Fees for Rabbit Spaying

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Cocoa's Mamma
Feb 9, 2015
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I've got a 2lb2oz Netherland Dwarf that is 6 months old. Took her to get info on spaying and the Women's Humane Society which was the LEAST expensive I could find wanted $257.00. The pricing from everywhere else ranged from $450 to over $800!!!

What did you pay and what is reasonable? I live in Southeastern PA and have two bunnies to get fixed (male and female). Would really appreciate being able to find a better deal!
Are there any community Spay/Neuter events in your area from time to time? Perhaps check FB? I don't live in PA, but in Hawaii, there are a number of vets who work with rescue groups for monthly events. They're large group events where you have to bring your pet in a carrier, it has to be labeled, and there are some forms to fill out.

It's not convenient, but we are getting it done for our 2 rabbits this Sunday. $65 for each bun, and that includes the meds. post-surgery. Maybe you could ask the local shelter who they partner with, and then ask the vets about any low cost spay/neuter certificates or options. Our Humane Society offers certificates if you get it done at a regular vet hospital, but that's still several hundred out here. You might want to call yours and see if they issue any sort of certificates.

Hope this helps even a little bit.
Ugh! I saw you contacted the Humane Society (sorry I didn't catch that the first time), but maybe you could ask if they host any of these events or know of a rescue facility who can help.

Maybe ask the House Rabbit Society who they work with, too.
$275 sounds like a very reasonable price to me. I know that my vet where I had Bandit neutered chargred $100 for males, and $200 for females, and they are cheap compared to other vets, so I think $275 is a very good price, especially considering your alternatives. That being said, I'm not sure how the pricing compares given that I'm in another country.
I live in Birmingham Alabama and got several quotes from vets. there are only about 5 vets in this area who spay/neuter rabbits. Be sure not to get a dog/cat vet to spay/neuter your rabbits. they do not have enough experience. The vet I spoke to who charges the least ($75) said that because rabbits are very fragile they can die from the anesthesia so be sure to ask whomever you go to what their loss rate is. I didn't ask the vet that is charging $75 what his loss rate is. He has done about 30 surgeries which I guess, from what he said, is quite a bit. the other vets are charging about $265. I'm concerned that the difference in price may have to do with the skill level but it could just be that the less expensive vet is less in the business for the money than the others.
The vet office that took care of Pippi apparently has rabbits in there all the time, or at least they do every time I take her in. It seems a bit coincendantal that there would be other rabbits when most of the time I bring Pippi in as a walk-in. :)
I guess I was shocked by how much more expensive than a cat but seeing they are "exotics" and there aren't many place that can take care of rabbit fixing.... I guess I'll count my blessings that it is only $260 per spay/neuter.
I was shocked too when I called the first vet for a price. I thought they were crazy and perhaps were just a really expensive vet. so I called the other exotic vets (there aren't many, you're right) and they were the same. I have dogs and cats and their surgeries were definitely cheaper. I guess because they are so delicate the surgery is more difficult and therefore more expensive. We do have one vet who charges less because he's not in it for the money, thank goodness.
I had my both ( male and female ) done for 187,- each

they don't get many rabbit owner(s) in at the place, but they mainly do dog(s) and cat(s)

but my old vet ( which I will never go back again ), wanted 225,- a piece

its just better shopping around and get to know the vet w/ asking a lot of question(s) ( also looking into their references from other people ) IMO
I was recently pretty shocked with the prices of getting my Grim spayed, called around and found someone who does it for $270, another one $350 but finally got someone who does it for $150 including two free checkups and pain medicine! So in a few weeks going to get her spayed
I live in western pa and am also looking into getting my rabbits spayed. Local animal shelters r the best places to do it. I know that Animal Friends (not sure if there is one near you) has an entire rabbit program, and does cheep fixes. Not sure what the exact price is there, but I can tell u in about a week
* Animal Rescue in Pittsburgh. They spay/ neuter for only $74. Do u want their number and/or link to the website?
I live in Des Moines, IA and I got Charlie spayed five years ago and it cost around $200. With that being said, I just got Poppy spayed and it ended up being $325. It's for life so it's worth it! Plus it's better for your bun 😊
No thank you Missy. Pittsburgh is about 6 hours from me so I'd end up spending more than that in travel expenses. :)
It cost me around $200 for each of my rabbits (male and female)with their vet they always see, and that includes pain med for post op.
The local humane society does them for $60 for a spay $40 for a neuter but I found my vet to be reasonable and I know/trust her so I opted to go that route.
Other places I got quoted were $560 and $420.

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