I may be about to pop with bunny love!!!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2009
Reaction score
Sheffield, , United Kingdom
So i had to share with someone and my other half is out!

Chop was out for his evening run about and I'm sat on the sofa wrapped up in a blanket with my pillow drinking my milk and eating my digestives! Every so often he comes running past the sofa for a head scratch and then he goes off to binky as best as he can on laminate floor.

Then half way through Sex in the City ( we have a very hard and fast routine ) I get these two little paws on my thigh and he makes a very admirable attempt of a jump onto my lap nearly falling off and me having to haul him up onto the sofa to snuggle. ~z„„„„Œœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœq666tuv1 az`œœœœ7 ( Thats Chop, he decided he wanted a nosey)

And now he is sat on my pillow licking it as though his little life depends on it! I think i may be about to burst with awwww he is just the cutest most loving thing in the world! Posted a pic of my baby too!


And in the time its taken to up load that pic he has fallen fast asleep on the pillow!

Aww he sound's like such a little character...and just look at that cute wittle face!
i feel the same way about my Smudge! He is just AMAZING and SO SOOO cute and makes me SOOO happy! :inlove:
Bunnies are GREAT!

in chat if you wanna talk. :)

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