Doe and Buck won't mate

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Dec 7, 2009
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I have an albino rabbit that I bought for my little girls and it is looseing all its fur it looks terrible but seems to be fine it still eats and drinks outside of looseing all of her fur she seems to be in great shape if anyone knows what this or what is causeing this please let me know I need to help her she is an outside rabbit and she is cold here now. I do have a heat lamp on her and plenty of hay in her hutch so what could I do?

Thanks For Looking

Loosing fur... like lots? In clumps? Is it a buck or doe? You might have babies on the way. Give it a box is all I can suggest at this point, someone else can maybe help better but give it a box and put hay and the fur in it. If it is pregnant you don't want the babies to freeze to death.
It could also be a molt.

How long have you had her and how long has she been outside? If she's new to the outdoors, she may be molting so she can grow a thicker winter coat.

I have had this rabbit for 2 years and she is an outside rabbit she has a box availiable and hay plenty. She is not looseing it in clumps it is like it is disapearing across her whole bady she just has a thin layer of fur and you can see her skin through the hair. If I need to I can get you guys a picture. I really can't let this rabbit die my daughter got her for Christmas 2 years ago.

Yes, a picture really would help quite a bit. We can look and see if it looks like a normal but aggressive molt or something more.

It is possible that she has picked up some mites or a fungal infection as well.

I was thinking mites, too. Anything could had brought them, dogs, cats, any feral animals that may had been trying to get in the cage for food(mice, rabits, squrriel,ect).
That is definitely not normal fur loss.

You're going to have to get a vet to tell you what the cause is. Get a skin scrapping done to see if it is mites or fungal or even something else.

Both mites and fungus are easily treatable with the correct medication, and shouldn't be too expensive either.

I am going to move this over to the Infirmary so that others can have a look at your pictures.

aurora369 wrote:
That is definitely not normal fur loss.

You're going to have to get a vet to tell you what the cause is. Get a skin scrapping done to see if it is mites or fungal or even something else.

Both mites and fungus are easily treatable with the correct medication, and shouldn't be too expensive either.

I am going to move this over to the Infirmary so that others can have a look at your pictures.


Yeah, I was gonna say this is not just a "molt". Something else is going on here. Possibly major stress...

Keep us posted!

Dawn, let us know what you think.:)
Let me tell you guys this I have another rabbit about 8 months old in there with here do you think he is stressing her out and makeing her loose her fur because he does not have any hair loss at all he is filled out and pretty. Sophie is still eating and being happy and chipper and greets me everytime I go feed and water. I am seperating them today and I will see what happens I will also start hunting a vet I can afford. I just lost my job last Tuesday but will get her the best possible treatment thank you guys so much I will let you all know what happens.

If you can tell us your general location, other members may be able to recommend some vets to you. You can put your location into your profile for easy reference.

Also, we have a vet listing here:

I'm really not to sure what is wrong with the bunny, other than to say that it is not normal at all. I don't think it would be stress induced, especially if the bunnies are bonded. If you separate them, make sure they can still interact somehow, because bonded rabbits can get depressed when their partners are taken away.

I really hope that it is something simple to treat.

I don't think that it's from stress or molting--it's too serious. The fur loss is pretty substantial and the skin underneath is quite red and irritated. I'd take her to a vet to check for skin diseases, like mites, mange, fleas, or a skin infection.
But if it was anything like that wouldnt the other rabbit show signs of the same diease?

tripp wrote:
But if it was anything like that wouldnt the other rabbit show signs of the same diease?

Nope not always. :?Very odd but true.
Maybe the other rabbit is chewing her and causing the irritation? A close look from a vet/knowledgable person should be able to tell if it is just falling out or being chewed.

I know my short haired guinea pig this week started chewing my long haired guinea pig. He looks a mess, but it is just from chewing, nothing like skin parasites - just an annoying room mate who over grooms.
well I seperated my rabbits after I posted this and my does hair grew back right directly. So now I have another question these 2 rabbits will not breed what am I doing wrong?
The folks in the Rabbitry will be able to help you with this problem (glad the fur grew back) soI will transfer this thread to the Rabbitry section of the forum
good luck :)

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