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Adorable little videos of Toby having a tantrum! I love Kirby's little white moosh. It looks like he stuck his nose in a bowl of milk or something. I wanna kees eet! :hearts:
Dragonrain wrote:
Congrats on the new computer!
Thanks! I am very, very excited. I haven't purchased a new desktop since 2004 I think. My little then-state-of-the-art 1GB of memory Dell tower served me well for a long time. I hope this next one will too. I got an email saying my computer shipped today! Yay!
kherrmann3 wrote:
Adorable little videos of Toby having a tantrum! I love Kirby's little white moosh. It looks like he stuck his nose in a bowl of milk or something. I wanna kees eet! :hearts
LOL! :biggrin:The white splotch on Kirby's face does look like it was accidental. It adds a bit of whimsy to Kirby's otherwise very regal look. ;)

Toby's tantrums remind me he is still a little baby sometimes. :hearts
Bunny parents wrote:
Hello Helen,
Yesterday I was watching some clips on Youtube and thought of you and your buns. So I searched for more of your clips.I watched them all:D Your bunnies are super cute ! There are some questions I'd like to ask you, hope you don't mind.
1. In one clip of Penny, " Penny's breathing and gut movement ", Is Peristalsis normal ? I've never seen Kimiko did that, or I've never noticed that.

2. I saw Toby ate pumpkin. :) Cute. I want to try giving Kimiko as well, but I don't know if we have to chopped or something. Toby seemed really enjoyed it :)

3. Oh and while Toby was eating pumpkin, I saw him moving his muscle on his hind legs. Does this mean enjoying eating ?

Thank you for sharing those clips :) Your buns are adorable !
Hi Vircia! LOL I am so glad someone is watching my Youtube clips!
- Peristalsis is a normal gut movement of bunnies. It is more visible in some bunnies than others, and it is pretty scary if you see it. But it is normal and nothing to be alarmed about. The reason I could see it in Penny was because she was quite on the thin side when I first got her, and Penny eats a LOT of roughage. So you can really see all that fibrous hay being pushed through her gut.
- Toby was eating some canned pumpkin. It's basically just pumpkin, mashed up into a semi liquid. You could probably chop off a chunk and give it to your bun all the same. I buy canned because it is easier to store. Fall time and the holidays are the best times to stock up on cans of pumpkin because it is in season, then you can keep it all year long in the cupboard.
- Toby's twitchy hind quarters when eating pumpkin is what is affectionately known as "banana butt" for bunnies! Apparently some bunnies have a twitch in their bums when they are eating something delicious. :biggrin: Aren't bunnies just the cutest things in the whole world!?

Here is an oldie but such a goodie! Toby used to be so thin. He is now too round to fit under there. LOL
October 20, 2010 - Caging Fail

This morning I woke up and first thing I do every day is check in on Kirby. So I walk into the rabbit room, everything looks good. But I noticed that his water bowl was empty. Hmm, that's odd. Kirby doesn't usually drink a lot of water.

I glanced over at Penny and she was lying in her pen, looking pretty normal as well...

Then I noticed something...


I must have just closed the pen and didn't clip it shut. She managed to shove it open just enough to get out. PENNY drank all of Kirby's water!

She snuck out to drink and eat and then went back into her pen hoping I wouldn't notice. That little rat!!!!!!!

Bonus pic of Toby lips - Squee!

Haha see...I think sneaky Penny might be smarter than you think! Too bad she didn't think to push the pen back in the normal position after, then you might not even have noticed her escape route!
Dragonrain wrote:
Haha see...I think sneaky Penny might be smarter than you think!  Too bad she didn't think to push the pen back in the normal position after, then you might not even have noticed her escape route!
:big wink:Oh yeah, you know she's just playing dumb sometimes!

Um, Kirby actually does do that. More than once, I've closed the swinging door on his pen, but didn't lock it in place. I find it hard to believe that he has never walked outta his pen to take advantage of that! He does know how to open and close doors though, as long as it's not locked. Kirby is way too smart. I never put anything past him.
Thank you, Helen. :) I told hubby about the Peristalsis and just tonight that we could see a bit on Kimiko's tummy. :) It's pretty scary, hehe. I didn't know before. I definitely need to store some canned pumpkin and stuffs as well. Thanks so much for the idea. Winter is coming !! :panic:
lol sneaky Penny :D She went to have a drink with Kirby :toast: " Bottom ups ! " :D
Yeah, vote for Penny!

Groomed Penny today, she was looking too fuzzy. I have another house guest staying a few days so I'd rather get the fur outta the way before an extra human being is roaming around the apartment.

Got some cutie pics of the couple today. ;)






Love them!:biggrin:
kirbyultra wrote:
Groomed Penny today, she was looking too fuzzy. I have another house guest staying a few days so I'd rather get the fur outta the way before an extra human being is roaming around the apartment.

Looks like somebody didn't do a "good enough" grooming job for Lady Penelope! She has to redo everything herself, doesn't she? *harumph* She looks so cute! :hearts: Is she still being a messy little thing, or are things improving?
Haha! Thanks Julianna. I assure you, lady like appearances are all that's lady like about her. ;) She's a good girl but my, she has quite an appalling set of bunny manners.

So much happening lately. It's been 5 days since any posting and a while longer since a real update. What's going on?! Slaves are fallin behind, infuriating their masters no doubt.

It's hard to see how addicted I am until I had a guest living with me and my husband in the rabbit nation for a few days. My days were jam packed but I'd get home and be exhausted but still fire up the new PC (which is fantastic and blazing fast btw) to log in and play some starcraft. Yeah, safe to say I have a sickness. And now that i have a capable computer I look forward to one day when Diablo III comes out. Maybe next year or year after that, hopefully my pc will not have become too outdated by then to play.

So when I wasn't out or playing sc, I was sleeping. I didn't actually play with the buns very much and it made me sad and guilty. I will do better. :(

Kirby is fine, he is still king and makes Penny groom him and submit to his every desire. Penny is still sweet. I snuggled her in my.arms today and got a huge red skin reaction from it. :p Toby had a lot of fun showing off all his cool bunniness to his temporary roommate. Now that she's gone I think he misses her. He followed me around today, looking lonely. Poor child. I gave him extra pets.

I started my allergy shots today. Rabbit, dust, trees, weeds, grass! So wonderful is my body's autoimmune response ... :X Wish me luck on this long term treatment. The last thing I want to do is repeat last spring's horrific allergic/bronchitis/asthmatic episode. On my way down to the doc's office I stopped by the local farmer's market and got a big bunch of carrots that looked phenomenal! Did I want to trim the tops off, the man asked me. Of course not, I told him. It's the best part! He looked at me like I was bonkers. I probably am. But those carrot tops are gorgeous and I felt like the bunners deserved to be spoiled a little. :)

kirbyultra wrote:
I love love love Penny in this pic. She's such a beautiful girl with a soft and sweet look on her face. I like the way she lays down where the sun light hit her face a bit and that eye :inlove: Ohhhhhhhhhhhh what a pretty girl. She can be a model :)
kherrmann3 wrote:
Is she still being a messy little thing, or are things improving?
She's still a very messy monster. When I lock her up at night, she knows without fail that it's feed time so she knows she has to "make room" to eat more. Yes, that's right, she poops all over the floor when I put her away for the night. :X It's like she just knows it's dinner time. She still urinates in her space, but the incontinence bed pads are helping to soak and absorb.
Haha true, you are very awesome at capturing that feminine side of Penny. and the good sides of all your bunnies! lol. It is so hard to take pictures of rabbits! Most of my pictures of Russell don't capture his personality and he looks very bland, I blame him, he knows when I'm going to take a picture and put of a boring face lol. I'll have to have my bf try, he is better at photography then me and has a better camera lol. Maybe I'll get some great shots like yours lol. *fingers crossed* :biggrin2:

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