Guess who has new fosters!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington
These gals and guy were living outside free roam. Stupid People! Tired of taking care of them so they let them loose to live in the yard. Ugh. Two girls and a boy. Spays are coming tomorrow I hope.


Bo B Bunny wrote:
How on Earth could you get tired of them?! They are just adorable!!!

My thoughts EXACTLY!!! I can't believe ANYONE could get tired of those faces...:grumpy:
Oh my, poor babies! Im so glad theyre with you now.

Can you put something down for their little feetsies? That floor looks like it would hurt.

Youre awesome, Im so glad there are people like you in the world. Poor little ones.
Poor babies.:(

I agree on getting them something to sit on. The wire spacing looks wider than it should be. A piece of cardboard is an easy fix.

Fingers crossed for fast spays.
The people bought two pretty rabbits at the county fair, didn't check sexes and just didn't care if they bred or not.

The wire on the cage is perfectly fine, it is my cage and my chinchilla lived in it for 10 years. Absolutely nothing different than a normal wire floor others use.
Wire floors are used by many, but that doesnt mean its pleasant for the bunny. I have seen many who have gotten their toes caught inbetween and really been hurt. My first cage was like that. I ended up just putting down a sink mat (with holes in it) bc theyre easy to clean and poops can still fall through.

Just my opinion :)
I know this is a bit different as an example...but my Fiver got his toe stuck in wire mesh that was just 1/2" in hole size...and his toe may be broken or have an absess now (we're taking him to the first appt they had available on Wednesday). You can read about it here.

So, given that those holes are bigger than Fiver's wire mesh had, I would be concerned about the same thing happening. I realize that Fiver's wire mesh was covering a ramp...but nonetheless, getting a toe stuck (and then either breaking a toe or getting an absess) is a genuine concern...and I will help ANYONE not make the same mistake.

I hope and pray Fiver's toe is okay...but I tell ya, I'm KICKING myself for thinking he wouldn't get his toe stuck there...:(
Isn't there something nice to say here? Is being on wire worse than living in below freezing weather with no protection, regular feeding, love?
We're not trying to attack ya, Hun, or say you're not a good bunny slave...we're just trying to let you know about something that could hurt them. We care about you and your bunnies, that's all...:hug:
Sometimes you have to use what you have. I am sure it is ok Amanda I know you do the best you can. That makes what 4 foster buns?

Each of mine have wire flooring...... They have other things to get off of it - Bo actually couldn't see his probably..... but I've heard slick floors can be bad on their hocks also.

I think binkies took them out. They were so cute! I love those bunnies I can't even believe someone wouldn't care for them like they should.

I'm glad she has them now :)
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Each of mine have wire flooring...... They have other things to get off of it
Thats all we were suggesting- make sure they have something to rest on. No reason to get angry, Binkies. If you saw something you thought was hurtful to a bunny in someone's picture you would make the same suggestion (or at least as a Mod I hope you would).

No one was criticizing you or suggesting in any way that by saving them you have doneanything less than completely wonderful and selfless. They are so lucky to be with you, hands down. We just wanted to help.
I see. I do think they need to have a way of getting off the grids. Bo's on multiple types of flooring and I think that's been really good for him. It sort of makes his little feet support him in different ways.

It's possible that Amanda just didn't get the chance, yet, to put something down on the floor for them to rest on ;). It's no biggie. Look at many breeders who keep their rabbits on wire floors with nothing to rest on. These bunnies came from outside, they are LUCKY to be indoors in a safe home....wire floors or no wire floors.

I'd love to see pictures of the bunnies, Amanda :). You can email or PM them to me, if you'd still like to share :D.
undergunfire wrote:
It's possible that Amanda just didn't get the chance, yet, to put something down on the floor for them to rest on ;). It's no biggie. Look at many breeders who keep their rabbits on wire floors with nothing to rest on.
Very possible, Amy! Thanks for thinking of that.

Amanda, I'd love to see pics of your temp babies!;) You've done a great thing. Please share with us. Let us know how it's going.:hug:
Very true...

I wasn't trying to be hard on ya, Amanda...I honestly wasn't. I'm still freaked out by Fiver's toe injury, and couldn't help but mention it. I'm sorry if I offended you or made you feel like I thought you weren't a good bunny mom...tha'ts not the case at all!


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