Don't Like Adopted Rabbit

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Jul 16, 2011
Reaction score
, California, USA
I don't like the rabbit I adopted. It's my mistake in judgment because I had her interact with my rabbit rather than me. I got her as a companion for my other rabbit but they are not doing the bonding process until August (a few weeks after my first bun is neutered). Anyway, I am not fond of her personality and find her too big for my taste sometimes….but I love rabbits and feel I can adapt to this.
BUT I am unsure of a lot of things about her, like her age, her breed, her history, etc. I never had experience with a female rabbit and am not sure if I can handle one. Btw, she was just spayed before she was listed for adoption so that may explain why I don't like her because of her actions like nudging me hard, biting me out of no where, running away from me, etc. I don't want to bond her with my rabbit if she won't even bond with me T_T.. How long should I give her before I make a final decision of whether to keep or surrender her back to the rescue? :( How many weeks? I've been obsessing over this since I got her. I feel like she does have an opportunity to be adopted once again by a better owner too because she is very attractive and intelligent, with great litter habits but then I NEVER know:(:(:(
She sounds pretty much like a typical rabbit to me. Not many rabbits are cuddly and really enjoy being held. Also lots of people will tell you that once they bond their rabbits, there rabbit want less to do with them because they have another rabbit for companionship. I think you maybe did not fully think through getting a second rabbit. If you decide to rehome her, I would make sure to get her another good home. She sounds well adoptable. I wouldn't recommend you go and add a second rabbit again until you have fully thought about it.

Good luck!
I agree that some rabbits take a long time to adjust to new homes and owners. Especially if she has just been neutered and her horomones are not yet settled. Give her some time and if it doesn't work out, try and find her a good home. Several others have had to give their adopted rabbits back to the original owners just because they couldn't bond with them. Any kind of adoption takes time and patience.
Personally I think a rabbit can tell if you are not fully commited to keeping them. Particularly if they were abandoned before they may be hesitant to open up. Some, like my Cindi, that were in the shelter for a while may be down right pushing you away at first. I see it as needing to win over their trust, prove you are their forever home and they will never be left again. I think the abandonment leaves a scar on bunns just like it would a child.

It took almost 6 months to convince Cindi that she would never be abandoned again (she had been at the shelter for 3 out of the 4 years of her life). She would run, bite (I bled more than once), scratch, and basically was terrified all the time. I picked her up and hugged her every day no matter what she did and then gave her a treat. Over time she calmed down and now she loves to sit and watch tv with me. She covers me in kisses while I scratch her ears.

Sometimes the ones that are hardest to bond with turn out to be the greatest loves when they lower their defenses. Remember they are very sensitive prey animals so they need a lot of time to trust.
Please give her at least another month. She's just been through a pretty traumatic time, and needs time to adjust to her new surroundings, new hormone levels, and everything else. Will she at least permit nose rubs? That I have always found to be what bunnies prefer, just rub from nose up to forehead a few times. At least she is nudging you, which means she does want attention, that's a good thing!

Pat attention to what happened just before she bites - there may a pattern that you come to recognize. Everyone in the neighborhood knew you did NOT touch Miss Hoppy's chin - that's when you'd get bitten. Children could otherwise do anything to her, but the chin was completely verboten.

Try just sitting on the floor with her, see if she'll approach for some attention, and do give it time, okay?

What's her name?
Poor bun. How long have you had her? I agree with the others, give her some time- at least a month or so, and make a concentrated effort to like her. Maybe if you act as if you like her and call her sweet names and kiss at her and give her treats, it will help you like her for real. Do things to build trust like feed her veggies one piece at a time from your hand, feed her pellets one at a time (if you feel comfortable doing that), sit next to her cage silently and read, let her out to run around and lie down on your belly so she can approach you.

My Rory came from the shelter and didn't completely trust me or settle in all the way for about 4-5 months. He was quite suspicious of everyone. He's now without a doubt my favorite bunny though. Also he attacked me and left a scar on my hand about 6 months after we got him (he saw me petting another boy bunny and was jealous). He has never ever reacted that way again when he's seen me with another rabbit so I wonder now if even 6 months later he didn't trust me all the way. It can take lots of time!
You know, I do not like all our rabbits but we have discovered all of them are far more social when they are housed in a cage that opens at the top, allowing us to give treats and pets without picking them up or getting them out. They will come and beg when in this cage.
@Irishbunny - you are right. I am impulsive…:( I should've had more time to think and I feel really bad really but at the same time I am being irresponsible too.. Sometimes my eyes water up when I look at her:( If I return her, I won't get a second rabbit until my first one is about 1 year old because I do not want this to happen again. My first rabbit is a lot different than her and more socially acquainted. ..I had him since a baby so that explains why.

@gmas rabbit - thanks that is comforting to hear that sometimes you just don't bond with a rabbit -_- I feel like I am not trying hard enough and I probably am not because I already am thinking of returning her when its not even long yet.

@MiniLop Hop - yes I thought about that. I Felt she sensed that I was unsure of her that's why she might be like that. But everyday I sit in front of her cage and talk a lot to her. Maybe I am not sweet enough to her like I am to the other rabbit :(

@PetofTheDay - Her name is Belle. ok I will give her another month and maybe two weeks after that. She nudges me but its hard. Like she tries to lift up my knee out of her way. She does come over and sniffs me sometimes when I'm just sitting in the pen. There are two main reasons when she wants to bite me. When I just have my hand across from her, she comes to sniff it so I leave it there so she can but then she tries to bite it…and follows my hand the whole time. Sometimes when she chases after my hand, I tap on her nose but she doesn't calm down. She will standup, etc, she's very persistent. Other times is when I try to hand feed her, she bites my hand or bites the plate. Lol, its like a tug-of-war with her when it comes to food. She does permit nose rubs and being petted - she will actually always lay down or get into that begging position or hen position! That's why I really liked her the first day I got her, but I'm starting to think shes cowering down to protect herself. Her eyes are alert and eyes wide open.

@SnowyShiloh - I am trying that but she is so smart she snatches food from my hand, puts it on the floor then eats them. I sit in front of her cage and try to tallk to her - she is a very good listener lol. Her nose is constantly moving.

Another concern I have is her hurting my other rabbit, who is a lot smaller than she is. He is a netherland dwarf. One time someone opened the circle thing on his pen and she reached and bit him (they say that but I am not sure if its a bite). He ran away to me but there wasn't any scar or lost fur. I put their cages next to each other but not touching. He likes her a lot and always tries to lick her through the bars but she just stands there sniffing…but she does seem interested in him because she would go over to his cage and sniff for him, though she hasn't attempted to lick him.

thanks for the feed back!
@Cheyrul yes her cage has an opening on top, and I'll try that...but she will be getting veggies as treats because she is overweight o_o SO I know her old owner must've spoiled her with treats o_o and she might hate me because she misses her old owner :(
Our girls are more feisty and nippy, they will nudge my hand, sometimes hard but they generally want me to rub their heads. BeelzaBunny seemed downright hateful, she was a biter and scratcher, she earned her name lol. I would sit in front of her cage, she would growl and attack but I would pick a long piece of timothy hay, like a twiggy piece, I would hold it out like a weapon, slowly moving it closer, she would lunge and try to snatch it away. I would hold it tight, eventually it became a game. I would gently poke her, she would bite it shorter, then I would poke, she would bite it, always the hay never my hand anymore. If I stopped she would come closer and wait for me to poke her again, lather, rinse and repeat. Then I could hand her a toy, or small pine cone, she would throw, I would place it in front of her, same thing. Within a few weeks, I could pet her in the cage, then she would come to me when out. I did not have her long but she stole my heart because she was so nasty. I was determined she would love me and she did.
We have buns that prefer my kids or dh to me but 2 really like me a lot, one is mine all the way thru.
I decided to give her up. I told family members and bf I am going to keep her for a month and they are just against it. They dislike her and think I can't handle her, etc. . I am just tired of the negativity surrounding her and my conflicting emotions. My mom didn't like a second rabbit from the start. I am going to see if I can give her up to someone on the forums, and if not then I will return her to the rescue. For now I will just continue taking care of her and socializing her. :( Till then I will assure everyone I will not get a rabbit until I am confident and until I am mature enough -_-
You will probably need to return her to the rescue as many rescues have the rule that you need to return rabbits to them. Give the rescue a call.

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