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Oh MY Goodness he is so cute. He looks really small in a couple of those pictures, how much does he weigh. I can't remember if you said how old he is.

Fair warning a couple of mine love to PeePee on our comforters when they are on the bed. You certainly don't want your Better Half to see this. LOL

Look forward to many more picture of him and then the happy couple.

:biggrin2:I won't let him see these pics on the bed then, he will go mad. He specifically said no bunnies on the bed... I needed to get some good pics though and he keeps squirming around he seemed rather comfortable on the bed though ;)

hehe yup he is a bit on the dinky side, he reminds me of Jess when she was a baby. I'm not sure how much he weighs. The vet did weigh him and she said 1. something but I'm not too sure. The RSPCA estimated him to be 1 year two months
OH goodness he is SO cute! I love his fuzzy little face!

I love the photos of him on his bed! errr your bed LOL!


1. Your pictures are perfect sized.

2. You were no trouble at all - we were just as anxious as you were about getting him!

3. Your image tags hooked into your typing and got the underlined blue going.

4. I really love his fuzzy little face.... :biggrin2:
I love his fuzzy face, and how lucky are you that your rabbit is computer savy,lol
hehe all of your messages made me smile, thankyou :biggrin2:

I think I'm going to have to make him a blog now...Both Jess and Dex have been pestering so guess I better get working on it:biggrin2:
Awwwww! So cute! I love him! If I could sit down I'd be driving up to Derbyshire to bunny-nap him, lol!

I can't believe how little he is! :inlove:

Any binkies yet?!
Agh he's adorable!! He kinda looks like Pebbles! I want Dexter for my own... pretty please?
Aww the wait was well worth it.....Dexter is absolutely adorable :)

:nosir:No no no... No bunny napping Jen and Snowyshiloh I don't care how much you beg nope nope, lol :pI might come and get your four though Jen. Hmmm think I will add Pebbles and Rory as well. Oohh and while I'm at it I def want Heidi she is gorgeous! Infact while I'm there I may as well take Clover and Bo :run:

I've had a little binky, he even purred at one point he has also licked me and straight after decided maybe he didn't want to lick me after all and maybe he should give me a little nip hehe. Jess has become really jelous although I don't know why she is getting more hugs than ever now..Its prob because she is really spoilt but she keeps grunting and has nipped me about 5 times today (she never normaly does this unless I'm in her way :shock:)

I'm sure she will calm down though she seems happy enough now stretched out infront of me. :biggrin2:I'm even getting a few licks and she isn't really the licky kind
Amy, I'll do you a deal. I'll swap you Dexter for my four. If you send me Dexter, when I've got him safe and sound, then I'll send you Mouse, Chalk and SnowBarn. Honest I will. You can trust me! :innocent

Aww, that's a really good sign that he's being so affectionate with you already! He must be a very comfortable and happy bun. Jess is probably a bit confused as it's been a long time since she saw another bunny, and one on her territory aswell- you might get some territorial poo/wee lol!

I swear that when I pet Barney or Snowy, Mouse and Chalk stare at me with the angriest looks EVER! If rabbit looks could kill, I would not be here! :shock:


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