opinion on this.It's really tough. I love cats and everything and would NEVERfeed a cat to snake. But what's the difference betweenfeeding a cat to a snake or feeding a rabbit to a snake?
It all depends on how 'fluffy' you are. Snakehandlers would have to have a heart of stone to feed a fluffy littlerabbit to a snake. I like snakes but i could never own one coz of whati would have to feed it.
Basically, it should be illegal to hurt any animals.
Since it is illegal to hurt house animals, why is it legal to feed them to snakes?
AnnaS wrote:
Dennis, I think that people should not keep snakes as pets,since they are not house animals. Maybe the same is true for rabbits,but at least you don't need to harm other animals to keep rabbits.
In the nature, the rabbit has a chance to get away from the snake, if its fast enough, not all rabbits get eaten.
In home the rabbit has no escape, its not natural or fair even if rabbits are bred to be fed to snakes.
Thats why snakes should not be kept as pets

I am not tring to be rude here but when you are make a point you shouldbe consistent, anna have you ever owned a snake???? my guessis probbably not.

do you live in the city ???? have you ever lived in the country on afarm???? the reason im asking is because usually people with youropinon arent well versed on that type of life, are you a vegitarion ??probbaly not again you know cows are cute when they are babystoo and so are chickens but you dont feel badeating themevery dayand why because you have been culturlycondtioned to belive that it is ok. life isnt fair survial of thefistest and natural selection drive evolution.

i love my rabbit and i would personally never feed it toanything butthat dosent mean that someone else cant.but if your this upset aboutabout rabbits (that are FAR from being endangered) maybeyoucould start worring about the fact that every minutethousands of acres in the rainforest are being destoyed and aniamlsthat havent even been discovered are becoming exstinct, while othersbecome closer every second because of their dissapering habbitat. andwhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yes to make room for more cows to feed us yesssss.who cares about the world as longs as the americans getfed.or how about the oceans or even the land wherethe big citys are animals once lived there too and we took theirhomes.

my point is this just because something is cute and cudly dosnet meanthat is should be more cared about something that is notevery animal has a purpose on this planet.

sorry for being brash but this is something i feel very strong about.


"maybe you could start worring about the factthat every minute thousands of acres in the rainforest are beingdestoyed and aniamls that havent even been discovered are becomingexstinct, while others become closer every second because of theirdissapering habbitat. and whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yes to make room for morecows to feed us yesssss. who cares about the world as longs as theamericans get fed. or how about the oceans or even the land where thebig citys are animals once lived there too and we took their homes."

How do you know that I don't feel bad for the rain forest or for the cows for that matter?
I never said that only rabbits deserve a fair life.
Actually, I do think animal production for meat is horrible, even only considering the conditions the animals are kept in.
The only thing I was saying is that what happens to animals that are fed to house snakes is not fair.
And how do you know that I am not a vegetarian?

P.S. I am not american, you are
AnnaS wrote:
Lissa, I think cat lovers would protest too much.

In my opinion it should be illegal to feed animals to animals, if your pet has to eat an animal,then get rid of it.

If I eat an animal froma pet store, would not I get sued for violence against animals? is not it the same thing?

you know anna in the wild bunnys live in burrows and withsfamilys your bunny lives alone get rid of it, that isbasically what you are saying. EVERYDAY ALL AROUND YOUANIMALS EAT OTHER ANIMALS YOU DO TO!!!do you have a dog? well if yes and if you livedin the country my guess is occasionaly your dog would come home withsome kind of an animal GET RID OF IT.what about a cat, well it cought a mouseGET RID OF IT. it is as simpleas prey and preditor, it is a way oflife.............................................................

"life isnt fair survial of the fistest andnatural selection drive evolution." - who am I to judge God'screations. I can only judge what humans do.
There has to be an alternative to feeding animals to snakes, just as there are alternatives for humans eating meat.
gjsara: yes, if the cat catches a mouse in the field, then its natural and that mouse could have run away from the cat.
At home that rabbit has no escape
I think what Anna is trying to say is what I just said...there are alternatives.
try feeding a snake vegtables and watch it stavreto death. animals arent like humans the dont hold the abilityto reason they only grasp breeding and eating that is what drives .themso that their species can survive.
But have they really put any study into snake survival? What I mean is could they survive off soy, insects, etc.?

Both sides feel passionate, and both sides have very valid points.

Respect others as we wish to respected for our own opinions.

When you get to this point in a discussion, sometimes it's best to agree to disagree and leave it at that.

Heres my 2 cents. I'm pretty much non-biased,since I have a pet rabbit, and I rescued 2 rats from my friends bioteacher last year before he fed 'em to his snake. I've also had lots ofhamsters. Yes, it is sad that you have to feed animals to animals. Butif thats what people like, then thats what they like. I say if someonewants to feed animals to animals, then just dont let me watch, and donttell me about it. It's just like my opinion of humans eating animals.I'm a vegetarian, and if i can avoid it, I dont buy leather or furproducts. If you feel strongly about something, you do as much as youcan in favor of helping it, but I also think people should realize theycant stop everything. I mean, think about it. (first of all, fishpellets actually contain fish). If snakes and reptiles didnt eat otheranimals, is it fair to them to let them die just because you want tosave another animal? I say if people wanna feed rodents and rabbits tosnakes and lizards, so be it. Just dont let me do it. I love animals,dont get me wrong. But i could *never* own a reptile for that reason.

This is strictly my opinion, and if i stepped on anyone's toes, i apologize.
yes there are specilists in every fieldno they cant survieve off of soy why do they need to who are you or ito say whats right they naturaly eat meat
Welcome to the forum, Morgan,

Congratulations on saving your little buddy! :dude: I was thrilled to read your story.

BunnyMommy will melt when she hears how you saved one of 'her babies'.

I do look forward to sharing stories of how your baby's getting along.


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