Life with bunny monsters

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kahlin wrote:
The monster used the couch to springboard to the bookshelf to find a collection of rabbit treats, which he then knocked on the floor to share with Finley. Luckily I don't think they got much but man, he's a monster! ;)

:roflmao:Too bad you didn't have a hidden camera for all their antics!
There's not much to do *but* laugh. We keep getting outsmarted by a rabbit. If we didn't laugh I think we'd have some serious insecurities!
Despite it all, your little furries seem so funny! Just what I needed too as it's been quite a week at our house. It's also nice to know that I'm not the only crazy person lol (I too have talked to deaf animals, mostly forgetting that they couldn't hear me hahahahaha)
The-Family-O wrote:
Despite it all, your little furries seem so funny! Just what I needed too as it's been quite a week at our house. It's also nice to know that I'm not the only crazy person lol (I too have talked to deaf animals, mostly forgetting that they couldn't hear me hahahahaha)

Zayne is our third deaf one, and I"ve talked to all three. It started with Lindor, and I would talk 'into' her so she could feel the vibrations and she loved it. The other two not so much, but I still talk to them.

Most days I wish Zayne understood, especially the 'no Zayne, it is *not* treat/food time'.


Today was brush day. It should be considered an olympic event. Zayne will sit there forever, so it could be an endurance event.

But the other two....Finley tolerates it more than she used to - because if she's getting brushed, it means Behr can't be getting attention. If I pluck anything, or go to hard at it, she runs away.

At this point I try to give her a break and call Behr over. He comes running over, which brings Finley, who body checks him out of the way. Finley never comes when called....unless I'm calling Behr. Silly girl.

I managed to get Zayne and Finley very well. Behr, no so much (with the body checking and all). He also worries that if I'm near his bum that Finley is nipping at him so he won't sit still. I can't put him up ona surface because he jumps off -he has no fear (except of Finley I guess!). I tried to block Fin off into the other half of the room but she was sticking too close to me.

But despite the Finley/J.Behr competition for attention and the bodychecks, etc....they are usually ok together. I've found that since expanding their play space a lot more snuggling goes on. I'm toying with having them free range (because I think the pen causes territorial behaviour), but I want Behr's litter habits to calm down a bit.

I'm also toying with doing a trio, so a lot can change in time.
Finally, a picture post!

Now, there are more pictures of Zayne...but it's not favourtism. She lives upstairs with better lighting, is cleaner, and doesn't move much (which makes it easier to snap a picture).

Here she is napping.


Sometimes I swear she can hear us (although she's deaf). I had commented to my husband that he didn't put her box back properly after cleaning. He said there wasn't any point since the box is *never* used. After this conversation, Zayne found a new sleeping spot:


And here she is with her incredible ear control (I've never had a lop with so much control!)


And finally, a picture of the snuggle bums - Finley and J. Behr


Ugh, I've been so busy with work lately. NOT fun!

The bunnies are good. Zayne hasn't been peeing out of her box at all, which is nice. Adding some flooring on top of the plastic helped. For like 4 days....the 'real' solution was to just put her food dish in the place she was peeing. Worked like a charm!

Finley and Behr are good as well. They were grumpy this morning since I slept in and they were fed later, but oh well. They tend to snuggle more than they used to. I'm leaning towards making them free-range downstairs since the cage space causes them both to be territorial. But the problem with that is if I want to bond them to Zayne it won't work. So I've just ignored the issue until I know what I want to do.
We had a bedtime routine 10:00 PM the bunnies get pellets, new hay, and cage time. Then we all go to bed.

Lately I've been staying up a bit later, but the bunnies get the same bedtime (otherwise they harass me since they want their pellets!). I do all of the other bedtime routine though, shut off the main lights, etc, so they know it's bedtime. And it works.

Except for last night. I was watching TV and Mr. Behr was chewing on the pen. It's not common for him to do it, so I figured I'd ignore it for a few minutes until he settled in. But he went on for 10 I thought I would check it out.

It turns out that after I gave them pellets and put them away, I forgot to refill their hay. And Mr. Behr was alerting me to my error. Oops! What a smart little guy. :)
It's definitely monster season here. *sigh*

They have been so full of it lately. After bonding Behr and Finley, there was a significant drop in Behr antics. Things were so nice. And calm. And peaceful (but totally not as funny).

Then yesterday things started to pick up. I was upstairs and heard clear rabbits-on-the-coffee-table noises. I couldn't remember what was on the table (other than rabbits) so I raced down to check. They obviously know they aren't allowed because as soon as they heard me, they scattered.

And last night they harassed us for food almost an hour before food time. When we ignored them, Mr. Behr stepped up the game and knocked over the garbage can. Not a huge deal since I only put paper in this can (knowing rabbits will knock it over anyway)...but they started rattling it so I told them, "You better knock it off or I will send Shaun over to fix it up".

And they stopped. *Instantly*. So then I had to ask my husband what exactly he's done to them to make them so scared. ;) His response: "what, you believe THEM!?! You should hear the stuff they say about *you*". ;)

And today I went upstairs and again heard bunnies-on-the-coffee-table. I came downstairs to find some stuff on the floor. But no bunnies. I chuckled (since I'm not in the habit of knocking things on the floor) and sat on the couch. A few minutes later I hear odd crinkling noises. It seems there had been a empty chip bag on the table. They stole the chip bag, hid it for later, and knocked the other stuff off to distract me.

Monsters. Really funny cute monsters.

P.S. Zayne is good too, but she doesn't have the monster gene. Begging is definitely more her style.
ACK! It doesn't end!! Mr. Behr knows he's not supposed to be on the table. He kept coming over just now and looking at me on the couch (he uses the couch as his launching pad). He'd hop away, then come back.

Yes, Mr. Behr. I'm *still* here.

His response? To no longer use the couch as a launch pad and jump straight on the coffee table. To go after the chip back I had put back on it. He wins.

The table is now clear of any food related, rabbit chewable items.
kahlin wrote:
And they stopped. *Instantly*. So then I had to ask my husband what exactly he's done to them to make them so scared. ;) His response: "what, you believe THEM!?! You should hear the stuff they say about *you*". ;)

And today I went upstairs and again heard bunnies-on-the-coffee-table. I came downstairs to find some stuff on the floor. But no bunnies. I chuckled (since I'm not in the habit of knocking things on the floor) and sat on the couch. A few minutes later I hear odd crinkling noises. It seems there had been a empty chip bag on the table. They stole the chip bag, hid it for later, and knocked the other stuff off to distract me.


Just part of the bunny plot to take over the world. Well you know now that if you can't find anything, the bunny's have it.