Justice for Jack the bunny?

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Anaira wrote:
secuono, Jackie did come back; and she was rubbing that around saying something along the lines of haha, what these crazies don't know is Jackie came back, haha, I did nothing wrong(not a literal quote) and then calmly went on to say Jackie lived free ranging until she disappeared, she thinks to a hawk.
She's also lost other animals to predators, yet has done nothing to protect them.

If I get into the cruelty of it all, I'll just irritate myself so I'll comment on this lady's obvious lack of uhm, country smarts. I live in the country and we have hawks, coyotes, strays, ferals, etc and the last thing I would do is give the predators a population of easy prey next to my livestock. She may as well hang a big welcome sign saying "Free Food!"

So, going by that bit of her intelligence, she obviously can't understand the stupidity of what she's done.
Sorry I have been away dang sinus infection. Seriously my face swelled up so bad that I had to be on Vicodin just to sleep...Not fun!
Anyway I am going to make contact again with the rescue and see were they stand with this so far. I think this women is a weirdo...Has everyone looked at her facebook? The way she talks and presents herself makes me think of stepford wives...Very weird! Honestly I think she believes that better homes and gardens could come knocking any second....
audrinasmommy88 wrote:
I think its funny that she has changed her facebook picture to her shooting a gun...really?!?
And then she says, "Oh yeah, there's another thing or two this 'Sugary-sweet WASP American Dream Living' mama has out here in the country:) Just sayin', in case anyone needs to know." as the caption. All I can say is WOW !! If anyone is being threatening I would say it's HER.

I don't know what she thinks the police are gonna do. If they find out she has another rabbit she's keeping outside unprotected she's just gonna look like a dumb fluffybunnybottom. I'm sure no one physically threatened her, she's just trying to play as the victim. :X

edit: LOL the filter on here is too cute!
I looked at her FB, definitely a fake person if you ask me. She probably couldn't live without blogging and bragging about her life. She could have spent freakin $60 on storage cubes and a cover to make a play pen or something for during the day, that's a much happier life for a domestic rabbit than being alone & constantly scared for it's life. :(
My word this lady is insane! It's hard to follow the story... does anyone know where we are right now with the situation?
According to http://www.cga.ct.gov/2008/rpt/2008-r-0291.htm, this is what Oregon law says about animal abandonment:
"Animal abandonment is a class B misdemeanor. It occurs when a person intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence leaves a domestic animal without providing for its care (Or. Rev. Stat. § 167.340)."

Here's what it says about punishment:
"Second-degree animal abuse is intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing physical injury to an animal. It is a class B misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment of up to six months, a fine of up to $2,500, or both (Or. Rev. Stat. § 167.315(3))."

I would think, since this is the only (provable) offense by this woman, she would get slapped with the fine. Honestly, I don't want her to go to jail. She has a family to take care of and I would hate for her actions to hurt those around her, too. A fine would get the point across without causing additional hurt and pain for the children (and her husband). Clearly, she has some sort of affection for animals and I really think she doesn't understand what she did and why it is wrong. I think if law enforcement fines her she will understand that she cannot abandon animals (even if it's on her own property) and it won't happen again.
I agree Meredith. I don't think I'd want to see this woman put in jail. Does 2,500 dollars seem like just a bit too much to you guys? I dunno, maybe its just me :p
$2500 is a nice chunk of change. It sounds like that's the max fine, though, so she could be asked to pay something less. If she's responsible, she should have a savings account with money put aside that would cover any fine she's charged.
mdith4him wrote:
$2500 is a nice chunk of change. It sounds like that's the max fine, though, so she could be asked to pay something less. If she's responsible, she should have a savings account with money put aside that would cover any fine she's charged.
LOL does this nut case sound like she has savings?
In my vegan opinion, no amount of money is too much to pay for animal neglect.
Agree she shouldn't go to jail, though. I think she means well, just mistaken in some things, and she does have kids and animals to look after.

Just a thought; guys, can we refrain from the personal insults? It doesn't exactly make us look very mature; and our different lifestyles, and personalities shouldn't come into this. What does matter is making sure her current rabbit, and her new one are not left to be hawk food, like Jackie was. The title of this thread is 'Justice for Jack the bunny', not 'demean this woman and her lifestyle'. :)

She's either hidden, or deleted everything rabbit related on her facebook page. Interesting. I wonder why that is?
:? Ariana, I am in agreement about the personal attacks. Besides, it pointless to argue with someone that knows they are right and the rest of the world is wrong. I always throw Voltaire out to most "I disagree with what you say, but will defend your right to say it". However, this "persons" ignorance and self righteous attitude are beyond any defense. Lots of things can be cure, but stupid is not one of them.
Agreed about personal attacks--just because we believe her to be ignorant about proper rabbit/animal care doesn't mean she's ignorant about all life matters. She seems to have a profitable winery and/or farm of some sort.

I Googled her earlier this afternoon and found another article she wrote:
While it certainly doesn't make her treatment of rabbits okay, it does give us another perspective on this woman. For me at least, it made me remember that she is a wife and mom with a past just like many of us.
Her childhood, and past, are no excuse, or even related to Jack though. Nothing excuses releasing rabbits to be coyote food.
Yeah I have to agree with Ariana. To me nothing really makes dumping an animal ok. Or simply to protecting your animals, especially if she lives on a farm and they are her livelihood.
No, I'm certainly not saying that anything should excuse animal abandonment--please don't misunderstand me. I'm simply trying to make sure we don't completely demonize her. Did she make a mistake with her rabbits? Absolutely. Should there be a penalty for that? Yes. Does that mean she's terrible at everything else in life? No. I think the above article just gives us a fuller picture of her and let's us see that she's a fairly normal person who just needs to be educated on certain things.
Oh yes, I knew what you were saying Meredith; my post was in response to Christina, as I wasn't certain if she was referring to our previous criticisms of her, or our attitude towards rabbit related stuff. Actually I don't know what I'm saying, haha. I've suddenly become too tired for anything to make sense, and I tend to blether when I'm like this.

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