Fiver's gettin' neutered

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I'm so happy he's okay, guys...I've actually survived my first altering...I'm so happy!

He's sleeping right now (which is something he's done a lot of since coming home), but he's lookin' good...a lot more aware than yesterday, and a lot more content.

Not to mention the pepper of poops! WOW!! The towels are COVERED, hehe!!

Boy, did I learn that little man's ability to poop when I swept out his cage, though...I was ASTOUNDED at the amount of poops...I don't think he's fully litter-trained. But, thankfully their poops are dry and don't smell, right guys? Hehe...

Anyway, thank goodness...and thank you to all your prayers, support, and love...I'm so happy he's okay...

1 down, 7 more to go? :pIt's great to hear he is doing so well. I love Fiver :biggrin2:I'm glad he was adopted by you :hug:

Oh yeah... Bunny poops are great!
You're close...SIX more to go. Thankfully, Trixie was spayed at Denise's (TrixieRabbit) before she came home to us from NY. :D

So, I lucked out on that one! Hehe!!

Now just three boys and three girls to go. Danny mentioned to me last night that they have signs saying that they give discounts to groups of three or more that get altered (it was for dogs, but he's convinced they would do the same for buns), so if that's true for buns, we'll be getting everybun home, and then first take in Flower, Maisie, and Harley...then once they're healed enough that we can take the adventure again, we'll take in SweetPea, Bun Bun, and Dusty. :D

I hope they DO give that discount...I'm gonna call and ask! :D
They don't smell unless they want them to. Peeeee U! when Tony scents his!

Bo and Tony are having poo wars marking the play area. It's not nice. I end up sweeping up a ton of poos after each one plays. :juggleMaybe I should learn to juggle Tony's. They're big enough. :idea
maherwoman wrote:
You're close...SIX more to go. Thankfully, Trixie was spayed at Denise's (TrixieRabbit) before she came home to us from NY. :D

So, I lucked out on that one! Hehe!!
Ohhhh, time to organize a meeting between Trix and Fiver in a few weeks I think. ;)
Well, yeah, eventually I'll introduce EVERYONE to

I would introduce Fiver and Trixie, except that Flower's already claimed Trixie for herself. Hehe!!
Just wait until you move, when EVERYBODY decides to scent their poos so that they can ALL mark their new homes! It's just wonderful;) We've been in our new house for almost a month, and Pumpkin is still finding it necessary to do this intermittently...lucky us! It's a good thing she's my baby, cuz sometimes, her name is MUD! When we first moved in, she kept ripping her wire "litter protector" out of her litter pan, something she NEVER did before, just to let us know that her highness was NOT pleased at the way things were shaping up. Gotta love 'em....Take care, Rosie. They say the first one's the hardest....I thought the girls were harder, but that's just cuz they have more to mess with than the guys....2 snips, and it's all behind them!....sorry for the unending this hour, with another couple of hours of homework to do, everything strikes me funny.....
Oh, man! It's horrible and Bo and Clover and Tony are all at it now that I rearranged their room! (Tony plays in the same room but "lives" in my son's room for now)... My familyroom smelled like rotten onion eating skunks tonight while I was trying to watch Ghost Hunters!

Clover beat up Bo today so he wouldn't play - she played then he came out when I put her back in her house - and he left presents all over after he chinned and chinned the entire area! Last - we got out Tony...... Mr. IT BELONGS TO ME NOW SUCKA!

Hormones..... lovely little bunny boys. :?
Hahahaaa!!! You guys are a HOOT!! :D
wooooohoooo!!! No more dangly bits! (Though I'm sure Fiver's not exactly expressing that same sentiment right now ;))

I'm so glad to hear he's recovering well, Rosie! It's amazing how quickly they rebound from surgeries. Give the sweet boy a kiss and a snuggle from me...and tell him that Yofi sympathizes. They are both now officially members of the BWB Club (Bunnies Without Balls)...:p
He seems to be doing okay so far today. I just woke up (still recovering from the loss of sleep the night before his surgery), so I haven't seen him move around much.

I worry just a bit...but only because he seems to still be in pain...should the pain have abated by now, or is that normal? He's hopping around well enough (the rear a bit higher in the air than normal still), but he's able to hop into his litterbox easilly (without hesitation) and has been eating pellets and hay and drinking is there any reason to worry?

I haven't taken a look at his "area" yet today, but will later on. Yesterday, it was rather swollen and hangy-downy, which I've heard/read is normal, right?

As far as my impression of him being in pain, it's mostly the look on his face...he seems stressed in general. Could it be from the whole experience of leaving, coming home to his cage being different, and going through the neuter itself?

Whatcha think, guys?

Also, took a few pictures this morning of his poops...will post them and the look on his face in a moment...

Talk about POOPS, guys!


My boy lookin' stressed:


"I disapprove of general..."


"But Mommy's petting me, so I guess the world isn't TOO bad right now..."


And one Danny caught of Fiver having bunched up his towel to use as a pillow (this was yesterday):


Uh, I would definitely say that all systems are go, go, go! And, yeah, that area is usually swollen and uncomfortable looking for abit. After Whiskers had his snips, he seemed not quite himself for a few days. imo, what you're talking about seems normal, but I am about as far away from an expert as you can get. Take care....and give that boy some lovin' from across the country....
Okay, good...I mean, not good that they're in pain for a few days...but good that he's not the only boy that's experienced that.

*sigh of relief*

It's hard because I can tell that the look on his face translates to having pain and uncomfortability...but then again, he's more okay with moving by the hour, so I know and can see that he's recovering. It's just hard to see my baby boy in so much pain and having a difficult time...:(

Anyway, thank you! I'll give him the love you send!! :D

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