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Dragonrain wrote:
Cute pictures!

My bunnies have those toe things too! Or if not the same thing, something very similar - little pink bald spots on their toes. I asked the vet about Berry's before actually, one of the times I had Berry in for something else. The vet wasn't really concerned about them. She kind of compared them to callouses that humans can get on their hands or feet and said that as long as they don't get red and irritated or bleed that they weren't really a problem.

Oh thank you so much for confirming that! I feel so much better after what my bunny people at the shelter told me and even more solid now that you had your vet look at Berry's toes. The bunny people did say it looked like callouses and when I feel them, they're hard bumps, not soft/bouncy like if they were swollen. I guess it sort of makes sense.

Bunny toes look like bird feet (underneath fur). Weird!
hln917 wrote:
Lol!  Miss Penny there is giving us females a bad rap of being slobs, please have a talk with her!:wink
Helen, dear, I've had *way* too many talks with our Miss Penny already! The woman is clearly unrefined and not fixin' to change. Kirby likes 'em messy I guess. :? LOL

She was killin' me today. She peed early this morning and then AGAIN on the floor when I was cleaning the litter boxes. I was absolutely losing it. I yelled at her, and she went to Kirby and nuzzled him. Kirby then nuzzled back. Oh god, she's probably "telling" on me to him. :rollseyes Can you imagine the conversation? "Oh, my king, the slaves are acting up again!"
July 7, 2010 - Cleaning Day

I've been trying to clean out basically the only closet in my apartment that doesn't contain clothing. It's filled from floor to ceiling with TONS of junk. There's crap in there I've not touched since we moved in. There's a coffee machine and a clothing steamer that I thought was a great idea when I was putting together my wedding registry, not such a great idea when I actually moved in and got married... It's crazy in there! On top of all that I have about 80 lbs of pine litter and 20 lbs of hay, power tools, Swiffers, random pieces of wood from bunny projects, fans, shoes... you name em and it's probably in here.

I'm trying to clean out another 2x3' space so I can fit another plastic bin for hay storage. The rate that these buns are eating, I can't even order 30 lbs at a time and say it's economical anymore. I need another bin to store 15 lbs more!

I threw out tons of perfectly working electronic knick knacks but that I haven't used/touched/thought about in years. Sound cards, video cards, NIC cards, cables, keyboard, mice, game controllers, old cell phones from 2000.

I salvaged 3 smart phones which is going on ebay shortly. AND I dug out my old Nintendo 64 and Game Cube! I loved these consoles back when. I don't need the GameCube anymore because I can play the games on my Wii. The consoles are sadly not worth much, but I found some old games to go with them too so maybe it'll sell for a few bucks on eBay. I may replay my Zelda game on N64 before selling it LOL

So after all that's done, I might be able to fit the amount of hay required to feed these hungry buns. Whew.

Anyways, picture time!

Kirby chews on the pen bars all the time to try to get out. Once he did, he was unstoppably bouncing about.





Bunny Butt!

Doing the hokey pokey... putting his left foot in.

Toby and his new grass mat and mini basket (Toby size!)

So cute! It looks like he's about to pick up the basket and go cherry pickin'!

New Toy: oatmeal container
I love how Toby can wiggle his lips like that!

So much funsies

Oatmeal containers are always a big hit here too! I have to try to convince Chris to eat more oatmeal so I can give the bunnies the containers!

Such cute pictures! :)

Ah N64! I still have one of those too. I was thinking about getting rid of it, but for some weird reason growing up my brother and I started this strange tradition of playing N64 games every Christmas eve. We still do it every year now lol, even though we both have Wii and PS3's. A bunch of the good N64 games you can get new versions of, or download them to play on Wii, but for some reason they just aren't as fun that way!
Chelle: That's so awesome! N64 reunions on holidays sound like a great tradition. My brother is 6 years younger than me so he doesn't quite appreciate the N64 but he and I get together and play GameCube games quite a bit. I could make more on eBay if I sold the GC with the controllers but I am keeping the controllers to plug into my Wii :) We also download the NES and SNES games on the Virtual Console and have a lot of fun playing those old games. My brother is way better at games than I am, but I am diehard video game fan of classic games.

I just bought a huge container of oats today. Whoo hoo!

Vivian: I'm pretty sure Penny doesn't get that the hay doesn't need to come OUT in order for her to eat it. The bag concept escapes her.

Penny is dumb as a log as far as I'm concerned (lol) and she does the weirdest stuff at the most surprising times. You CAN'T predict what she'll do next. One day she'll jump on the AC. Today she was lifting the xpen with her teeth. The other day she was peeing on the floor, last week she was peeing on the blanket. She's completely random, completely illogical. She's like totally in her own world. I can't give her a toy and expect her to play with it normally. I gave her a grid thing made of sticks and she'll like sleep on it... and then later in the day she'll chew it like crazy, and then she'll crap all over it later. I'm so confused by her. :p
Ha Penny's silly. At least she keeps you on your toes lol.

We have a Gamecube and two PS2's that I'd probably sell if it where up to me, but Chris wants to keep them I think. My brother is about 5 years younger than me but we didn't get a lot of extra stuff like video games growing up. I remember when we got N64 it had already been out for a few years but we where so happy because it was the first time our parents ever got us a video game system. My parents where always the type that would make us play outside instead of watching tv or playing video games. I didn't even have cable growing up.

You should see how many video games we have here, it's insane. Chris "collects" them...or at least that's what he calls it. He usually buys at least 2 or 3 new games a month, either new releases or older games that he doesn't have yet. We have a whole bookcase full of them double stacked on the shelves and then some. I don't know where he's going to keep putting them honestly. It's kind of overwhelming when you want to play a game and there are like 1,000 to pick from lol. Chris is so obsessed with video games, but I don't mind. I'd rather have him spending his money on games than on some of the other things he could be spending them on.
Dragonrain wrote:
Ha Penny's silly. At least she keeps you on your toes lol.

We have a Gamecube and two PS2's that I'd probably sell if it where up to me, but Chris wants to keep them I think. My brother is about 5 years younger than me but we didn't get a lot of extra stuff like video games growing up. I remember when we got N64 it had already been out for a few years but we where so happy because it was the first time our parents ever got us a video game system. My parents where always the type that would make us play outside instead of watching tv or playing video games. I didn't even have cable growing up.

You should see how many video games we have here, it's insane. Chris "collects" them...or at least that's what he calls it. He usually buys at least 2 or 3 new games a month, either new releases or older games that he doesn't have yet. We have a whole bookcase full of them double stacked on the shelves and then some. I don't know where he's going to keep putting them honestly. It's kind of overwhelming when you want to play a game and there are like 1,000 to pick from lol. Chris is so obsessed with video games, but I don't mind. I'd rather have him spending his money on games than on some of the other things he could be spending them on.

I joke about Penny because if I don't laugh at half her antics, I'd be stewing her tail... Ahh!! :pullhair: But seriously, she does unpredictable stuff. I just don't know when she's going to do something I didn't foresee and get herself seriously hurt. It's terrifying for me.

What an odd coincidence -- when we were kids we didn't have cable either (my brother living at home still doesn't). The NES was a hand-me-down years after my cousins were done with it. The SNES was the same way. The N64 was about the only one my parents splurged for. Then, I'm pretty sure I stole the Game Cube from my then-boyfriend (now husband) when he wasn't using it. The Playstation was an ebay artifact. My husband had his own PS2, and my own PS2 was something that an ex left behind. For each console, I probably owned less than a handful of games. But each game got excellent mileage! I logged hundreds of hours on most.... I'm suuuch a dork.:p

My husband used to buy games on a whim, play 1 hour of it, and put it back on the shelf. It kills me. I can't. If I buy game, I **** well better want to play it and play it lots.:shock:
Well, at least Penny makes you tell us "funny" stories. Sorry, I couldn't help but laugh (so much) when you said all she did to the stick grid that you gave to her. MILU can be naughty "sometimes" but I always end up discovering what his logic is. About Penny... well, it seems like it will take you some time to figure it out! I'm still laughing thinking of what she must think to do what she did...
I'm the same way! If I play a game, I want to beat it. I don't just want to play it for an hour and then be done with it. Chris is like that though - he'll play them once and then they go on the shelf. I think it would take him the rest of his life to beat all the games he already owns. But of course he still always has to buy more.
Dragonrain wrote:
I'm the same way! If I play a game, I want to beat it. I don't just want to play it for an hour and then be done with it. Chris is like that though - he'll play them once and then they go on the shelf. I think it would take him the rest of his life to beat all the games he already owns. But of course he still always has to buy more.
Does it drive you a little crazy? I feel like it is a waste of money to do stuff like that, but I just gotta tell myself "if it makes him be it." My husband has this thing about cheating through games. He thinks he's being smart and "bucking the system" when he discovers a cheat or a bug or something similar. It drives me nuts when he does that to a game I love. I play the game the way it was meant to be played. He plays it like a programmer, needs to take it apart and "beat" the guy who programmed the game. Pffllt. LOL.

hotmaildeal wrote:
Well, at least Penny makes you tell us "funny" stories. Sorry, I couldn't help but laugh (so much) when you said all she did to the stick grid that you gave to her. MILU can be naughty "sometimes" but I always end up discovering what his logic is. About Penny... well, it seems like it will take you some time to figure it out! I'm still laughing thinking of what she must think to do what she did...
Sometimes I like to imagine she is thinking things as she does these strange things. The reality is, I'm sure she's not thinking about it at all :p She just does stuff as it comes to her. In some ways, she's very straight forward. In some ways she boggles the mind. She's more of an animal than any of my other buns, who I like to compare to as more "pet" bunnies. She seems to have no "angle," she just does things that please her at that moment. She doesn't need a reason. She's a rabbit. If she were in the wild and she wanted to chew on a stick, she'd chew on a stick. If she wanted to take a poop, she'd poop. It's simple, and yet, as a pet, she doesn't make any sense to me... Does THAT make sense? :shock::?:innocent

She and I did have a moment today and this evening though. I petted her head and she snuggled close. She's the only rabbit of mine who will place her chin and her head on me. As relaxed as Kirby ever gets, he doesn't like his chin to be exposed and touching me. He would rather it be on the floor. Penny doesn't have that kind of reservation. She enjoys the petting, she'll get closer to get more pets. What a wild child.:dude:
Adorable pictures as always! I like Kirby's little bunneh butt and the picture of Toby chinning the oatmeal container. :) I like how they chin things... "MINE!"

Also, have you ever tried or Freecycle to get rid of unwanted (but still good) things? I use it all the time. I find a box of crap I don't want, sort it, then post in to those sites (Freecycle is for stuff that you don't want to throw out, but you don't want money for). I haven't had any creepy experiences yet. :)
Myia09 wrote:
That is because Penny is so adorable and sweet! Hehe and her stories do make ME laugh! lol
Penne Pasta thanks you :) Everybody laughs at her "jokes" but me... *sigh*!

kherrmann3 wrote:
Adorable pictures as always! I like Kirby's little bunneh butt and the picture of Toby chinning the oatmeal container. :) I like how they chin things... "MINE!"
It's cute when our buns chin things because it looks like they're doing it out of being playful and kiddie. It's so much less cute when angry, hormonal rabbits do it at the shelter, and I am the object of their chinning LOL. Bunneh butts are always cute though!
Also, have you ever tried or Freecycle to get rid of unwanted (but still good) things? I use it all the time. I find a box of crap I don't want, sort it, then post in to those sites (Freecycle is for stuff that you don't want to throw out, but you don't want money for). I haven't had any creepy experiences yet. :)

I've never heard of Freecycle! It sounds pretty cool though -- I will have to keep it in mind. One man's trash is another man's treasure. I haven't ever posted stuff for free or for sale on CL because there just are *that* many crazies in NY and I'd rather not have to deal with them in person. I like the anonymity that eBay sort of provides, even if I do have to pack and ship the things. What happened the other day was me getting fed up to my eyeballs and I just had to toss everything as soon as possible. I'd been putting it off for so, so long and as soon as I worked up the courage to tackle the closet, it was like, "everything MUST GO!" :p
Penny'snot dumb, she's just keeping you on your toes and keeping us entertained with her stories! As long as Kirby loves her, that's all that matters.

I'm always on Freecycle, great way to spring clean. In fact, that's where I got the girl's cage. I remember the first time I went to pick up some flower pots, I called a friend (since hubby would have killed me if he knew I was going to some stranger's house.) and gave him the address where I was heading to. Told him to call the cops if he did not hear from me within 10 minutes.:biggrin2:

Maybe you can donate the video games to some children's organization?
That wasn't weird at all. LOL!

Wow I feel so out of the loop - never heard of this thing till now. Trying to join it now.

I have this aversion with going to people's houses and having strangers come to mine -- I don't know, is it a city life fear? The plug-in to Yahoo Groups makes it kind of like a bulletin board. I guess it's cool, everything is free :) Next time I do major cleaning I better inventory and post here. Too bad all the good junk I tore out yesterday was already tossed down the garbage chute :( I'm sure plenty of people would have wanted some game controllers.
July 9, 2010 - Major

Major everything today. More cleaning in the apartment. Maybe it's because I haven't opened a window in a week, but my apt has been getting funky. Too much fur, too much dust, and too many bits of hay everywhere. Started to smell wacky in the rabbit room (no doubt because of Penny's accidents).

Vacuum. Mop. Polish. Organize.

I started to back up my photos of the buns. The last time i backed up was June 2009. If I lose the last 12 months' bun photos I might just die, so I've been burning DVDs full of bun buns. Yay!

Then I had to pack it all up and go to a baseball game. A friend of mine got engaged to her longtime boyfriend and they had their engagement party at the local Brooklyn Cyclones stadium.



For those of you not nearby, the Cyclones play in KeySpan Park which is right next to the beach at Coney Island. Coney Island, as we all know, is legendary for hot dogs, dirty sand and the Wonder Wheel (seen at an odd angle here).

Coney Island's dark, rather ugly side is that it is in one of the worst neighborhoods in Brooklyn. I used to go to school right there, and it was not a pretty place. Not a nice place to live, not a nice place to hang out. Coney Island as a beach destination in the summer is ok, but extremely crowded and polluted. It still is. But with the ball park there and improvements of transportation and clean up of the boardwalk in recent years, the area has improved a ton, making it actually a pretty nice place, selectively. You can almost see the new Luna Park amusement center here at night.

Takes me back to my ghetto roots... back in the day, when poor was normal and the city glamour was only a dream... just like in this photo, where the projects are down below and Manhattan is up by the clouds, far, far away.


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