Group Bonding....

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I have 3 and am working on a fourth,

When I had a problem with my Bam-Bam (he had lost his best mate and was totally depressed) I tried to find him a friend amongst the rest of my gang. I ended up putting all 4 on the floor and they all got along fine though they paired themselves off. :?Lol. My 2 girls went one way, and my two boys went another way. I felt like I was back in elementary with the whole "Ewww girls have cooties" and "Boys are so lame!"or whatever :p

Do not do like me though, don't put them together if they aren't altered because you never know when fur can go flying and it only takes a brief moment for a buck to impregnate a doe.
so do they all live together and get along or do they have separate pens and have run time together.
My situation is this.
I have a bonded pair (male/female) and I recently adopted a little boy lionhead that is only a little over 2 months old. So I was planning on waiting until I can have him neutered and then when the weather is warmer using my barn as neutral territory and trying to bond all 3.hmmmmm I am just not sure how it will work. Bonding my 2 was super easy but they think of the entire house as there's, so I'm not sure how willing they will be to share.

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