I want this bunny!!

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Jordi, it says they only do adoptions in this area. Do they mean they won't "ship" bunnies to other areas and you have to come in person and live nearby, or do they mean people like me who are in town but live elsewhere couldn't go down and adopt one? Even if it doesn't work out with this little one, I'll be heading back to Fairbanks with a bunny! I have my eye on Penny or Tabitha at the Everett Shelter or one of several baby bunnies at the Seattle shelter.

My mom won't be getting home until probably 5:30, and my brother and I are driving over there as soon as she gets home (we need the car!). So, about one hour to go! I got 3 new Nintendo DS games for Christmas so I've been passing the time with those!
Grr! My mother isn't home with her car yet, so we had to change the time to 7 pm. The evening is such a hard time because of course the owner has things to do in the evening and it would be silly for her to have to sit around waiting for us! I'm sure we'll have the car by 6:45 though :) She was planning to be home all day today so at least we didn't keep her from something before by not arriving a 5:30.

I have exciting news though! I can't get to the owner's house on the bus, so the little one will be coming home with me tonight! Tomorrow afternoon is her vet appointment and the bus goes from right in front of my house to right in front of the vet's office. We'll drop her off tomorrow evening at her owner's house to stay for the rest of the week. Tonight the little bunny will be sleeping in our bath tub with a towel in the bottom and a litter box! Her owner is going to give us some pellets and hay for her tonight. I bought a cute purple moose stuffy for her too so maybe she'll snuggle with it.
Okay! My mom just got home. We're going to Petsmart first to pick up a carrier, then off we go to meet the bun :happyrabbit:
AND..........:tantrum::tantrum::tantrum::tantrum::tantrum::tantrum::tantrum::hello:hello:hello:hello:crash:crash:crash:crash:crash WANT TO SEE BUN PICTURESSSSSSSSS!

Hi guys! She's here! She is SO cute, too, way cuter than any of the pictures... My enthusiasm is rather dampened though because I'm really worried that she's sick. Her nose is running a little, you can't actually see any discharge but the discharge is clear and very thin. Her eyes are a little weepy, too- again, clear liquid. Her eyelids seem red, too. To top it off, her poops are soft. They have a good round shape, but they're squishy and stinky. Her butt is clean. She's peed and been pooping up a storm. She isn't lethargic and is hopping around her little cage, and is of course rather scared, but she calms down some if you lie down and put her on your chest and pet her.

The owner said that she hasn't had diarrhea and that she didn't have a runny nose until we got there. She said sometimes they get runny noses from stress, but I've never experienced that with Cinny or Rory... She's going to the vet tomorrow so the vet should be able to say what's going on, but I'm so worried! Worried that she won't be well enough to fly back to Alaska with me and just plain worried that she's sick and baby buns go downhill rapidly. Her owner agreed I can "return" her if the vet thinks she's a boy or if she's ill and I can't bring her home. If I can't bring her home, I'll still be out the $100 for the vet visit. I'm more concerned that the bunny get healthy, but still. I am just beside myself... I'm trying not to get too attached to her and she's in my room with dim lighting, food, water and the door closed. I'm worried that even if we can get her better, she just has a really weak immune system and will be getting sick often.

Here are her pics... The right eye that you can't see looks worse.



send the 2nd picture in to sharon steitler for disapproving bunnies part 2 hahaha

i hope someone better than me with rabbit experience writes back about what to do with her runny eyes and nose...

how much was her adoption fee? did the previous owner have other rabbits?

The pics are fabulous! She is an absolute doll! Don't fret about the eyes/nose yet. Let the vet examine her thoroughly and go from there. Imagining and guessing everything that "could" be wrong will only strss both of you.

I wish you as safe bus journey and a good report from the doc!

Looking forward to more news later today!

~Mary Ellen
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Oh my gosh! I know I just posted a second ago, but there's a new bunny at the Everett shelter! She's a mini lop named Tabitha, and that's what we'd been planning to name our new bunny! She would match my ratties what with the white fur and red eyes :D She sounds sweet, too!

SnowyShiloh wrote: [/b]
Jordi, it says they only do adoptions in this area. Do they mean they won't "ship" bunnies to other areas and you have to come in person and live nearby, or do they mean people like me who are in town but live elsewhere couldn't go down and adopt one? Even if it doesn't work out with this little one, I'll be heading back to Fairbanks with a bunny! I have my eye on Penny or Tabitha at the Everett Shelter or one of several baby bunnies at the Seattle shelter.

Most just want the bunnies to go to a good home, especially the 'shelters' as opposed to the rescues. If you prove to them you have a good home waiting, you can havea rabbit.If you make room by taking one from a rescue, the rescue will be able to take one from a shelter, so both work out.

The Everettshelter's website indicates that itis a high kill facility, I'll bet the staff don't want to see Tabitha or any othergirl put to sleep, they'll work with you on it.

sas :tears2:
Oh, Pipp... I didn't know that about the Everett shelter! I just tried to look at Penny's profile and it's not there anymore! :cry2 I hope she was adopted yesterday! She's been at that shelter for at least a week and a half... I really, really hope she's okay and if this doesn't work out, the white bunny Tabitha is still there tomorrow if I need to go get her! Would they put off euthanizing her if I said I was coming to get her? She's only been on Petfinder for two days at the most, I've been checking every day and yesterday was the first time I saw her.
They just say they're allowed to 'destroy' pets after 72 hours, not that they will. But that said, most willusually not tell you if they did, they don't want upset people on their doorstep.

With most, it will all depend on the space available and on who they deem adoptable. If they're already on Petfinder, that's a good sign, but if they're short of cage space, the ones deemed cage aggressive (usually the ones scared to death) or the ones with runny noses stressed out from being in a shelter with barking dogs will 'disappear'.

Dill, Sherryand Darry would have been destroyed at the shelter in theareas they came from, Darry and Sherry were cage aggressive, Dill bites like a SOB. (And I love him for it :hearts).

If you express interest in a bunny, it may well buy them some time -- or another bunny some time knowing they may have another cage available. It's all a chain.

I don't know that I'dpay much attention to Petfinder, I'd just go andlook.

The Pacific Northwest is terrible for bunny overloads because so many people think they can just let them go. The feral populations are huge. We're an hour or so north of Everett and there's an estimated5000 in just one area alone. The farmers now have permission to shoot them. :(

Anyhoo... off on a tangent. Any bunny you can get out of there will save a life somewhere, believe me.

I know the baby's cute, but at that age her heath is iffy, she's finewhere she is,and there are so many in need. :(

sas :pray:
I e-mailed the breeder and told her we're bringing the baby back tonight. When I pull myself together in a few minutes I'm going to call the Everett shelter to see about visiting Tabitha tomorrow. I really hope Penny wasn't put down.

The baby is being really cute right now, she's lying on her side watching me! It doesn't look like she's distressed lying there, just like she's wanting to relax.
Oh, gosh... I just checked Petfinder again and there's a new bunny! I wonder if the new bunny came in so they had to put down Penny to make space for him? :cry4: I feel like I killed her myself!
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Oh, gosh... I just checked Petfinder again and there's a new bunny! I wonder if the new bunny came in so they had to put down Penny to make space for him? :cry4: I feel like I killed her myself!

no no no no no. you absolutely did not. plus, you don't even know if penny was put down, penny could have been adopted. you did not KILL anyone or anything, you are safe :)

That baby was cute. So are you returning her?

Goodluck with whatever happens. AndI hope little Penny was adopted...

You did no such thing as killing her! Even if something happened that was was PTS, it wasn't your fault at all. Don't worry about it...
Okay, this is copied right from the thread I had in the Infirmary forum:

I value everyone's support and advice SO much! I was all set to return the baby to her breeder tonight and had canceled her vet appointment, but something made me take the baby out of the small travel cage to see what she'd do. When I put her on the floor, she immediately started running around and the living room and exploring! Within a minute or so she was even doing binkies. So, I watched her running around the room, getting into everything and binkying, and couldn't help but think this wasn't the behavior of a stressed out bunny. I e-mailed her breeder back and asked her if it would be okay if I took her to the vet after all, and she said it was fine with her. So, I rescheduled the appointment (after explaining to the vet what was going on, and she thought it was worth bringing the baby in) and off we went at 4 pm.

Well, guess what happened at the vet's office! This vet, by the way, is a very good one and has been caring for bunnies for 20 or 30 years. She's the vet I've been taking my pets to for the past 6 years and is a cautious, well informed woman who loves animals. Okay, on to the point: She weighed the baby, listened to her intestines, heart and lungs, examined her ears and teeth, palpated her stomach, took her temperature, examined her poop, examined her eyes and nose and did a couple more things. She said the bunny is absolutely perfect! She believes the runny nose and eyes were not caused from stress, but because of the dryness of being indoors. The baby had lived outside her entire life where there's much more moisture, and wasn't brought into the house until an hour or so before we went to pick her up... Which is also when the runny nose and eyes started. Today, her eyes have not run at all (and the eyelids are normal colored) and her nose is just a tiny bit. The vet believes the nose thing is still because of the dryness and the bunny appears to be completely healthy. She's been acting great too and even in the car was nibbling hay and flopping. The vet said she had no reason to think the baby won't do well on the flight and filled out a health certificate for her. She said that if she'd had any doubts, she wouldn't have done it, but she's confident the baby is fine!

I am so glad I trusted my instincts and took her to the vet anyway. Apparently I was just overreacting before. Two years ago right around this time, my bird didn't seem quite right to me but everyone else thought he was fine... he died when I was out of town a few days later. Because of that, I am hyper aware of anything that happens to my pets and I guess am prone to overreacting!

I hope everyone doesn't think I'm a horrible bunny mom for doing this anyway. I was completely prepared to return her to her breeder if she was not 100%, but I wanted the professional opinion of someone who could actually handle her and examine her.
I'm so happy that this has worked out for you this way. So are you keeping the baby until you fly out - or did you take the baby back to the breeder?

I'm so glad the vet saw her and I'm glad the vet has worked with rabbit so much. It certainly sounds like the rabbit got a thorough checkup.

Peg, I originally wanted to leave the bunny at her breeder's house and pick her up on the way to the airport. The breeder was okay with that, but told me she wouldn't be in a hutch out in the backyard with the other bunnies, she would be in the garage by herself. All her siblings have gone to their new homes. The breeder thought she might as well stay with me for the week since she'd be in a place strange to her anyway. I would have prefered for her to stay with her mom in the hutch until the day of the flight (or wherever she was used to being), but it isn't going to work out that way. In the mean time, I have constructed her a little cage using NIC panels and the base to my birds' old cage (after being thoroughly disinfected, of course)!

We've decided to call her Tallulah instead of Tabitha. I love the name Tabitha, but it makes me think of the sweet mini lop I would have had if it hadn't worked out with her. We think Tallulah is a pretty name and fits her. It's Irish and means "princess". Rory's "real" name is Rhiordan, which is also Irish and means "little poet king" so the names seemed to go together! We're probably going to call Tallulah Tilly or Tilly Mae a lot of the time.

She gave me a scare a couple hours ago when I went to check on her and found her little "muzzle" very wet! I was horrified and thought her nose had gone crazy dripping, but then I noticed she was sitting in front of her water bowl and she went back to drinking a second later... and kind of got her face a little wetter in the process than necessary!

Peg, thanks for your kind thoughts! I'm going to try to add Dr. Cannon to the vet thread in a while if I can.
Shiloh, you're really trying so hard to do the right thing, and it's really appreciated. You're an awesome bunny mom. One of the best. That baby is in great hands.

I feel for the shelter bunnies, yes, but honestly, you really don't know anything about Tabitha or any of the others, they were pictures on a website. Had you actually made it to the shelter, you'd likely to have ended up with somebunny totally different or maybe nobunny at all. That's why the shelters will never hold a bunnyfor anyone who likes their picture, things are always so different in real life. There really is no point for any of us todwell on that.

Sorry for the hard sell on the shelters. I'm sure you'll find another way to help. Sponsoring will do as much good as adopting one,and there are many other options. I'm sure you'll end up doing right by them, you're that type of person. :hug1

Meanwhile, I like 'Tally.'

'Tally and Rory' has a nice ring to it. :twocents

sas :)

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