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Jan 1, 2012
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Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada
Since yesterday, my bunny's poop has changed in size and shape. Her name is sky. We live in Quebec, Canada.
Her poop has changed around the time I started feeding her celery and alfalfa. She is hyper and wanders around the room like usual. She sneezes a lot, and she has a green moldy substance on her nose. I am so worried :(
I attached some pictures.

Quebec, Canada

Description (Breed, color, weight:
Nain Neerlandais, White

9 weeks old


Concise Summary of the Rabbit's Condition:
Very energetic, running around and curious about everything as usual. However, there recently has been a change in her poop size! This is my first bunny ever, so I'm a bit worried...


Fecal and Urinary Output

- are the bunny's poops and pees normal?
Pee is not viscous or thick, but very creamy in color. Poop has changed in size, shape and color.
- when did they last use their litterbox?
A few minutes ago.
- any unusual behavior? straining to pee? unusual litter habits?
Wouldn't say there are any unusual behaviour. Same old, poops EVERYWHERE.
But there has been a slight decrease in frequency of poop.
- what litter and/or bedding do you use?
It has it's own room, it runs around freely. It pees in a cardboard box with timothy hay as bedding.

Medical History

- spayed/neutered? No.
- has s/he been to the vet or been sick before? No.
- is s/he on any medications? No.


- what specifically does your bunny eat?
Timothy hay mostly. But I just started feeding her Alfalfa yesterday. Also ate 3 carrots (baby carrots), lots of
celery, and romaine leaves.
- when and what did s/he eat last? Some timothy hay.
- any changes in the way s/he eats? (ie: not eating a particular food, odd chewing motions, etc)
When she eats, she only eats the soft timothy hay, and not the hard, crispy hay she usually does.


- movement - any unusual movements? Is s/he hopping normally? No unusual movements, still very active.
- is the rabbit molting? I am not sure.
- any weight loss? I can feel her spine.
- any sign of drooling? wet face? Her nose has become dirty.
- runny eyes? No.
- wet nose? coughing? sneezing? A LOT of sneezing.
- is s/he breathing normally? I think she is, but she sneezes a LOT.


- any plants, chocolate or other substances within reach? No.
- has the rabbit been outdoors? Never.
- any other pets? if so, have they been ill? No other pets.



Are you sure those aren't green stains around her mouth, from her food?

Have you cut the celery up in small pieces so she's not eating any long strings that can get stuck inside?

I'd stop with the carrots.

Can you brush her, at least with your hands, to get rid of any loose hair she might be eating.
Slow down on the veggies you are offering her. When they are this young only 1 item should be offered at a time to prevent them getting diarrhea as diarrhea in young rabbits can be fatal. And if you are going to offer veggies to a young rabbit they should be dark leafy ones not carrots or cellery.

Miss shapen poops may mean nothing, it may just be how much she ate one day or how she was laying when they were formed. The key is that shes eating and acting normal, however we still need to nip this issue in the butt. It may just be too much all at once with her being so young and new to you.

She sounds like she may have a Respiratory Infection or other type of "cold" I suggest she take a little visit to the vets, she may need antibiotics. Please have the vet check her teeth too. She may just like the taste of the softer strands of hay but we would like to rule out teeth problems at the same time.
I hope they are just stains!
And I didn't cut the celery, she just eats from my hand, I hold the celery stick for her. And she eats it like she would eat timothy hay.
I have stopped feeding her carrots already.

What about the poop? Should I be worried?:(
Watermelons wrote:
Slow down on the veggies you are offering her....She may just like the taste of the softer strands of hay but we would like to rule out teeth problems at the same time.
I will take her to the vet today, if I can get hold of the vet. Everyone's so lazy in Quebec, and it's worse because it's the holidays right now! What should I do if I can't take her to the vet anytime soon?

I see hair stuck in her poop too, I'm not sure if you can see it clearly in the picture.
Celery is just too watery, maybe offer it again when shes older and cut it into small chunks so shes not eating the strings

I still suggest a vet visit as there may be more to that runny nose and sneezing. The stress on a young bunny can take its tole alot quicker then an adult. New home new diet, new everything, this can allow bacteria to take hold and take over.
A little hair in the poop is okay, that means its passing. I understand today is a holiday, you can wait until tomorrow just ensure she keeps eating and pooping today and stays active today. Emergency vet bills can empty your pockets if you hit a emergency vet thats open today. You will also want to try and find a vet thats used to dealing with bunnys.

You can try brushing her more often to prevent her from taking hair into her system.

Wipe her nose off, go back to her normal diet, you can try making it a LITTLE warmer in the room, and see how it goes from there.

Bunny vets in quebec.
Okay, I've made the room a bit warmer, gave her lots of hay, and cleaned up her litter box.

I guess right now I'll just have to wait and see.

I know I've asked already, but I'm still a bit confused. The poop that she's pooping right now, the ones in the picture, are they 'okay'? Or are they any signs of anything....at all?

Thanks so much!
They look a little moist but thats moist likely from the new veggies shes been getting. Go back to her normal diet and see if her poops go back to normal. Then once shes all better you can try introducing 1 veggie at a time, slowly in small amounts. Different sized poops may not mean anything. I wouldnt be too worried about the poops :)

However the snotty nose and sneezing seems to be more of an issue here.

are you offering a pellet diet as well? or just the hays/veggies?
Getting her to eat pellets would be nice.
There are a few people out there who think all a bunny needs is hay and fresh veggies.
However at her age optimum nutrition would come from an alfalfa based pellet with alfalfa hay.

For now let her eat the timothy until her poops are normal, then you can try SLOWLY switching her onto alfalfa hay which she can be switched off of when shes around 6 months. Veggies like romaine (other lettuces except iceberg), cilantro, parsley, simple green leafy things, can be slowly introduced in small amounts 1 at a time keeping an eye that her poops dont do what their doing now.

Maybe try offering a different brand of pellet?
Thats only been about 3 hours, I wouldn't worry too much yet. Keep offering her the hay. You can offer the romaine (no cellery or carrots) Just wet it down a little.
My guys can easily go a full day when they go to class (so around 8+ hours) with out eating or pooping.
I went to the pet store today and got her Marshall's Rabbit Rx, I was doing a lot research and heard that it helps relieves their breathing.

Anyway, I applied it to her nose like it says to on the bottle, and she didn't sneeze as frequently, but still does.

She's eating and drinking a lot like she did before, but I'm worried about her nose and her sneezing. I have heard about rabbits paws being 'caked' and 'matted' when they rub off the discharge from their nose, but I don't know the definition of 'caked' or 'matted' - does it mean it's 'hard' and 'flaky'....?

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