How do you play with your rabbit

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mybunnywinnie wrote:
Winnie likes to be "teased". I have a backscratcher that Ihold in front of him. He grabs the end w/ his teeth and moves it eitherto the left or right. I put it right back where it was and we do thisover and over, with Winnie moving it further away each time. I can'ttell if he's getting annoyed or is enjoying it, but I just keep doingit until he gets bored.

You can also try to make him "beg" for his veggies (hold it above his head and make him stand on his hind legs).

I will also sometimes put a towel over his head and he'll poke around until he finds his way out and then do it again.

You can try just about anything and go with whatever works. Just followhis lead. Just don't do anything that angers or scares him.
what if all he wants to do is sleep?
Bun~Bun wrote:
You can teach him tricks whith treats. My rabbit knows atrick I tought him. "Up And Crouch." I take out a treat and I say"Up!!" And he stands up. Then I say "Down!!" And he'll crouch.Of course you'll have to start out by moving the treat up anddown so he can fallow it and learn the command words "Up" and "Down."
I tried that. Not with treats but with hay. But instead of going up and down I lead to me.
I wouldn't worry about your rabbit biting you.Rabbits groom each other by nipping sometimes. Gretchen usedto nip at me with her teeth. She wasn't being mean, but itscared me a little. Whenever she did it, I would say OUCH really loudand she eventually stopped. Now she just licks me.

Like everyone else is saying, just get down on the floor with yourbunny and let him come to you. Do this for a little whileeveryday and you will become the best of friends.
my rabbits love the empty tiolet roll tubes, butthey also love cat balls (the ones with the bells inside) 1 of my bunsscooby plays fetch, well kinda, i place the ball on my hand he picks itup and throws it, if i roll it towards him, he picks it up and throwsit at me, he tends to get a bit carried away though, and forgets theball, and trys to do it with my hand, bless, he doesn't hurt, just lilnips (love bites) he really is sweet, oh and baby bunnies look so cuterunning round with tiolet roll tubes on as hats (self inflicted, may iadd) :colors:
candycane wrote:
my rabbits love the empty tiolet roll tubes, but they alsolove cat balls (the ones with the bells inside) 1 of my buns scoobyplays fetch, well kinda, i place the ball on my hand he picks it up andthrows it, if i roll it towards him, he picks it up and throws it atme, he tends to get a bit carried away though, and forgets the ball,and trys to do it with my hand, bless, he doesn't hurt, just lil nips(love bites) he really is sweet, oh and baby bunnies look so cuterunning round with tiolet roll tubes on as hats (self inflicted, may iadd) :colors:
How many rabbits do you have?
Are you expecting your rabbit to want to playwith you like a puppy? Because she won't. Ourrabbits like to interact with us in different ways (I highly recommendlying on the floor and allowing your rabbit to check you out and jumpon top of you), but it's not going to be like playing with a cat ordog. This may sound obvious, but she's a rabbit, and thatmeans she's different. And you really need to get over yourfear of getting bitten. I have a "biting rabbit" because shewas abused, and she's never even broken through the skin. Nowthat she's used to me, she usually tugs on my pants or licks my noseinstead. Rabbits that bite are pretty rare, unless youmistreat her and she feels like she needs to defend herself.

Is the floor in your room slippery? That's probably why she won't moveof the blanket you put down for her. Look at herfeet. They don't have pads like a cat or dog, they just havefur. Fur+slippery floor= scared sliding bunny. Sheprobably also doesn't run around much because her muscles have weakenedfrom not getting exercise while you've had her. She needs tobe allowed out for long periods of time so she gets used to the idea ofbeing allowed to play.

It's okay for her to chew and shred paper and cardboard, most rabbitsdo, just try to keep stuff with lots of ink away- although newspaper issupposed to have nontoxic ink.
naturestee wrote:
Are you expecting your rabbit to want to play with you likea puppy? Because she won't. Our rabbits like tointeract with us in different ways (I highly recommend lying on thefloor and allowing your rabbit to check you out and jump on top ofyou), but it's not going to be like playing with a cat ordog. This may sound obvious, but she's a rabbit, and thatmeans she's different. And you really need to get over yourfear of getting bitten. I have a "biting rabbit" because shewas abused, and she's never even broken through the skin. Nowthat she's used to me, she usually tugs on my pants or licks my noseinstead. Rabbits that bite are pretty rare, unless youmistreat her and she feels like she needs to defend herself.

Is the floor in your room slippery? That's probably why she won't moveof the blanket you put down for her. Look at herfeet. They don't have pads like a cat or dog, they just havefur. Fur+slippery floor= scared sliding bunny. Sheprobably also doesn't run around much because her muscles have weakenedfrom not getting exercise while you've had her. She needs tobe allowed out for long periods of time so she gets used to the idea ofbeing allowed to play.

It's okay for her to chew and shred paper and cardboard, most rabbitsdo, just try to keep stuff with lots of ink away- although newspaper issupposed to have nontoxic ink.
My rabbit is a "he" and yea I got slippy floors. But I thoughtputing a blanket over it will make iteasier for it to moveone. And so fur my rabbit didn't bite me. it did nip on my clothes. Butthere is no big pain. Just nervous and scare if it's going to bite hard.
A rabbit will most likely bite you if you havelike food or food scented stuff on your hands(Like after peeling anapple and you have juice sticky on your fingers.) - they have very goodnoses. They will also bite if you are annoying them or provoking themto bite you. They will nip and scratch at your clothes - theyhave a chewing habit and they think of making a burrow if you lay downa blanket, but shouldn't touch flesh.
Paper is a wood by product and shouldn't hurt them. Actually, most of the time, they will just shred it - not eat it.
And this wood thingy - what kinda wood is it made from? Cedar or Pine? Take a sniff and if it's scented, I dunno.
mine likes to be pet on the head and the cheek.she looks like she is in ecstasy when you pet her!she alsolikes to climb on me and sniff my hair.

i used to have a rabbit though that was not very playful. i got her asan adult. it was really hard to get her out of her shell. i bought hera bunch of toys all the time. she liked to play with those.

well, i think all rabbits are different, like people. my old rabbitliked popcorn and hated fruit. this rabbit hates popcorn and lovesfruit. i would just try to make her feel comfy and then watch herpersonality blossom.
muchloveforbunny wrote:
mine likes to be pet on the head and the cheek. she lookslike she is in ecstasy when you pet her!she also likes toclimb on me and sniff my hair.

i used to have a rabbit though that was not very playful. i got her asan adult. it was really hard to get her out of her shell. i bought hera bunch of toys all the time. she liked to play with those.

well, i think all rabbits are different, like people. my old rabbitliked popcorn and hated fruit. this rabbit hates popcorn and lovesfruit. i would just try to make her feel comfy and then watch herpersonality blossom.
do rabbit like toplay with stuffed toys. I bought itthis square shaped stuffed toy. They said it's ment for rabbits andferrets. But all my rabbit do is rip is apart.
magicapple wrote:
do rabbit like toplay with stuffed toys. I bought it thissquare shaped stuffed toy. They said it's ment for rabbits and ferrets.But all my rabbit do is rip is apart.
:DThat's how they have fun.:DWeird, but true.

do rabbit like toplay with stuffedtoys. I bought it this square shaped stuffed toy. They said it's mentfor rabbits and ferrets. But all my rabbit do is rip is apart.
Rabbits love to shred things, but if he's shredding stuffed toys thendon't give them to him! Those are not meant to be shredded,and the could be dangerous if you bun accidently eats some.Stuffed toys are meant to be cuddled and thrown around, and are notgood for all rabbits.

Give him a cardboard tube or a crumpled up piece of newspaper instead. Still fun, but much safer.
One way i've found to interact with Holly is ifshe is in a digging mood, which she usually takes out on the carpet, Ican dangle a piece of cloth that she played with in front of her noseto get her attention. Once I have her attention she'll usually bat atthe fabric instead of digging at the carpet. It can turn into a fungame.
The way bunnies play is very different from whatmight be expected. there is nothing they like better than just beingwith you. Be it running around in the garden with you while you'reweeding, sleeping next to (or on) your feet while you read a book, orjust plenty of petting. Bunnies also love to tear, shred, and throwthings, preferably things you'd rather they not throw, like the foodbowl. True, a bunny is not like a dog, but they are affectionate intheir own way. The more you play with your bunny, or just spend timewith him, you will notice this more and more, and come to love yourbunny for his ways and who he is.
Different bunnies will play in different ways,and like everyone has already said - the best way to figure out whatyou bunny likes is to sit on the floor with him and watch him for awhile. He will never play with you if he is in the cage andyou don't take the time to get to know his personality and let him getto know you so that he can trust you.

I can sit for hoursto play with Misty - she likes to run asfast as she can around my house and uses me as part of her racetrack. She likes when I hold chew sticks for her so she cantry her best to yank them from my hands. I roll those catjingle balls at her and she knocks them out of the way with her noseand tosses them aside with her teeth. Misty has castles madefrom different sized boxes that she spends hours trying to take apartof explore. Playing with your bunny is only limited by thesize of your imagination.

He will not bite you if you don't give him a reason to bite you but ifyou never give him the chance to get to know you and see that you arenot scary, you will never truly see his personality or how much funsuch a sweet rabbit can be.

By the way I LOVE chocolate lops. I was actually seaching forone for quite a while. I love your little guy - toobad you don't think he's cute - I've been hunting for one just like him.

naturestee wrote:
magicapple wrote:
dorabbit like toplay with stuffed toys. I bought it this squareshaped stuffed toy. They said it's ment for rabbits and ferrets. Butall my rabbit do is rip is apart.
Rabbits love to shred things, but if he's shredding stuffed toys thendon't give them to him! Those are not meant to be shredded,and the could be dangerous if you bun accidently eats some.Stuffed toys are meant to be cuddled and thrown around, and are notgood for all rabbits.

Give him a cardboard tube or a crumpled up piece of newspaper instead. Still fun, but much safer.
Newspaper has ink. So it's probably bad if the rabbit eats it.
HoneyPot wrote:
Different bunnies will play in different ways, and likeeveryone has already said - the best way to figure out what you bunnylikes is to sit on the floor with him and watch him for awhile. He will never play with you if he is in the cage andyou don't take the time to get to know his personality and let him getto know you so that he can trust you.

I can sit for hoursto play with Misty - she likes to run asfast as she can around my house and uses me as part of her racetrack. She likes when I hold chew sticks for her so she cantry her best to yank them from my hands. I roll those catjingle balls at her and she knocks them out of the way with her noseand tosses them aside with her teeth. Misty has castles madefrom different sized boxes that she spends hours trying to take apartof explore. Playing with your bunny is only limited by thesize of your imagination.

He will not bite you if you don't give him a reason to bite you but ifyou never give him the chance to get to know you and see that you arenot scary, you will never truly see his personality or how much funsuch a sweet rabbit can be.

By the way I LOVE chocolate lops. I was actually seaching forone for quite a while. I love your little guy - toobad you don't think he's cute - I've been hunting for one just like him.

I notice my rabbit like to jump and when i'm sittingcross-leged my rabbit would try to mine my feet. And my rabbit likes toget petted. I'm didn't figure out a game for the rabbit and me yet. Ortaught it any tricks yet, which is hard.
magicapple wrote:
Newspaper has ink. So it's probably bad if therabbit eats it.
Only if they're eating huge amounts of it. Most rabbits justshred it and dig at it, but only swallow a small amount. Ifhe's eating, say, whole pieces of it then it's a bad thing.But that's more because that much paper is hard to digest.Newspapers are supposed to be printed with soy ink which issafe. Just don't give him the glossy colored stuff.

And you don't need to train your rabbit to play with it.Mostly playing with your rabbit is just letting himplay. That's more important now, because you haven't beenletting him out much and that means he needs exercise badly.

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