Justice for Jack the bunny?

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The thing that irks me is that she won't even consider the other side. Her past is horrible (or so the article says) but you would think that that would cause her to consider everybody's position; she suffered a horrible trauma, that would make me at least try and walk in an opposing view's shoes for a while, and think about why people do what they do--or at least why her actions would upset us. We are, by discussing this. There's this thing called respect; we've had it for her in the public sense, I would appreciate if she would at least show a little for her non-adoring readers. That comes with the territory and with something so influential, it would be nice to hear an apology.

Otherwise, her future readers might see this as, "those are just crazy rabbit people, I'm going to let my rabbit go too!"

I'm not saying that she's an awful person for letting her rabbit go, but she is one for influencing people that won't have the chance to think twice because of the tone of her article. It is her responsibility as a writer to inform the public if her actions are wrong. If I didn't know better, I would probably think it was okay just by her reputation and the fact that it was published in a well-known online collection.

Also, for the people offended by the name calling, I don't know. I think of this as a place to vent. It's not like we're emailing her calling her this things right?? (No, seriously right?) By posting it on here, it's out of our systems into the ears of people who understand why we would say these things. Yes, maybe it's a little immature, but this is a frustrating situation and people are not always mature and dignified when they are frustrated. In that sense, I don't mind the name calling, it's actually nice to see that others are feeling as frustrated as I am.

Just my opinion.

I don't really believe in "normal" but by society's constraints, the way she's handling this is not normal at all for an adult. I think that's why we are all so taken aback by her odd behavior. No, we don't care that you can shoot a gun! ;)

kkiddle wrote:
The thing that irks me is that she won't even consider the other side.

Otherwise, her future readers might see this as, "those are just crazy rabbit people, I'm going to let my rabbit go too!"

I'm not saying that she's an awful person for letting her rabbit go, but she is one for influencing people that won't have the chance to think twice because of the tone of her article. It is her responsibility as a writer to inform the public if her actions are wrong.
Agreed. Anyone with a sense of humility would correct a wrong, especially if wrong information was given out in a public forum. I'm also worried about that aspect of things--future readers will see the article and think releasing rabbits is good.

Even though we think of this forum as a place to vent, it is still a public place. I think anytime anyone writes anything online they should write carefully. Anyone can access this board and see the things we've written. I wouldn't be surprised at all to find that she's reading what we write here. If you Google "shellie croft rabbit" this forum thread pops up in the first couple results. So even if we're not saying (or emailing) these things to her directly, it's very probable that she's seen it anyway. The phrase, "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" comes to mind.

Just my :twocents
to me, what makes her worth "demonizing" isn't what she did so much as the appalling way she responded to constructive criticism about it and refuses to accept that she may not have done what was best for the bunny.
Meredith and Anaira--Your points are excellent.

I've felt very frustrated reading about Jack being released without protection, especially since it was depicted as a good thing for him and I understand and relate to everything that our members have said."Rabbit People" are the most gentle, sensitive people on earth but we are fierce when we think a bunny is in danger:)

But I wasn't thinking about how public and permanent our posts on the site are. Come to think of it, it's probably best to assume that anything we post will be read by the person we're posting about. I wish I had avoided speculating about her personally and kept my remarks to the facts about what was done to the rabbits. Live and learn. I wonder if moderators can remove a post if the writer requests it?
Ariana: Sorry, I worded that wrong: I wasn't try to excuse her, what she did was absolutely wrong, but she MEANT for it to be the best, so now she has to pay th penalty and LEARN, but harsh comments to her will only make things worse. ;)
Even though we think of this forum as a place to vent, it is still a public place.  I think anytime anyone writes anything online they should write carefully.  Anyone can access this board and see the things we've written.  I wouldn't be surprised at all to find that she's reading what we write here.  If you Google "shellie croft rabbit" this forum thread pops up in the first couple results.  So even if we're not saying (or emailing) these things to her directly, it's very probable that she's seen it anyway.  The phrase, "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" comes to mind.

Just my :twocents

I agree, and I didn't realize how public we'd become about this. Best just drop the whole thing, and whoever it was (sorry i can't remember) who contacted the rescue can keep us updated from time to time, but we've all expressed how we are angry with her actions, and there's nothing else we can do. I think it's best we just drop the whole thing and be updated quietly.
Sorry, I was trying to quote something Meredith said, it didn't work and show up green... :?
I also agree that her response to constructive criticism has been less than stellar.

Hopefully she'll see the sense in our side of things and remedy all this. If she adds to her blog explaining why her actions were wrong and truly repents, then I see no reason to continue seeking action from law enforcement. Clearly, like Christina said, when she released Jack she really did think she was doing the right thing and didn't intend any harm. I think everyone's probably done something like that before where you do something without thinking of the consequences.

Hoping she corrects her wrong :pray:
I have been gone for awhile but had to chime in and say that I'm glad to see the turn this thread has taken.
My 2 cents? We got waaaaay carried away with this and we were waaaaay too hard on that lady.
Of course I would never, ever, ever, ever agree with her decision to let Jack go BUT she did it with good intentions.
I am just glad we have decided to tone it down. She is a mother, wife and human being, she does not deserve jail time or repeated emails from us. Things went way too far.

Sorry, just had to say that because our behavior through all of this has actually been bothering me. I wanted to state my 2 cents.
Hyatt101 wrote:
Thats what I've been saying ;)

Yup, I know Christina! I agreed with you waaay back :)

You definetly had alot of insight on this situation for your age.
woahlookitsme wrote:
Update: She isn't getting another rabbit because of the pack of coyotes that have been coming so close to her house. Im almost worried for her kids. I hope they stay safe as coyotes can be bad buggers.

I am confused, isn't that from 4 months ago? That's when the comments were posted...

As far as being too harsh, I have to admit that I do not think the majority of people were, personally. Some people took it too far, but I suppose I am too passionate in saying that she did deserve to be called out.

I just want to say that too many animals have been hurt/killed by "good intentions". But then, my opinion on people is a bit jaded. It was what she did with the rabbit, and how she responded. She never expressed regret when the died. Does she deserve to be hounded/threatened? No. But did she deserve to be called out? Absoloutly.

But people have different levels of passion. I look at all the things happening in Canmore now, reading daily about these rabbits being gassed now because of "good intentions" and honestly, I don't care about intentions anymore. People are selfish and don't think these things through and it is so frustrating to see this being encouraged it can almost bring me to tears.

Just my two cents. Work in rescue and see how horrible some animals turn out and I'm sure you'd see things different. My first concern is always the animal. The rabbit was the victim in this and if this was a kid tossed out of their home, it would not be seen as overboard.
Honestly if she said yeah I made a mistake and regret it and really meant it that would be nice. But you can't generally change people's opinions no matter what facts you throw at them.

Amanda I agree it makes me sad that if this were a child things would be different. All life should be respected no matter if it's human or animal.
Oh, this just makes me so sad! Poor Jack Lapin! I bet when he realized his humans had left him and taken his cage (his "home") away he must've been so confused and upset! I'm glad he found his way back to the house, but wish they'd made the effort to provide him more than a "nest" on the back porch! He needed a proper hutch to stay in at night. One that was bigger and more secure than that little show cage they dragged him out into the back field in! Ugh.

Okay, I need to go hug Gus (my New Zealand cross) now. :(

Amanda--I think we all agreed she needed to be called out and informed. I think some of us were saying that there is a right way and a wrong way to go about doing that.

We all want to see this woman embrace the new information she's been given and be remorseful for her prior actions. If we as a rabbit community cannot do that, I absolutely believe law enforcement should have a part in this.
I'm confused now on the timeline.... When did all this happen? Recently right? Or was this from a long time ago??
Lisa: Thanks ;)
The very first post was written a year ago, when they released Jackie. In that year, Jackie came back, lived in their yard, and was taken by a predator, they got another rabbit(I think) who is now also living freely.

That blog Sarah posted is from a few months back, whereas just a few days ago she mentioned getting another one.