Hello! ^^

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, USA
Description said a lot. =P
I'm new here. I have one precious darling of a bunnie. Her name is BunBun. ^^ She is an Albino, bit I'm not sure if she is any particular breed...
Anyway, my "Angel",




Tee heee. Cute she is, she can switch her "Angel-ness" on and off at will. xD
If she wants me and my arm happens to lean on the cage, she grabs my sleeve in her teeth and YANKS it REALLY HARD. If my arm isn't on the cage or if I'm not wearing long sleeves, she takes the top bars of the cage and rattles them. =P
I look at her after she does this and she gives me this sweet little "I lub you mommeh. :hearts:" kind of look. xD And of course I pet her...

She is so spoiled... But all the same a sweetie.

EDIT: Someone asked about her size- (That's my hand by her.)



(Sorry about the pixely-nedd. My uploading quality wasn't good. xD)

How big is she? She's really beautiful. I love her big ears! When I was little, every birthday and every Sunday in church (I didn't think it was wrong), I would wish and pray for a white bunny with pink eyes and a pink nose. :D Your bunny fits the bill perfectly. hehe


She's GORGEOUS! and How could she ever not be angel-like?!?! ;)

I hope you like RO and enjoy visiting often!
Welcome! Glad you found us! Angel is a sweetie! How could you NOT love that face! (She just likes letting you know what she wants! So you are a BUNNY SLAVE!)

Hope you enjoy the forum. :welcome1
Hello!! Welcome to the forum My bunnies name is Bunbuns aswell! with an s after the last bun!:biggrin2: Cute little bun you got there!

-April and Bunbuns
Welcome to RO! :wave:
Squeeee I love BunBun!:inlove: Rews are my favourite colour of bunny after black, My Angel Bunny Pebble was one. :)

Sounds like you're a great bunny slave..uh..I mean owner. ;)

Michaela & bunnies Madison and Ebony
Whoa! =O All these replies snuck up practally overnight!


Thanks for all the "Welcome"s, and yes, I know, xD Bunny slave. She is demanding, huh?

^^ Thanks for the compliments on her, everyone.

In order:

Phinn's Mommy: ^^ Thanks!

Elf- I'll edit the first post with a picture of my hand next o her. =P

Aww. ^^ That' sweet!

Bo B- Thanks!

BlueGiants- Thanks!

~BunBuns~- =D Thanks! Aww! ^^ Cute!

Thumpers- Thanks! =D

BratBunny- ^^ Thanks! Heehee, Isn't she?

~Bracon~- =D Thanks!

Michaela- ^^ Thanks!

xD I know I am. Thanks!
Welcome fellow bunny slave.:p

What beautiful pictures Xila, oh she is just adorable.
I think I can tell she is spoilt...aww she's on my bun nap list.
All you need for Christmas is your little Angel.

Can't get over how sweet she looks and I am sure she needs loads of attention from her Mum.

So good to meet you, have fun and post lots so we can found out more:biggrin2:

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