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Rabbits Online Forum

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
Kaneohe, Hawaii, USA
Just a curious question; how did you find this forum?

My answer: Myspace (I'm such a loser. **Bunnies are Awesome** member)
I was on the old Delphi Rabbits Only forum, so I switched when this forum opened.

I came in searchof answers to questionsand actually this Forum was ontop of a search engine I was using, figuring that if its listedfirst it has to be one of the best , Iwasnt wrong Nor was Idisapointed .
I did search engine when I had my 2 buns and Iwas looking for homes for both. Jen (cirruswi) took Abby from me andnow she is the happiest bun with new friends.
Search engine the day after I got my firstbunny. I found the HRS website and read that through and thenfound this one right after. A lot of the info seemed to agreebetween HRS and the care sheet and I just kept coming backhere. I checked out a bunch of other forums but they all leftme disappointed.
Was there and old website and this is the newone because i used to bepart of a rabbit forum but i can'tremember it's name, it just stopped working and it was ages until idiscovered this one. I'm just wondering because they are very similar.
When I got my rabbits I wanted to learn bunchesand muches more. I used google and the websites were't thegreatest, so then I tried a different stragaity. I put,,, and so on.I didn't join the first time that I saw it because (I am so0o0o dumb),I thought that it was a online magizine that I had to payfor. lol. I came back later when I got bored and found myerror. I found this awesome forum and joined. Thatshow I'm here today.

-Ashley & Flopsy
When I was researching rabbits before I got myfirst somehow I never found this forum. A couple days after I eitherfound a link off a website of googled. Wish I'd found the forum beforeI bought an expensive cage, though. NIC would've been so much easier. :D

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