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  • Girl 2

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ec wrote:
I really concur with what others have said here... especially regarding these two things:

1. Please get your bun spayed before you bring another one into your house. Get to know her well, spend time with her, let her grow up.

2. Personality is everything.... really. Looks can be fleeting - and deceiving.

If I were in your shoes, here's what I'd do:

a. get your current rabbit spayed.

b. Hold off on getting a 2nd rabbit until your current bun is fully mature. It takes time for them to get through their crazy "teen" stage, and there are no shortcuts.

c. Adopt a nice adult rabbit with a good, friendly personality, preferably a neutered male who is past the teen stage - knowing that he might never bond with the other bun you've got, and with the clear understanding that will provide him with separate housing and just as much care and love as you give to your current bun.

Rabbits are intelligent creatures with strong personalities, likes and dislikes. Before i adopted my bun, i had several conversations with shelter staff about the personalities of various rabbits, and what I was looking for. They were immensely helpful in this process.... And a reputable breeder should be able to assist with this, too. But nobody can guarantee what a baby rabbit will be like as an adult - and there is no such thing as a perfect rabbit.

I honestly believe you and your current bunny will be a lot happier - and better off - if you just focus on her for now.

The bunny is very cute and you need to go back read all the advice you asked for and were given. The advice above from ec is excellent.

The most important thing will be if Pixie gets along with her. Did you know two unbonded rabbits can fight and literally kill each other? They can inflict terrible bite wounds on each other that can lead to death and hundreds and hundreds of dollars in vet bills.

Bonding 2 females is practically impossible. It can take a year or longer of working on it every day. One of the best methos of bonding is taking the bunnies for frequent car rides. Can you do this if don't drive and have a car?

Spaying a female rabbit in Ohio costs around $250 to $275 which means 2 girls will cost you $500 to $550 and possibly more. Do you have a vet picked out to do the spay? If you don't like the advice from those of us who have had rabbits for 10, 15 20 years or more, perhaps you need to speak to a rabbit savvy vet who can confirm what we are saying.

The most important thing will be if Pixie gets along with her. Did you know two unbonded rabbits can fight and literally kill each other? They can inflict terrible bite wounds on each other that can lead to death and hundreds and hundreds of dollars in vet bills.
I can vouch for that!! Look at what Tulla did to a rabbit I got that she didn't like. I had to spend hundreds at the vet, the first HOUR of having her.


undergunfire wrote:
Did you ever pick out another bunny :)?

Unfortunately this 2nd bunny is being hard to find and everything. That woman that I was getting the little brown one from that I thought I was rescuing, didnt answer my calls or anything. So I am back to my breeder with this little girl. Which trust me I dont mind. She is a doll! :biggrin2:







She is sooo cute! When do you get to bring her home :)?
I can vouch for that!! Look at what Tulla did to a rabbit I got that she didn't like. I had to spend hundreds at the vet, the first HOUR of having her.

Oh Binkies! That's anasty one (cringe). I've been there too. Isn't it funny how rabbits have thisstereo typical image of being cute little snuggle fluffs but in reality they can be mean asthe devil!:boxing

My little girl is getting so big. I cant wait to pick her up. Boy will she be spoiled!!!! Lion heads change a lot over each week. :inlove:



Oh wow....I love brokens. In fact, I need to take photos of Sundae's brokens to update the thread on the forum....

She's a real cutie - and the full butterfly markings on the nose are GREAT.....why can't I seem to get them?

You're so right - that lionheads can change so much in just a week...

Add her to Pixi's blog. Easier to handle that way.
PixieMillyMommy wrote:
Can someone delete this and "Miss Pixie" blog because I made a new one with all my girls.


Normally we leave all the threads and they eventually just fall behind, many pages back :p.

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