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I was going to post this in its own thread, but I think people will have a go at me, so I'll put it here knowing less people look.

People are VERY frustrating!

I've been educating someone I know about rabbit care, spaying, neutering, bonding, size of accomm, etc. I talked about the differences between rescue buns, pet shop buns, etc. Today, I find out she has gone to a pet shop and bought two baby rabbits, gender unknown (apparently they are too young at 8 weeks to be able to sex) and she doesn't yet have accommodation. She has a temp inside cage for her guineas, and she does not know the size of the accomm she is getting.

I don't doubt these buns will have a lovely life with her, but I'm just frustrated that nothing I said seemed to go in. ESPECIALLY as I'm running the 'Make Mine Chocolate' Campaign in my area and these may well have been bought on impulse.

We have SO many rabbits in need of homes here (that come fixed, bonded, vaccinated, etc) and we have so many decent reputable breeders if you want a baby, but no, she goes a clearly unrabbit savvy pet shop.

Sorry, I'm just really disappointed in her decision.
I know exactly how you feel:(. Did this person tell you why after all the information she had she still ended up buying pet shop baby bunnies. Especially since you have so many rescues available that have the most adorable bunnies looking for new homes....
Nope, she got angry. I told her congratulations and that they would have a lovely life and stuff, but I also gave her my real opinion too. She won't talk to me now. Probbaly a good thing because I'm sitting here simmering, lol.

She did tell me that she knew I wouldn't be impressed when she told me, but that she still wanted to tell me.
It's hard not to care what people do when you invest a lot of energy trying to teach them the right thing.
Was it maybe the baby bunny thing, that she really wanted a very young bunny... but then again reputable breeders probably wouldn't charge much more than a pet shop. Hope she does right by the bunnies.
I think she will do right by the bunnies, I think her impulsivisity got the better of her, and all the info she knew went out her ear.

It makes me sad, to be honest.
You never know the big picture though. She still has all the knowledge you gave her and she probably realizes that this was done on impulse and not necessarily the right thing. But these two rabbits may give her so much joy that she may end up adopting another pair from a shelter and another giving them fabulous homes. A lot of things happen for a reason. She may set things right at a later stage...
aw hon it makes you want to tear your hair out doesnt it
:( I hope she takes care of them but ys just dont know bet I know who she will come crying to when it all goes wrong tho!! and aint that typical!!!
Ha ha, yeh, you're not wrong. when she has babies, or if the buns fight, guess who will picm up the pieces. Or rather, who will be expected to pick up the pieces and set her straight again.

I guess I just have to REALLY read my sig over and over and over again and find a way to not care what she does with them because I have done all I can.
I guess it's impossible not to care but the trick is to find a way not to let it get you down and feel defeated.
It's ok, it's sorted, lol. I won't be hearing from her, or about her buns. I hope they do ok. I've given her the tools to be a good owner, but I'm not having anything to do with her anymore. Things have been tense for weeks, sh'es been using me for ridiculous amounts of support, and now I'm done. Yes, call me pathetic, I don't care, but it's what I do. When someone gets too much, they go. It's only because I'm evil an poisnous and they are all better off without me.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me !
so if she comes set her straight!"
Wouldn't call it pathetic. It's a perfectly reasonable response in a way. You did your bit and maybe there is nothing more to offer. No reason to feel bad about it!
Flashy wrote:
Sorry, I'm just really disappointed in her decision.
Oh wow - I can understand why you would be sad by her decision.

Its hard when you invest time into a relationship with someone and try to help them understand things that you think they want to know about - then they turn around and totally do the opposite thing.

For me - it almost feels like a slap in the face.

I hope the bunnies do ok....but I also hope she learns her lesson somehow to listen to others.
Tracey what a Beautiful video of very Beautiful Bunnies.

I just love your Dopeys.

Susan :)


Who sings thet song, very nice.

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