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His first full binky?!

Woo Hoooo!!!

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I trust you with my rabbits visitingas much as I trust Raspberry Swirl. NOT!

A friend told me not to be too hard on the guy for not wanting to petCali...but Come On!! Look at that face?? How canyou have an ugly face when you're petting her?


:shock:Aww Carolyn, tut, tut (shakinghead), so sorry it didn't work out as you had planned. What asweetheart Cali is wanting to get to know your friends. I bet shewanted to go over and check him out and see how Mummy's date reactedwith her. I always said that if a man doesn't react well with animalsand can't communicate with them, then he isn't for keeps. I can'tbelieve he wouldn't pet her without grimacing like he was pettingsomething gruesome. If she did that I'd expect him to melt. What a cutelittle baby she is, too, too cute.

I don't know, do you think you will be giving him another chance to redeem himself oris it :pfor him?

Vickie xx

I can't get over that....scared of a bun??? and Cali-girl to boot (ifindeed that is her and not my Jezebel, I am left to speculate mindyou...hold on, must go check the living room )

Well, at least you now have an "interviewer" :shock: for yourdates to come, right? Always good to have some sort of feedback fromsomeone close to you (even if it is a bun, first impressions to themmean soooooo much)

I am still chuckling :p

Murphy is a beauty, I do adore him so..spoiled though? naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa



DaisyNBuster wrote:
I don't know, do you think you will be giving him another chance to redeem himself oris it :pfor him?

Vickie xx

I'm as about excited to get to know him better as he is to get to know Cali.

DaisyNBuster wrote:
I always said that if a man doesn't react well with animalsand can't communicate with them, then he isn't for keeps.




How long are Murphy's ears? I forgot how old he is too.

showrabbits did a beautiful job with him. He's gorgeous.

More pictures, please? Encore - Encore!!

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Gabby, Laura, and Buck Jones-

I really hope that someday you have a Flemish. A Flemish would adore your personality.

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Laura and showrabbits-

Laura said, "Who needs a dog when you have a big bunny?" Indeed, My Friend!

There is a member of this forum who has fallen on hard times and can'tmake it on right now. Laura will remember her. Her name is dajeti2 andshe has a white Flemish named Apollo - who is the Biggest Baby - Justlike Cali. Craves attention. Must be the center of it. Everyone thatcomes to the house must acknowledge The Beast.

Dajeti2 had a t.v. repairman come to the house one time. The guy camethrough the door and Apollo was in his cage, but the door was open. Therepairman didn't say anything to Apollo and just went to work on thet.v. while dajeti2 sat down on the couch to talk to him and tell himwhat was wrong with the set.

Apollo then saw that A New Friend was in his house and he happilyjumped over to greet him. The guy caught this flash of white coming athim at a high rate of speed, :shock: dropped Everything and ranout of the door and into the front yard.

Dajeti2 goes out to see what's the matter and he says, :shock: "What the hell was That???"

She said, "Well that's just my rabbit! He wanted to say hello to you."

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"If you aren't an animal person, you aren't going to be with Mommy, so get over it!"

You took the words right out of her mouth!


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Cher and LuvaBun-

Interviewer? Chaperone? Yup...all of the above. Things were going fineuntil that and then I started seeing in him what Cali did. It waspretty funny to see Cali put him in his place. *giggles*


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Buck Jones and JimD-

I must see this Monty Python movie that you speak of. Buck hasmentioned it a few times. After reading Jim's quote: "It's got fangsand claws! Run Away, Run Away!", now my curiosity is peaked.

What's the name of that movie?

No doubt about it, I will have a FlemishGiant. Even if it's after I move out. Chances are I will have to shipone from the USA or the west coast of Canada but what a better reasonto visit all my American friends?


Question. As you can see from what I've circled in thispicture, Murphy has some skin that bumps up. It is right atthe base of a few of his whiskers. There are4 alltogether. It's not hard or anything, just feels like normalskin. I am assumming this is normal but thought I would askto be sure. So.... What is it? You can see theother two on the firstpic ofthe firstpost.




Cali's ears are 7.25" :shock:

Holy Cow!!

No wonder why people get so scared. I'm just so used to her that her size is nothing to me anymore.

She's 7 months - this month. Dajeti2 was able to pinpoint how many inches Apollo grew each month.

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Should your quest for a Flemish take you to the USA, you are always welcome to spend some time in Tucker Town. We'd be Honored.




I don't see the skin bumps. Can you get us up closer with brighter light?

babydoshia wrote:


Being spoiled is such hard work





Oh, I'm sorry, I do see them now. In the first picture...as you said. My apologies.

I don't know what that is. Hmmm, will check with Kathy Smith.

DaisyNBuster wrote:
I always said that if a man doesn't react well with animalsand can't communicate with them, then he isn't for keeps. I can'tbelieve he wouldn't pet her without grimacing like he was pettingsomething gruesome. If she did that I'd expect him to melt. What a cutelittle baby she is, too, too cute.

Vickie xx
You said it, Vickie! I say give that "loser" two thumps down and call it a day!

NEXT ...

(Sorry, Carolyn ... :?...you know how I am about my babies ... )
BunnyMommy wrote:
DaisyNBuster wrote:
I always saidthat if a man doesn't react well with animals and can't communicatewith them, then he isn't for keeps. I can't believe he wouldn't pet herwithout grimacing like he was petting something gruesome. If she didthat I'd expect him to melt. What a cute little baby she is, too, toocute.

Vickie xx
You said it, Vickie!? I say give that "loser" two thumps down and call it a day!

NEXT ...

(Sorry, Carolyn ... :??...?you know how I am about my babies ... )

No apology necessary, BunnyMommy.

He's History.

Can you imagine a bunny SWEET enough to get up on the couch NEXT TO YOU and BEG for attention? ...

rather than the way it is at my house ...

where ***I'M*** the one BEGGING my ungrateful little fur ball for love?! :X

Man, Carolyn, you've really hit the jackpot!
DaisyNBuster wrote:
I always said that if a man doesn't react well with animalsand can't communicate with them, then he isn't for keeps.

Absolutely! I don't date (yet ;)), but my animals will definately be a part of the litmus test.

To love me is to love my pets :)

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