I feel like this was uncalled for

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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2008
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, Maryland, USA
I have a co-worker who is very religious, which is fine. To every person their own. However, she knows that I am an atheist. We got into a small disagreement about a report at work.

She then felt the need to bring in my religious beliefs into the argument.

She proceded to tell me that I am a horrible person because I don't believe in God. It continued on that line (I'm a sinner, etc.)

I accept everyone's beliefs. Why does she feel the need to tell me I'm a horrible person just because we are different?

I am still a great person. My beliefs don't dictate the kind of person I am.

Has anyone every felt like this? That a person judges you for something or other?
Well, I am Catholic and I have to say that I really hate people who do that also. I actually enjoy learning about other faiths (and of course non-faith lol) - I respect anything anyone believes. As a Christian I do have certain beliefs about those things but it's not my place to force you or judge you - it's just my belief.

In a legal sense, she's not supposed to even discuss it with you. If she is bringing it up - ignore her and if she continues, talk to your supervisor.
I too have had this. My former housemate was really religious and she used to talk down to me a lot. I personally respect everyones views, but it seems that some people can't respect that people differ from them in their views. I guess really that makes them narrow minded and very limited, so maybe if she does it again, just ignore her, but inside, pity her for living such a limited life.
Oh, and this was the girl that dumped Adeline on me as well.

But yet I'm the horrible one. She abandons her bunny, but because she is Christian that makes her good and me bad LOL

Odd logic.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has experienced this :)
Things like this are another reason I don't beleive in religions or have a religion, turns people against eachother.
I just think it is a shame that people can't accept each other for who they are.

People can believe anything they want and it's okay with me. I only have problems when people don't like each other because of it :(

I think it's sad
hands down that is harrasment......

if it happens again...tell her point blank that it has nothing to do with work and keep it on a work basis...

in the meantime let your supervisor know...and that IF there's a next time you will make an offical complaint.

she can THINK whatever she likes...she just can't say it...
just because you go to church every sunday doesn't make you a Christian anymore than owning a bunny makes you a vet!
I don't know what religion this woman is but I'm sure it's against the bible to speak to people the way she spoke to you!

My husbands ex-in-laws are strict mormon. I was raised methodist, and do not go to church every sunday. My daughters grandmother used to send the missionaries over to our house weekly. After we moved she did not have our new address, because we didn't want her to send the church people over AGAIN. She actually stooped to calling my daughter and saying she wanted to send her a birthday present and got the address from her...no birthday present came. Not even a card, but the home teacher showed up a week later to try and "talk sense into us crazy kids."

I am open to other peoples beliefs, but I also do not appreciate them being forced on me.
I would really say something to the higher ups (boss) and let them know whats been going on, i'm sure she is the type of person who will continue this even if she stops for awhile. at least leave a paper trail in case things turn for the worse and that why you have all ends covered.

if i was in your shoes i would have said if i'm such a horrible person why did you dump ur bunny on me :X. and make her feel horrible.. but thats the childish part coming out of me, since she's so close minded. err i cant stand people like that!

i was never raised with religion, i really didn't know what it was until i was older, but i never closed my mind to things. my husband is roman catholic and attends church, prays at meals, he practices his faith. but he is a very open minded person who has accepted me for who i am and has never once tried to change me or push his beliefs on me. his mom on the other hand was a little questionable about me, but all he said to her was "mom, she's my angel" and that was that.

but good luck with this and i hope it gets resolved and doesn't turn into anything bigger.
I would probably just say to her I am sorry but religion has nothing to do with this and I am not going to discuss this with you as it has no bearing on my job!!
uugggghhhh I am so sorry, but i dont see what your religion has to do with your work? She needs to be told to leave religion out of it, end of conversation.
NetherlandDwarf wrote:
I would really say something to the higher ups (boss) and let them know whats been going on, i'm sure she is the type of person who will continue this even if she stops for awhile. at least leave a paper trail in case things turn for the worse and that why you have all ends covered.

Yes!!! Have a paper trail! Out of all of the stuff I learned during my Human Resource classes was to document-document-document. The more dates, times, eye witnesses you have, the stronger the case against her harassment. Even if you don't really want to get her in trouble, she could actually be the type of person who spins things around to get you in trouble (or fired). Don't just tell her to stop, have your supervisor document it as well.

I feel your pain. I'm agnostic (leaning towards atheist). It just plain sucks sometimes.

My boyfriend's family are all born-again Christians... That's not awkward or anything...
"So, when are you going to get saved?" :grumpy:

I learn to ignore it. It still bothers me, but it's not worth getting too upset about. I normally wind up ruffling their feathers, not the other way around.

If it's at work, I would recommend telling your higher-ups. Also, document! That always helps.

Good luck to you! :)
Epic_win wrote:
Oh, and this was the girl that dumped Adeline on me as well.
At first I thought... well that's it.... I hate that person ..... but then I realized Adeline is better off with you so ....... I'm glad she's an idiot! ;)
I've met a few people who think God put animals on the earth so humans can do what they want with/to them, so it doesn't matter what they do, they're still "good" in God's eyes.
And I've met very religious people who are very loving and caring towards animals.
And there are always the people who are too self centered to see that some things they do don't match up with things that they say, religious or no.

In any case, I agree with everyone who has suggested that you document this. It was completely irrelevant to the situation, and uncalled for. As you were an unwilling participant in the discussion, and she was saying nasty things about you, it could be considered harrassment. If you don't want to go to HR or a supervisor right away, next time try telling her that her points are irrelevant to the matter at hand and refuse to discuss religion with her.

I've had lots of people tell me the awful fate that awaits me in the afterlife, since I don't really believe in God. I've also had people tell me that even if I did believe in God, I would go to H*** just because I don't go to church. (They were usually trying to get me to go to *their* church, in particular, but I did not find that to be a particularly effective way to get me to go. I think those people should not go into advertising. ;))

Edit: I don't want my post to be taken as a bash on religious people. Just on the ones who aren't very nice towards others.

I have felt this way...

Some really really religious people feel that they are "SUPERIOR" because they believe they are "good and "saved" and you aren't..

they are judgemental

That could be called the sin of pride
i would hate that.
i am learning. (im a roman catholiin school about, jews and the ortadox church. and visiting different religion places of worship later in the year.
i think that was wrong. i have a friend of a friend who is a jew. we enjoy company. well i have not seen him for about 5months but still, that did not need to come up. it is your choice. if u ak her why do you believe in GOd. (ok i do but still she would be like!):X so as angie love says....
oh and i hate the way they force it on you
and the born again prodestants. they think they are better. they marach to show us we lost in derry. and killed years ago in derry and belfast. but its offf the topic...

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