List of good Veggies and fruits?

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Does your bunny like carrots?

  • Yes, carrots and carrot tops

  • Yes but not the tops

  • Yes but only the tops

  • No not at all

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Aug 23, 2012
Reaction score
Chicago, Illinois, USA
So far my bunny loves apple (with no skin or seeds) parsley, beet tops, and doesn't like carrots? My bunny is defective.. Hahaha:?

Any other fruits/veggies that are safe for my bunny but he will still LOVE it?
I have found with mine, that I often have to offer a "new" veggie multiple times. They sometimes seem to not be wiling to taste an unfamiliar veggie. Eventually, the smell becomes more familiar and they become willing to try it.

(and with carrots, they don't like them straight from the fridge and cold)
when my lop hit 12 weeks, she outright SHUNNED her "birthday" veggie (romaine lettuce) and I was sooooo sad! I pressed the issue the next day and she finally gave it a try, now she loves it! I'll try carrots again at some point, I suppose... right now, neither bunn will eat the actual carrot so that goes to me. Gaz likes the leafy bits of the tops but won't eat the long stems and Nala only likes the stems (it actually works out quite nicely).

they like cilantro but I hate the way it smells... they like turnip greens and romaine lettuce, too. Gaz doesn't like the white/vein part of the lettuce, though - she'll eat the leafier part from around it first and only sometimes goes back to eat the tougher bits.
Favorite is Cilantro. The also get parsley, Italian parsley, dandelions, wheat grass, romaine lettuce, and as a treat a small bit of apple or carrot. They won't eat strawberry or banana.
Carrots really aren't that good for rabbits. They contain too much sugar to be more than treats. And the tops have so much calcium I wouldn't give them, myself.

Wheat grass is easy to grow on the windowsill. When it gets 4-6" tall, cut off all but 1". It will regrow a few times before it needs replanting.
good to know about the carrot tops. I figure it'll be fine if I keep feeding them as part of a rotation for now (so far my bunns have only been introduced to four veggies), since my babies are, well, babies and still allowed to be eating alfalfa hay... but I guess I should consider dropping them from the rotation when they reach adulthood.
Oliver will eat anything and everything I give him so I always am doing research on what he can and can't have. Oliver only gets carrots once in a great while as a snack. :) His favorite is dried apple but he rarely gets that too. Veggie wise he loves cilantro and parsley. Daisy doesn't like any veggies except green leafy stuff but then she gets diarrhea..
The only problems we had is one had a bladder stone and one had sludge problems, so we had to watch the calcium levels and avoid some things with those two. We got a list from our vet on what was good and also what had a high calcium level--okay for young bunnies that are growing but not so much for adults.
yeah, they're awfully prone to health problems if calcium in the diet is too high ><

would you mind PMing me the list your vet gave you or posting it somewhere? sounds like good info to have!
my bunnies favourites are romaine lettuce, parsley, collard greens and kale (but it causes gas so i only feed it once a week) my bunnies would rather eat that over carrots, banana and all fruits!
My bunnies LOVE bananas. Of course they only get a tiny bit very seldom, but I don't think there is anything funnier than the buns with their mouths going like crazy and opening wide because bananas are mooshy :biggrin2:
They also love cilantro, carrot tops, celery tops, hate beat tops, and love fresh grass and dandelions!
Imbrium wrote
they like cilantro but I hate the way it smells.
I'm fine with cooked cilantro, but raw cilantro makes me feel like I;m going to sneeze.

Honey doesn't like mushy things, so I give her dried banana peel strips, sort of like banana jerky. I wash the banana before peeling, then cut the peel up into strips & let it dry somewhere out of the way.

mine wouldn't touch bananas, apples and even blueberries and other berries.
I guess I need to keep offering them so they get used to the smell.
Thanks for all your tips and stories! We just tried spinach and he LOVES dried strawberries. We'll just keep giving him some good choices and hope for the best :)
PipkinbunRibb wrote:
Thanks for all your tips and stories! We just tried spinach and he LOVES dried strawberries. We'll just keep giving him some good choices and hope for the best :)
Spinach is on the "limited quantities" list because it's so high in calcium. And of course strawberries are just for an occasional treat.

Aside from the 3bunnies site I recommended above, you might enjoy this video about feeding veggies too:

Have fun spoiling your bun!
Yeah most fruits are just for treats, we don't give him fruit too often. How much calcium is too much though? Because he loves parsley, and spinach, and beet tops. Should those be avoided? Or are they still good for him in low amounts?
PipkinbunRibb wrote:
Yeah most fruits are just for treats, we don't give him fruit too often. How much calcium is too much though? Because he loves parsley, and spinach, and beet tops. Should those be avoided? Or are they still good for him in low amounts?
Just click on this site and scroll down. It explains the problem with calcium, what to look for as a sign that yours might be getting too much. Which plants to avoid and which to limit.

It'll explain much better.

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