I have exciting news...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Ok...anyone that knows me well has always asked...

"Are you going to have more children? Or are you going to have just Emily?"

I've had COUNTLESS people ask me this...and I always had the same answer:

"Nope, we're just gonna stick with one."

Then comes the diluge of questions...

"Why just one? Doesn't she want a brother or sister? Don't you feel bad that she doesn't have someone to play with? Why not have more?" etc. etc. etc.

This is something I've experienced, mostly since marrying Danny in 2005. People just never really understood, but I was totally okay with that.

Recently, Danny and I had quite the pregnancy scare...and it got us thinking. Why DON'T we have another? Would it be so horrible? I started crying at the idea of going through labor again (it was really horrible for me, I had many huge things go wrong...enough so that they had to give me four pints of blood before I left the hospital), but Danny reminded me that this time around, things are different...I have HIM. (I was single when I had Em...and met Danny when she was about two years old.)

So, we talked about it for a long time, and I realized...I really would love to have another child. But not just have 'another child', as much as I realized, have another child WITH HIM. You see, Em's never been just 'some kid' for him...he's taken her on full-fledged as his own daughter...so for us, it would be like having another child together.

I started to actually get excited about the idea! This is simply not my normal reaction to the idea of having another! Then I started thinking about how much help Em would be with the baby, and what an amazing older sister she would be, and how much wonderful help I would get from Danny, and how much love the little one would have...

So, we've decided to have another child...just one more. Heck, we've even thought of names for him or her! We're going to name him Robert William if he's a boy (both our dad's names), and Katie Elizabeth if she's a girl (the middle name being a tribute to his late mom).

So, there ya go! I'm really excited, even though I'm not pregnant yet. :) I think this is going to be a really great thing for our family, and I feel like I'm ready now. I sure wasn't before...but I have so much more support this time around, it'll be so great! (You'll have to excuse my thinking singly when I think of having a baby...as I don't know what it's like to have one WITH someone...but I will now!)

I'm even going to start collecting things for the baby...Em wants to buy stuffies for him/her, and books. Can't really start collecting clothes (if only due to the fact that I don't want to dress a girl in yellow or green, lol), but we can start collecting other things.

I'm excited!! :D
Congratulations!!! What a momentous and wonderful decision!
That is awesome! Rob saysthat is a good name. His name is...Robert William.
WOW! Congratulations on making such an incredible decision! It will be special having a baby WITH someone... Blessings on you all!
Robin was almost named "Katie Elizabeth" - I LOVE that name...

Here's hoping for a girl! (Or even a boy - as long as the baby is healthy).

Congrats on the decision.
ROSIE!!!! What a wonderful decision to make!!!!!! I'm so happy for you your husband, and Emily!!!!!!!

Good luck, and you know....have fun trying!!!!!! :):)

Please keep us all updated! HOORAY BABY!!!!!

congratulations on the decision to have another baby!!!!!!!!!

If you have any concerns about what happened before just go to your ob before hand and talk everything over with them before hand
Thank you so much, guys!! :)

We're excited...and I'm trying not to go out and buy a whole lot of baby stuff before I even get pregnant, lol!

So, I told my dad...and his response to the boy's name? "Oh, Honey...I'm so honored! But PLEASE PLEASE don't name him Robert! I hated my name my whole life...name him something cool like Bob, or Bobby, or Salamander." LOL!! My dad's a card. I had to laugh...I've always hated people calling him Bob or Bobby. When I was a teenager, and someone called him one of the two, I said to him, "God, I HATE IT when people call you that!" And he said, "Why? I LOVE it!" It was too funny...

So, Robert's out...but we're going to go with one of the names my dad thinks of, and fit it with William. That way there's at least SOME way to memorialize my dad with his name.

As far as gender...I'm really not sure which way I lean, to be honest. It would be neat to have another girl (they're so easy to pottytrain, etc.), but at the same time, it would be a whole new experience to have a boy...and there wouldn't be the danger of Em comparing herself to a boy. So, I guess whatever happens, happens!

And LOL about the "have fun trying" idea! :D

Ali...I had no idea Rob's name was Robert William...how funny!!

And Katie...you're so wonderful...I wouldn't mind a bit naming her after you! :)

Peg...that's funny, that the name is the same you were thinking of naming Robin!

Angieluv...thank you so much. That's so sweet of you!! :D

Gosh, guys...what're the odds??

Congratulations on your decision! That's so exciting. I think Robert is a fine name, why does your dad hate it? Your dad could call him Robbie if it's okay with you. What's your dad's middle name? Or maybe William Robert, you could call him Liam. My dad's name is William and his brother's name is Robert :)
Wow your story sounds a lot like mine!!!! I am now pregnant and by the time the baby will be born there will be a nine year difference from my only other child.

isn't great when you find the man of your dreams? someone who can truely be there for you! So wonderful!

I am so excited for you & wish you all the best of luck!!!
That`s great news Rosie! And you will definitely have to post here the moment you get a positive test result! ;)

(LOL...my ex-husband was a Robert, and a guy who was very special to me later on was (is) William. My ex went by the name Bob, but heaven forbid anyone ever call him Bobby; he`d flip!)

I love the name Katie Elizabeth... :D
Yaaay! Congrats! How exciting must it be to plan to have a baby :)?! I can't wait until Ryan and I plan to have one, but that won't be for another few years.

I am hoping you have a boy!
Thanks, guys!

In talking even further (you can imagine how excited we are), Danny told me that having another had actually been on his mind for a few weeks now. We have a friend that has two young children, and he said that seeing them together made him think about having another, and made him start being interested in the idea, but he hadn't had a chance to bring it up to me before I brought it up.

More names we thought of for a boy, using the middle name William (out of respect for my dad's unhappiness with using the name Robert):

Our favorite one so far is Keith, so Keith William.

Danny likes Isaac.

We also thought of: Harvey, Patrick, Kevin, Shawn, and Blake.

We're having fun looking through baby name books, laughing about names we just wouldn't use, and just seeing what sounds good, etc. This is fun! :)

I've been talking with Em a lot, making sure she's really okay with everything. I let her know that yes, she'll see us buying lots of things for the baby, but that's just because we're starting from scratch with a new baby, whereas we were able to buy her current things (bed, toys, etc.) gradually. I also let her know that yes, she'll see us buying the baby a lot of clothes, but I let her know that it's because babies spit up and such, and then need a change of clothes (which adds up to several changes of clothing a day, etc.), and she understood everything. We're working really hard at making sure she doesn't feel left out. She's going to be a HUGE part of everything...helping me out a lot in bathing, changing, clothing, and playing with the baby...and she's really excited about the idea! :)

We all three really would love to have a boy this time around. It would be really neat, and with how much a tomboy Em is, she would have a blast with a younger brother! :)

I bought a copy of What to Expect When You're Expecting (found one for $2 at a thrift store!), so I could brush up on my knowledge of things to expect with pregnancy...and to also show Danny and Em, so they can know what they're getting into, lol. It's so neat looking through it, and remembering various things about when I was pregnant with Emily.

I also checked out a book from the library that has pictures of a baby as it develops in utero (actual photographs!), and all three of us looked through it together. It's really fascinating!

We also looked around the baby aisles at Target, to see what's new that came out since Em's infanthood...and MAN! There's so much that's new! When it comes time to really start considering prices and what types of things we'll be getting (like, when I actually get pregnant, lol), we'll take a trip over to Babies R Us, where you can try out the strollers (MUST have one that's easy to fold up, has cup holders for me and Baby both, etc.) and carseats to see which ones you like.

Looking around at the baby stuff at Target is a good thing to do before getting pregnant, though, so you can see what prices things are, get a good idea of what financial changes to expect, etc.

I plan on having a pack of each size of diaper (just one, except for the one the baby would currently be at), so there are no surprises. I remember how it would be with Em, one morning she'd wake up and be a totally new size, from having grown overnight. LOL! Sneaky little babies! We're going to do things like get wipes and such from Costco, so we're totally set up with loads of the things we need. (Of course, buying diapers will be post-conception, too.)

So, things are going well. Em and I already bought some books for the baby's library, so we're excited. :D

Can't wait to be able to tell you guys when we're pregnant!!! :D
Oh Rosie...I just saw this thread, and am so happy for you guys. When I had Michael, I was really concerned about how Sarah would deal, since she was the little princess who was used to having us and my parents (who lived 4 houses away from us) all to herself. When I talked with our very level-headed pediatrician, he told me that little girls, in his experience, usually act like little mothers, and really enjoy having a real live doll to play with. For the most part, he was absolutely right. We had our moments, mostly after the baby became not just someone that we HAD to take care of. It was a bit rough when the baby began to be someone that we WANTED to pay attention to, and was so cute, and not doing as many gross and disgusting things like "barfing" so often. (That's how she always put it!)

It's so exciting to be anticipating this new addition.....more bunny lovers being made...I LOVE IT!
Congratulations on the plans!
Big step for Em, working towards being a big sister :) I bet she's going to ask you a lot about what she was like when she was small :)

Very excited for your family!
When the apartments a'rocking, don't come a'knocking!

I hope you don't scare Emily with the process of making the baby, lol! If you're still in the same apartment I can just picture her surprised face in the morning.

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