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Oh I'm so sorry to hear about Cloud. He is such a beautiful Bunny and so loved as you can see in all his pictures.

Please know that my thoughts are with you and Cloud at this time.

Take care of yourself.


Susan :hug1
I am so sorry.
Oh no - I'm so sorry to read this. Cloud is just so cute.

I just feel speechless - wish I could say something to help but I know in situations like this - words feel...empty.
Thank you everyone. To be honetsz, the worst thing is not that I'm losing him- that is something that I can and do cope with. The problem is that I can't comfort him like I can with all the others (with the possible exception of Roger).

Cloud is a stresshead and when I hold him now or go to hold him, he starts to panic and mouth breathe.

I'm scared about the end because I want to do what's best for him. If he goes naturally, then I want o make sure he is not in any pain, but I can't do that unless I'm there, but I can't be there in case it makes his ending more distressing, and is he is PTS then the vet will have to come here (something I've already doscussed with me vet) because I can't take him to the vet like normal because I csan't pronvide that love and comfort and care that I normally would on the journey and in the last minutes and i dont want him to end his life so stressed. My vet says if I take him back to the vet he risks respiratory failure, and there are no benefits in risking that.

hes only three and a half, but weve known since last august hes been not right and when he developed liver problems in october we knew for sure he was deteriorating and no treatment has made a difference to him. he has a low dose of metacam everyday and that keeps him ticking over. he still has pleasure and he looks awesome at the moment, so hes not ready right now, but when he is, im scared im going to stuff it up for him.

i think im going to upload some more pictures now.

thanks everyone :)
Oh no, I missed this! I was sooooo stoked to see that it was YOU posting... but then I read the post and losing Cloud is so sad. :(

Does he like being petted and stroked? Would that be a comfort or torture? At least you can shower him with treats.

So sorry, Tracy. :hug2:

sas :(
Tracy,i'm so very sorry to hear about Cloud...

Loved the pictures!

I'll be thinking of you both

I am so sorry about cloud, he's a beautiful and any bun that has you for a slave is well loved and taken care of. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Just wanted to update about Cloud. I gave him a last shot, unexpected try, no hope really in it, type thing by giving him antibiotics (not by syringe because that would probably have killed him, but on a basil leaf). He has responded well to this- Septrin. He has shown a great deal of improvement in his lungs and can now eat with his head down. It won't help him liver problems, and the Septrin probably won't cure him, but for now, he is at the very least, stable. My aim is to get him breathing well enough to take him to the vet without risking respiratory failure, and getting some more appropriate antibios into him (this has all been done with consultation and agreement with my vet).

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