Gracie's Beautiful Babies

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
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, Texas, USA
As many of you may have read - in May, Gracie (doe on right)



broke into George's



pen in order to take advantage of his gorgeous hunka-body.

A few weeks later - our darling Gracie started to look like this:




and then on Monday, June 23rd.....we saw...





We had FIVE babies!

On June 24th....we came in to check on Gracie and babies and saw we had...


Pictures and videos to come soon....
OMG! they are precious! The one you picked up first in the video.... I love him!

They look like baby pink piggies..... haha!
yay! i love it when people start blogs for litters, it's so much fun to awtch them grow!

they're so cute, i love them!
One of the babies isn't doing as good - its just not eating as much and it never looks as plump. I may take Gracie and baby out tonight to see if she'll give it an extra feeding. It also frequently separates itself from the others in the nest (I don't think she does that) and I'm not sure if that is why it isn't getting as much milk.

They sure do seem strange for me after watching lionhead litters grow. First of all - where's the shiny naked spot where the mane will come in? :biggrin2: Also - their ears are huge - well - they are HUGE. They're the size of week old lionheads....well..almost.

Here are pictures from earlier today:





Oh, man....they are so darn cute. Sneak one in the mail to Arizona!

I can't believe how cute and tiny they are!! I always think that baby bunnies look like newborn puppies lol...They're starting to get fur, right? They look pink with sort of silvery on top lol! I love them! I can't wait to see them grow up...

While you're on your way to the mailbox with Amy's, send one to me too! :biggrin2:
I haven't taken any pictures today - maybe I can bring myself to take some tomorrow - its been a very busy and very full day - and I'm heartbroken 'cause we're definitely going to lose one of the babies. Its not thriving at all.....and another one isn't looking the greatest either - but maybe after it eats tonight it will perk up.

Now I remember what I dislike about breeding. I really and truly suspect that the one that is going to pass away - was the first one through the birth canal and it got damage internally or something. Its just not been quite right from the beginning..

I'll try to write more tomorrow and do some pictures too.

How on Earth can you stand those adorable cute babies in your house? I'd be kissing them all day long! Look at their little baby fur coming in.... I'm in love!
To my utter shock - the sick baby made it through the night....and just got a partial feeding from mama. I'm going to try to take it to mama every four hours today to see if that makes a difference. Bless her heart - Gracie was really good about sitting still and letting the baby nurse.

I still think the little one isn't gonna make it - but we're gonna give it a fighting chance.

I'm going to take pictures of the other babies later today or tomorrow.....wait till you see them....they're so CUTE...
What a trooper! I hope the little one makes it :hug:.

Oh, and I am dying for those pictures. I think this is my favorite litter that you have shared with us :biggrin2:!
I'm having fits w/ both my camera and photobucket - so I'll have to upload today's photos and videos later tonight or tomorrow.

The little one is really looking a lot better after his feeding earlier this morning and Zin has reminded me that if they get chilled - they become more grayish looking and their fur is more coarse....

I'm really hoping he/she makes it - although I'm not counting on it....
I am in absolute shock. The little one made it through the night - and has a full tummy this morning. Its still a lot smaller than the others - and I'm still going, "I don't know that you're gonna make it...". But we're gonna try to keep on helping it along.

I'm uploading yesterday's video and pictures so hopefully I can post them soon.

Those of you praying and sending good thoughts for this little one - keep it up - it seems to be working!

First of all - some of the pictures may seem "sad" if you notice the little can see how "bad" off he is compared to the others. I was originally gonna take the pictures without him/her in them.

HOWEVER....he/she is part of the litter...and who knows - he/she may make it....and then I'd regret not having these pics.

So here goes..






I'm pointing to the little one in this photo...

Notice how "wrinkly" he/she is compared to the others. Part of that is the baby got chilled and the fur is different...but part of it is that the baby hasn't been getting enough to eat...


I'll post the movie in a few minutes - it is still uploading..

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