Long lived peanut?

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The longest lived one I have ever heard of is a year and a half. There is a link earlier in this thread to his story. I will try to get updated pics, but he hasn't grown at all! I don't know how long he wil make it, every day I go out there and I cringe until I see him moving around. Sometimes he is hard to find, the normal babies just sort of sit over him! He is so little he can just tuck himself into a little round ball and sit under their bellies!
I have thought about bringing him in the house, with his own little dishes and the like, but I saw the other day the mom is still letting him nurse. Someone else on here said that sometimes a peanut will only survive for as long as they are nursing, because of digestive problems, so I am really leery of taking him away from his mom.
The digestive thing is just a theory. However, it makes sense to me! Here is a thought on that ... what if you gave him some KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer)? I mean when mom stops nursing. I wonder if he could survive on that? Just a thought that a wanted to share. I am glad he is still hanging in there. Hope to see pics soon.

I have sad news. Little Peanut passed away during the night of the 10-11th. I could tell he wasn't quite himself the day before, and I thought it would probably be soon. I'm sorry I wasn't able to get any more pics of him before he went. Thank you to everyone who jumped onto this thread and cared about him during his short time here. I won't forget about this miniature miracle, he showed me that even impossible things are possible.
I was just coming here to check up on the little guy. I'm so sorry he passed, though in a way, I'm sure you were expecting it. You did everything you could for him :hug2:

Aw. I just came to this thread to check how he was doing and I'm very sorry to hear he is gone. It sounds like he had the best life he could though, given his condition.
Yes, it was a short life, but so far as I could tell he was happy. All his larger siblings took care of him, he was the focus of the little family. I would see one of his bigger littermates grooming him all the time. Sometimes he would have trouble with the wire because his feet were so small, so he would either sit on the mat I put in there for him-or he woudl sit on the back of one of his brothers and sisters! It was most cute to go in there and see one of the bigger babies seem to have developed a white furry lump!

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