Frustrated. Probably need to rehome my buns =/

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Active Member
Aug 23, 2008
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Baltimore, Mayrland, ,
My dad got his allergy test back today, he is allergic to rabbits, cats, and just about most small animals. We have four cats that remain on one level of the house my dad does not go on, but for obvious reasons my rabbits cannot reside on the same level of the house as the cats. That leaves me with two options: House the buns outside, or rehome them.

I live in MD, it can get 90 degrees or hotter on some days in the summer. My other problem consist with the adoption contract I signed when I adopted my boy from a local humane society last summer. It was sort of through a rescue, but the direct adoption was through the humane society. I flatly refuse to turn a bun over to a humane society again, no matter what contract I signed.

Can buns be housed outside? Or would it be better for them to be rehomed to remain indoor rabbits?

My buns are both fixed and litter trained. I'm frustrated and upset and the current findings, but I have to be fair to my father. It is HIS house where I reside, and my own allergies have been acting up as well, but I drug myself up so it is tolerable.
Oh goodness.:-( I'm sorry to hear about your dad being allergic to rabbit dander. Bunnies can be housed outside with proper shelter, however, if it is already hot outside you might have to put them out in gradual incriments so that they won't become stressed. There may be some info about keeping outside rabbits cool in the summer in the RO library. Hope everything works out so that you can keep your bunnies! ((hugs))
The level of the house that the cats are living on - is there any way you could keep the rabbits in a seperate room on the same level or build them an area so they are seperated from the cats?
rmv1983 wrote:
My dad got his allergy test back today, he is allergic to rabbits, cats, and just about most small animals. We have four cats that remain on one level of the house my dad does not go on, but for obvious reasons my rabbits cannot reside on the same level of the house as the cats. That leaves me with two options: House the buns outside, or rehome them.

I live in MD, it can get 90 degrees or hotter on some days in the summer. My other problem consist with the adoption contract I signed when I adopted my boy from a local humane society last summer. It was sort of through a rescue, but the direct adoption was through the humane society. I flatly refuse to turn a bun over to a humane society again, no matter what contract I signed.

Can buns be housed outside? Or would it be better for them to be rehomed to remain indoor rabbits?

My buns are both fixed and litter trained. I'm frustrated and upset and the current findings, but I have to be fair to my father. It is HIS house where I reside, and my own allergies have been acting up as well, but I drug myself up so it is tolerable.
Not quite that obvious because I'm not seeing the problem lmao.

If you want to move them outside then just build them an adequate shelter with a lot of shade. It'll be fine.
My cats live well with my rabbits. You should have no problem erecting an adequate play and housing area for the rabbits that is cat proof (if that is your concern). Chicken wire and NIC panels will do the trick.

You can purchase soft paws claw covers for your cats if you are concerned about potential scratches. Don't worry.. it will be OK.
Do your cats have a history of bothering the rabbits? My cats all get along great with my rabbits, the youngest cat even hangs out in their pen and eats hay with them, LOL. I would say, if you know for sure that the cats and rabbitsd won't get along, then build a small shed outside and insulate it so you can keep it cool or warm as needed. If you only have two or three rabbits, you would only need a small building, mabye a little larger than the size of a typical bedroom.
rmv1983 wrote:
I live in MD, it can get 90 degrees or hotter on some days in the summer.
Can buns be housed outside?
I keep mybuns outside. They did come indoors a few days when it was around 100. My rabbits deal with the heat by digging and lying in the cool soil. If you keep them in a cage outdoors make sure it's in the shade. When it's 100, it may be only 90 under shrubs and soil temperature may be in the 70's.
I had 2 cats (now I have only one) however they resided on the same level of the house as the rabbits. it depends on the cats. I have a room for 5 of my rabbits on the 2nd floor and other 3 (spill overs )are in other rooms on the 2nd floor. there are no issues with my cat ..
Iam wondering if you could remake a room on the 2nd level for the rabbits. You sound like a good owner it would be a shame to give them up....

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