I'm such a bad mama, guys...Hobbes still not well

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m.e. wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
Sas...I'll ask about that...sensitivities. The only thing that puzzles me (and not to invalidate your advice) is the fact that they've had this food for about a year now, and he's JUST NOW showing problems. Would it take that long for something to show up? There haven't been any other dietary changes, and when we switched them, it was gradually.

Just look at human allergies: people can be fine for years and years, and then one day develop a sensitivity or even a severe allergy to a certain food. The body has a limited tolerance and often can only handle so much exposure before reacting. Our cats had been eating the same food for well over a year before they started having problems (and then we tried everything from Wellness to EVO to

Oh absolutely. I never had a problem with poison ivy. Used to roll in it as a kid, gardened with no gloves, then one day I had a horrible reaction and that has continued.

Also, I developed allergies in my 20's, got multiple shots every other week, etc. After 2 years, the allergies just went away. Sometime pollen will bother me a little bit but nothing like years ago. Some of it could be because I have Graves' disease, an autoimmume disease so my immune system is always out of whack.
Here is something that happened several years ago with our oldest cat. He got a severe UTI. Pee'd all over the house. We took him they gave him meds he was doing better. About a week later back to the same problem. They told me to buy a brand new box fill it with clean litter and put it in a different spot. It stopped it. Turns out he associated that box in that spot iwth pain and wouldnt go there. The new spot and box were not a painful thing to him. Maybe this will help you.
:hug:to you and Hobbes, and also to Em who was upset about her sweaters.

I'm keeping an eye on this thread and looking forward to an update on the lil guy. I know he will be fine because you caught it so early. But I still hope he gets better soon, I don't like knowing any of your babies are unwell. :(
Wow...yeah, good point about allergies that pop up later on in life. Its so odd, isn't it?

I'll be calling their regular vet today to see if they have any skills in treating/handling cystitis and if they do, we'll take him there when they have the next appt open...if not, we'll find someone who does. Basically, I'd like some hands-on guidance in his dietary stuff from this point on.

Hugs and thanks to you guys for all your support through this. It's so hard going through it when both kitties have been perfectly healthy all their lives. They're going to be four in a few months (30 Apr), so going for that long without any problems, and then suddenly having HUGE problems...well, it's taking a lot out of me. So, keep all of us in your prayers, ok?

Hugs to everyone!


Edited to add: No worries...my kitties will NEVER get ANY food that has bun in it...:grumpy:
Hugs to you and Hobbes!

I don't have much to add, just wanted to say that a good fish-free dry food is California Natural Chicken & Rice. The canned version does have some fish, as do their other formulas including the canned venison. It's less expensive than Wellness and easier for me to find. One thing I've noticed is that many pet stores have more brands of dog food than cat food. If you notice a particular brand you like in the dog food section, they should be able to order the cat food for you from the same supplier.

Also, Nutro Max Cat Roasted Chicken and Nutro Natural Choice Adult do not contain fish. I'm actually feeding the Natural Choice right now, so far that and the California Natural both work good for Lily's sensitive stomach and Eve seems to have nicer fur on Nutro.
Adding some more hugs for Mr. Hobbes to be feeling better soon, Rosie :)hug2:).

One of my kitties is also not well, and I had to take her to the vet's today for bloodtests. The vet suspects it could be thyroid problems or irritable bowel, though at this point anything is possible. She also said that food allergies might be a culprit, and they can build up over time. Tasha's had chronic diarrhea for the past looooonnnng while, and it's recently gotten worse. Poor little girl is almost 15, and she only weighs 5 lbs. as she has lost a lot of body weight. Am constantly cleaning up after her -- and getting peeved at Yofi, as twice he's decided to play in the litter box before I could catch him. (Picture one stubborn bunny playing gleefully in litter, and getting much more than he bargained for on his feet....ew ew ew ew!!!!!!)

It's no fun having a sick kitty (or sick any pet)! May they find the exact cause for Hobbes soon, so he can be back to his regular self again. :hug:
Hobbes has his appt with our regular vet tomorrow afternoon.

He started vomitting off and on yesterday, continuing to today...so please pray for him that he's okay. His cystitis symptoms have actually improved over the past few days, so I think the fountain is helping. :)

Hugs for your kitties...and please continue to pray for Hobbes...
maherwoman wrote:
Hobbes has his appt with our regular vet tomorrow afternoon.

He started vomitting off and on yesterday, continuing to today...so please pray for him that he's okay.

aaaww ... Hobbes ...


Praying for the absolute best outcome for Hobbes....:hearts
Ok...back from the vet (have been for a bit now, had to eat, let Hobbes settle, etc.)...

The vet said he looks really good. His symptoms have been drastically improving over the last few days, which is wonderful (and I let her know that). And, from that, she said he's in the clear, and is doing good.

She said that she could recommend a dietary change, but given the amount of stress in the house at the time he started having problems, she said that she really thinks it was just a reaction to the stress. He's very strongly bonded with we humans, and saw us freaking out in general, and I think it affected him rather strongly.

I told her that we bought them a Drinkwell fountain and that seemed to also help...and she honestly thought that was enough. She said we could consider changing his food to Innova's EVO dry food, if we wanted to add more protein, but that in his case, it wasn't VITAL. She understood about them never wanting wet food of any kind (they won't even eat giblets or bacon, guys, hehe), and said that since he's improving on his own, it's not necessary to have to switch them.

So, there ya go! He was SO calm on the way home...and this is the cat that YOWLS the whole way!! I think he was just happy that he didn't have to stay there at all, much less overnight. And I think he was more content because I was calmer in general.

It's nice to know that my babies are okay...*sigh*
Yay Hobbes!!! I'm so glad he's getting better.

I have been trying to find Innova everywhere and can't seem to find diddly squat!

That is great news!

Innova Evo is excellent food, a bit pricey....but well worth it! I can get it from my local grain store.

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