ill explain what the deal is with it, i hadbought rabbits, well actually i got a rabbit as a present because mycat ran away and someone thought a rabbit would be a nice gift. afterthat my friends kept taking me to pet stores and they bought rabbitsfor me, i never expected them to do so, but they did. i take very goodcare of them and i love them. milo isnt even around anymore which isaid in a different thread. i have over 20 pets in my house right now,all of whom i either have to take to a dorm with me or have a friendtake care of them, which is nearly impossible considering they are allgoing to college out of state also. i cant keep 9 rabbits at once, itsway too much money, i have to pay a car bill, cell phone bill, dormcosts, food, schooling and other things. i didnt want to give up therabbits that i recieved as gifts because ive grown attached to them andi know i can take care of them. but i know that i cant take care of theother ones for much longer. i was just hoping that someone would beable to know where i could take them besides a humane society. i dontfeel that i should have to pay to take them to a humane society when ididnt purchase them to begin with. especially since i dont even havemoney left over for food for myself. as for getting rabbits before iwas going to college, i didnt know i was going to go to college until aweek ago. not that its any of your business in the first place but imonly 19 and i have to figure out how to get money for myself forclothes and food, i cant afford to take care of that many rabbits. icant even afford to feed myself for days to weeks at a time. yet imconstantly buying food and hay and bedding and everything else for therabbits who shouldnt be my responsibility in the first place. if icould find a home for them somehow that would be great.