How comeDomestic rabbits can't live in the wild?

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I'm sure that's what happens with the majority. But if they breed before they die their offspring has a little bit better chance of living a little bit longer.

Letting a pet choose how to live is like letting a toddler do so. I guess that would reduce the world's population quite a bit, as they'd choose playing in the street or jumping in the pool for hide & seek.

Pets can't think beyond day to day & must be protected from themselves. They can't choose to die young & free because they don't understand the concepts necessary.
I'm sure that's what happens with the majority. But if they breed before they die their offspring has a little bit better chance of living a little bit longer.

Letting a pet choose how to live is like letting a toddler do so. I guess that would reduce the world's population quite a bit, as they'd choose playing in the street or jumping in the pool for hide & seek.

Pets can't think beyond day to day & must be protected from themselves. They can't choose to die young & free because they don't understand the concepts necessary.
I feel like my rabbits sort of have the best of both worlds. They are pampered indoor pets, but I take them out in a stroller for fresh air and sunshine at the park. I have dirt filled dig boxes and grow fresh grass for them in pots. Basically I let them experience the outside world in a controlled, safe manner. If they ever were to get loose on their own I think they would be terrified. Heck with all the thunderstorms lately I end up with several buns huddled on my lap so I can sooth them. They are terrified of the big boomies.
Strangely, Honey isn't bothered by thunderstorms. When we had the 1st one this spring here in the country, where they're a lot louder than at my Chicago condo, I went to sit with her, thinking she'd be huddled, but she was going about her business as usual. Every once in awhile she seems aware when a dog 2 doors down is barking, but that's about it.

She was more puzzled when the electricity was off last Monday, so I needed a flashlight when I fed her. She had no idea why a bright light was close to her & moving around. Go figure. And it wasn't storming then, so it wasn't noise AND the light was was affecting her. Actually, the might have thought the moving light was a new source of food.

MiniLopHop wrote:
I feel like my rabbits sort of have the best of both worlds. They are pampered indoor pets, but I take them out in a stroller for fresh air and sunshine at the park. I have dirt filled dig boxes and grow fresh grass for them in pots. Basically I let them experience the outside world in a controlled, safe manner. If they ever were to get loose on their own I think they would be terrified. Heck with all the thunderstorms lately I end up with several buns huddled on my lap so I can sooth them. They are terrified of the big boomies.

Awww! That is so cute that they cuddle with you during thunderstorms. How precious.

Mine seem to rely on the dog to alert them to danger. We had one unusually loud clap of thunder the other day. Dog jumped and that made the buns take a notice. Normally all of them ignore thunder. (Funny when the dog barks at the front door, they'll hop out of their open cage to see what's going on.)

Oh, I've so thought about getting a stroller for my buns. How does that work out for you. Did you have to alter it in anyway? I was wondering if I'd have to put a plastic box in for the bottom part where they sit. I was also trying to find one large enough to comfortably hold them both. Do you have a photo of your stroller? or a link?


The only thing I do is add puppy wee pads over the removable padded seat in case of accidents. I put a blankie and some hay in incase they get hungry.

I think the buns take their cue from the cat who is also terrig=fied of storms. Lightning hit our house when he was a kitten and ever since then he cowers. My husband holds the cat and I usually end up covered in buns.
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MiniLopHop wrote:

The only thing I do is add puppy wee pads over the removable padded seat in case of accidents. I put a blankie and some hay in incase they get hungry.

I think the buns take their cue from the cat who is also terrig=fied of storms. Lightning hit our house when he was a kitten and ever since then he cowers. My husband holds the cat and I usually end up covered in buns.

That is so perfect. Much better than others I've looked at. Looks roomier, lighter, and with more visibility for the buns. I'd probably put them in one section together since they're bonded. Thanks for the photos and the link... once the weather cools, we're going to go for walks!!
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My rabbits would not be able to survive in the wild at all. They would be terrified of all the noise and predators.

I always give my rabbits out of cage time every day. I also take them outside sometimes. They love it and they binky a lot when they are hopping around the rabbit area.

When reading this thread, I became terrified about my rabbits or any rabbit being out in the wild.

Domestic and wild rabbits are very different from each other. Domestic rabbits depend on humans to care for them, and wild rabbits have the survival skills to make it on their own.
I myself wouldn't want to have to rely on MY survival skills. For one thing, I can hardly see without my glasses, so if they got broken & couldn't be replaced, I'd soon be history.
Mine live outside in a nice coop/minibarn, they are very used to the sounds and i have been out there during storms with them and they don't flinch.

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