does anyone have any funny habits or quirks?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2007
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Auckland, , New Zealand
everyone has their own personal quirks and i thought it might be funny to share what they are....

mine are:

1) i always ALWAYS have to give ludo a kiss goodbye and say "i love you" before i go out, otherwise i would spend the day fretting and feeling bad.

2) i can't stand the sound of a heart beating. i don't know why but it totally grosses me out. i can't lay my head on anyone's chest if i can hear their heartbeat. it just makes me shudder.

3)i read magazines backwards. i never start at the front, i always open the back page and go from there. i think it's because i like the gossip, star signs, psychic advice etc and they're always at the back.

4) i can't sleep without my meditation cd playing (it plays the sound of heavy rain and thunder).

5) i can't watch evena fewseconds ofthe animal planet channel. all those programmes on animal cruelty deeply disturb me and if i see even a split second of progammes like animal precinct, it deeply upsets me. i can't even watch discoverey programmes about wild animals because they often show them killing their prey. i avoid all those channels entirely.

heheh, i'm a total weirdo :biggrin2:

Well, I always have to open a packet of crisps upside down, and when I've finished them I fold the packet and tie it in a knot. If anyone else just throws their packet away I have to take it out of the bin and tie it before putting it back. :?

If for some reason I turn around in a circle I have to reverse the turn :biggrin2:

If I'm walking with someone I have to put the same leg forward as the other person.

I'm a very strange person. :cool:
hehe, i have heaps of chip packets i could send to you ;)

it's ok, we're all a little strange at times! i would be more worried if you did this with toilet paper instead of chip packets...:?
When I get dressed in the mornings I always have to put my socks on first, hehe.

I cant drive anywhere in my car without music playing. - When my cd player broke in my car I drove around with a portable one with the headphones in my ears :pI bet everyone who saw me thought I was crazy crazy!

- When I drive to the petrol station from my house before a journey, which is a 2 minute drive I have to put my music on. Even whenI get to the petrol station I take the cd player out of the car to avoid it being stolen, and replace it again before driving off ;)

Everything on my computer desk must be perfectly even, meaning pefectly horizontal/vertical to each other.

If there is a stray bunny or rat poop outside of the litter box, it drives me nuts until I pick it up.

When I shower....I have to wash my hair, rinse, put conditioner in, wash my body, THEN rinse out the conditioner.

When I fold laundry, Ryan's undies have to be put away in order by color...lighter in the front....darker in the back.

When I sweep the floor at work, if there is even ONE peice of anything on the floor..I have to go back over the floor to get everything clean....or I'll think about it all night.

When I eat M&M's or Skittles (or any colored candy)....I have to eat all of one color first, before eating another color.

I can't eat a peice of cereal in my bowl until it is soggy with milk.

If I don't say "Good Morning, Marlin are you this morning?" or "Goodbye Marlin sweetie pie....Mommy will see you later....she is going to "so-and-so" after waking up or leaving the house.....I feel incredibly bad for not greeting him or telling him where I am going.

When I wake up in the morning I HAVE to give everyone fresh water BEFORE I take my morning pee, hahahaha.

I can't sleep with out a fan blowing on me all night.

I can't sleep with out some form of light.

I can't talk with out stuttering or feeling stupid.

I said "ja'lls" way too much. "Sup Ja'lls?!!?!".

When I answer the phone I MUST say...."Jehlloooo?!" in the most annoying way....or I feel awkward.

Hrm....I am sure there is much more that I can't think of right now. I am an incredibly weird person.
Haha, this is a good thread.

oh and Amy, I shower the same way!!

Well when im in the car, I have to tap to the turn signal, or chat my teeth to it.

A jumble of wires bugs the !@#$ out of me.

I have to count things, like balloons, stools, etc in a room.

EVERYTHING must be even! Like if two people sit in one row of a car, then two people MUST sit in the back, and two more people in the last row. (if it has one)

I also only want an even number of kids. 2 or 4. 3 is just icky, even though my family has three kids.

It completely pisses me off when people come in my room, and either sit down on or put something on my bed! Its MINE! There is a floor!!

I must be organized.

If I dont do somehting that day that I wanted to, I will never be able to fall asleep.

Some nights I lay in bed crying about if my parents got a divorce, even though they are happily married.

UUMM I think thats about it :biggrin2:
I cannot leave a room without picking up something and putting it in place, or taking it where it belongs.

Of course, I can't leave that room without...
Leaf wrote:
I cannot leave a room without picking up something and putting it in place, or taking it where it belongs.

it's ok leaf - i can't leave a supermarket without skittles! :?

guess what i'm eating right now...
I hate it when people leave price stickers on books, I always have to take them off and fold them in half. I went in my boyfriends room for the first time and ALL of his (many) books had price tags on them. He went to the bathroom and came back to me yanking price tags off stacks of books:p
Okay, you're in for quite the list coming from me:

I *have* to lock the bathroom door when I use the bathroom - even if I am home alone - and what makes this worse is that I have an extream fear of getting locked in the bathroom.

If I hadn't showered for over 2 days, I have to wash my hair twice.

If one of my animals didn't seem right before I left, I call the house to get someone to check up on it every hour.

When I walk up the stairs, I can't go slow and normal, I have to RUN up them as fast as possible.

When I go down stairs I go sideways, unless I am walking down them slow.

I get very shaky and nervous to the point of sweating if my mother or father or sister (really who ever I am with at the moment) goes into a store without me and I see someone with a back pack. (I get freaked out that htey have a bomb or something)

I can't go to sleep in the day unless there is someone home with me.


I hate when people complain about something over and over ,and I usualy do it again and agian just to bug them.

I MUST have music on when I am cleaning, or driving... Espicaly when I am on the bus!

Thats about it for now... Hehe, I am weird.
Hmm, I can't think of many, but here are a few...

I walk up the stairs two at a time.

When I am packing my school bag between classes, I have to put the books in order - biggest at the back getting smaller through to the smallest at the front, and I have to put things back in my pencil case the right way too, I am always the last person to leave a classroom.

I have to have things even on my bedside table before I go to sleep, they must be neat.

I can't go to sleep before 1 am, I just can't, becomes a problem sometimes.

I always like to have 2 bands in when I am tying my hair up.

I have to make sure nothing is left on my bedroom floor before I got to sleep (though that's mainly so Maddie can't chew anything.)

I'm a bit weird about punctuation, especially on RO, if I've left an "I" (as in myself) with a small letter I have to fix it, same with a small letter at the start of a sentence, full stop etc. When I see threads started not with capital letters I have a mad desire to edit them, I never do, but it just annoys me, haha. Lord knows why...:?

I always always always to a Spell Check/Preview on a post on here, even if it is just Word Association.
um I always have to have 2 rubberbands on my wrist.

I can not have my winows locked.

I get scared going into my own room when it is dark( i am afraid there is going to be a murdere or somthn)

When feeding the bunnys at night i must say bye bye nigh nigh rye rye(weird i no)

i have to where a headband when my here is up

i paint my nails then take the polish off

i absolutlly cannot swim with my hair up

i hate the sound of styrofoam

i can never listen to a whole song

i can not have dirt under my finger nails.

i plan 12 hours before something exciting and make a schedule for each hour

when ever i go in the room with the computers i have to look at the buns.

it bugs me when 2 headphones are on my ear. i must only have one.

I hate touching towels.

wow the list can go on forever . . .

Hmm... Let me think...

I'm scared of wolves with red eyes chasing me around the house. (I used to have re-occurring nightmares about this as a young child and I always ended up stuck in a tree by the end of the dream)

I hate crossing a room in the dark. I have to have some sort of light. I used to put my bedside light on, then walk back and turn the ceiling light off.

Dishes (and most other objects) need to be stacked by size. My mom will always put dishes in stacks and I would have to go back and fix it all. I used to hate it when she emptied the dish washer because I would just go back through all the cupboards and 'fix' everything.

When I travel, I have to sit with my legs up. Either cross legged or curled in a ball. I rarely ever stretch out, so first class on a plane would be a waste for me...

I am a very neat and organized person, but when I clean I either have to do it all or nothing at all. It's something I'm working on, doing a little bit now and a little bit later is really hard for me. And I'm okay with an area being messy if I know everything has a home somewhere, but I get really agitated when there's a pile of stuff that doesn't have a home.

All my clothes have to be folded a certain way. I even fold all my underwear (thongs included...) and my socks have to be in order of colour, darkest to lightest. I cannot put something in a drawer unless it's folded just right. If I don't have time to fold everything, I'll put my clean clothes in an extra laundry hamper.

LOL, I think that's enough for now...


Um... I'm scared of small spaces, spider and flying. So basically my worst nightmare would be being stuck in one of those tiny aeroplane loos with hundreds of spiders.:shock:My fear of flying has become a bit irrational really, so much so that I made my family drive to Southern Ireland for our holidays this year - which was like the trip from hell! An entire day stuck in the car except for a couple of hours on a ferry that rocked about so much I was nearly sick. Nice.:p

I absolutely can not stand having horrible hair, if my hair is even the tiniest bit greasy I have to have a shower. It doesn't matter if I have had a late night and just want to collapse into bed - I have to have a shower first.

If put under pressure or given loads of work to do I get stressed, but to get my self out of being stressed I become super organised. Which is why when I am revising I have everything colour coded in neat files in alphabetical order, with post its stuck all over my room and lists of everything I have to do that day. And that's a big thing for me, as usually I am really not organised!;)

And I get distracted very easily if I find something boring, which is why despite the fact that I have been reading a book for school for 3 weeks now I am only 5 chapters in.:D

aurora369 wrote:
Hmm... Let me think...

I'm scared of wolves with red eyes chasing me around the house. (I used to have re-occurring nightmares about this as a young child and I always ended up stuck in a tree by the end of the dream)

I hate crossing a room in the dark. I have to have some sort of light. I used to put my bedside light on, then walk back and turn the ceiling light off.

Dishes (and most other objects) need to be stacked by size. My mom will always put dishes in stacks and I would have to go back and fix it all. I used to hate it when she emptied the dish washer because I would just go back through all the cupboards and 'fix' everything.

When I travel, I have to sit with my legs up. Either cross legged or curled in a ball. I rarely ever stretch out, so first class on a plane would be a waste for me...

I am a very neat and organized person, but when I clean I either have to do it all or nothing at all. It's something I'm working on, doing a little bit now and a little bit later is really hard for me. And I'm okay with an area being messy if I know everything has a home somewhere, but I get really agitated when there's a pile of stuff that doesn't have a home.

All my clothes have to be folded a certain way. I even fold all my underwear (thongs included...) and my socks have to be in order of colour, darkest to lightest. I cannot put something in a drawer unless it's folded just right. If I don't have time to fold everything, I'll put my clean clothes in an extra laundry hamper.

LOL, I think that's enough for now...


Oh Lordy, sounds like me. Are we related. The dishes thing....They have to be stacked a certain way in the cabinet or I get antsy. We have 2 sets of dishes we use all the time - black pearls and white pearls, now discontinued patterns from Block. They have to be stacked by color and the black always goes on the right. I'll mix them on the table but not in the cabinet.

The cat food bowls have to be stacked in certain color patterns. Maybe that's a quilter's issue, don't know for sure. I have to stay away from the dishwasher or I will rearrange the dirty dishes my DH has put in there.

Clothes have to be folded exactly right, as do linens, and always put away in the same order. Clothes in the closet have to be put on a color coordinated hanger and arranged light to dark (not too obsessive/ compulsive).

My office is so neat at work it sometimes looks uninhabited. If I am not working on a particular edit or writing project, everything else has to be put in drawers or organizers. I can't stand to have office tools - staplers, paper clips, etc - laying around on my desk. And don't dare come in my office and move my visitor chairs around, especially not closer to my personal space. It creeps me out so much I am considering bolting the visitor chairs to the floor (LOL!) Some of my staff come in and move my phone, the mail baskets and I can hardly wait for them to leave so I can neaten up.

If you use my phone or PC, I will wipe it off with disinfectant wipes after you are gone. I open the bathroom door with a paper towel wrapped around my hand - germs - eeeessssh!

No, I am not too obsessive/compulsive
Okay, here are just a few of mine:

1. I can't sleep with any sort of repetitive noise within earshot. This is so bad that I had to check to see if I could hear my own watch ticking before I bought it.

2. I chew my cuticles 'til they bleed. The ONLY way to prevent it is to get acrylic nails. Sure, they're pretty, but I'd be happier if I could somehow get myself to STOP CHEWING! I wind up with REALLY painful fingers...and still cannot stop. This has gone on all my life. My stepmother tried everything when I was little...down to putting spicy stuff on my cuticles. I would then just go off and bear the spice to suck it off, and continue chewing. It gets worse with stress.

3. I like my oatmeal cold...and slightly runny.

4. I like cheese on ANYTHING...haven't found a food yet that I couldn't find a compatible cheese for. :)

5. I gag at the smell of licorice...which means I'm quite unfortunate to have a husband that LOVES licorice. Those are the nights I have to hold my breath to kiss him. Literally, I just about throw up at the smell.

6. I can go for MONTHS without wanting to leave my house. It's not that I'm afraid of anything...just that Home has all my comforts, not to mention my furbabies, and people are nicer at home. Hehe! Doesn't help that my eyes are naturally VERY light the point where I wear sunglasses even when it's so overcast, it's practically dark.

7. I HATE Oreos. In fact, I dislike chocolate in general. I was one of those weird kids that didn't like eating the desserts in my lunch. I attribute it to the fact that I was allergic to milk most of my life. Once I washed down a cookie with milk, I understood why I'd never liked chocolate. It's just too rich without the milk to cut it with. Of course, I've now built up a general dislike enough that I just don't like it, really.

8. I can make bodily noises with the best of them. My dad raised me, and taught me well how to create large noises with various bodily functions. I stun my male friends. :blushan:

9. I HATE using black pen. And yet, that's all we have at our house...go figure.

10. I have a set routine in the shower. So stern is this routine, that if I do ANYTHING out of order, I'll forget something in the routine altogether. It goes: face, shampoo, conditioner, body, shave, rinse. I recently had to switch the face and the hair routines because I felt that in order for the hair around my face to get completely clean, my face had to be completely clean. Yeah, I've got really odd OCD tendencies.

So there ya go...ten queer, weird, oddball things about me. I have to admit, there are MANY more...I'm an odd duck, to be completely honest!

Hugs to all!


Edited to add another I thought of: I HATE, DISPISE, and CANNOT STAND odd numbers. I go at great lengths to avoid them. Yet, for some reason, I like the number five. For some odd reason, it seems like an even number to me.
1) When goingupstairs at night I rush around to switch the bathroom light on, my parents bedroom light, the spare bedroom before I can use the toilet (think I'm worried a ghost will come and get me hehe).

2)I can't watch programmes about animals, in-case they die or medical programmes, in-case anyone has got anything stuck in their eye (I have a fear of sharp objects going into eyes.

3) I walk down the stairs dead carefully in-case I might fall and get something stuck in my eye (even though I can see there is nothing at the bottom of the stairs.

4) I have to open a new bottle of milk every time I want a glass even if I know I opened the other one a couple of hours ago

5) If I'm going out I always give Jess a bunny kiss and say 'bye Jess, have a good day, see you later, I will be back soon or daddy will be back soon and will let you have a nice long run around' hehe

I'm going to stop now there are loads and I've just realised how crazy I am hehe