Chocolate Otter or Fawn?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2008
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Monterey Bay, California, USA
Hey everyone! As some of you may know, I technically don't have a bunny yet. But... I've talked to a breeder who is expecting a litter soon and i get first pick of which one I want. Only problem is my boyfriend and I can't make up our minda on which color to get. Shane (the boyfriend :)) loves the chocolate otter color while i've had my heart set on a fawn so long that I don't know I could refuse it. Obviously we'll get whatever is available, but the parents are a fawn an chocolate otter, which have consistently had both chocolate otter and fawn babies before. So, please let me know what you all think. Thanks everyone!

Oh, he will be a holland lop buck named Bailey if that makes a difference to anyone.



Chocolate Otter


I'm going to vote for chocolate otter as well. I just think all of the "otters" are beautiful and I adore the chocolate coloration in rabbits. Don't get me wrong, though, fawns are gorgeous as well. Heck, I'd have a hard time picking just one. Any chance you might want two? Ha ha!

If two's not an option, then, for me, it would have to be the chocolate otter. But I'd probably go with the one that had more pizazz and spunk in the end - personality beats out color anyday in my book.

Good luck and definitely keep us updated!
In terms of color, I prefer fawn over chocolate otter. Orange and fawn are my favorite colors, unfortunately those colors are also pretty rare so I've not seen any available in my area.

From the pictures you have posted (which I know are just examples, and not the actual bunnies you can buy) the chocolate otter looks cuter. His squished face and small helicopter ears make him look cuter than the fawn bunny to me, even though I generally like fawn coloring better.

So, in terms of cuteness, I think it depends on the actual bunny rather than the color. I would wait until you can see pictures of the litter and try to choose based on that. Although it is REALLY difficult to tell what a bunny is going to look like if you've only seen them at a few weeks old.

Anyhow, good luck with everything. I can't wait to see what you get! :)
In this case I agree with everyone in saying that the chocolate otter is much more cute. But my advice would be to go and see the babies before you decide for sure unless you have to reserve the babies by color or gender ahead of time, like if there is a waiting list for the babies. You'll never know what you'll find in love with. I had been looking forward to getting a holland or french lop (french preferrably) as my first bunny, but I fell in love with a lionhead. Life throws curve balls, be prepared to take home that REW two cages over.
I prefer my bunnies as I do my sweets: chocolate all the way! I've a weak spot for agouti and chocolate-brown bunnies. :hearts: (Gray ones, too, now that I think about it.)

Now to contradict myself...Personality trumps everything else (IMO). So if the choco-bun looks cute, but the fawn steals your heart...Well, then it's a no-brainer. :)


Can you not get to know the individuals first, before you pick one out? Personality is more important than color, isn't it?

That said, I have a fawn bunny so I vote fawn.
I love the fawn.....soooooo cute...but I agree, personality over color if you get a chance to find more about them all before you choose.
Chocolate otter for me, looks a far more 'interesting' colour. The fawn is gorgeous but the chocolate otter just looks more interesting.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Ok, I'm no color expert, so I'm just gonna throw this out there and it might be totally wrong. But the fawn in the picture looks a little "dirty" in color, with the brown tinges on the ears and nose. Perhaps you are not supposed to cross fawns with chocolate otters?

Anyhow, if I had to choose solely based on color (and although I like fawn I'm also partial to otters), I would go with the cleaner looking color...which to me is the chocolate otter. Breeders feel free to step in and correct me on this one if you happen to read it! :)
I like chocolate otter best, too! My first bunny was a sable marten Netherland Dwarf, so he essentially had the same coloring as a chocolate otter. I can't help but be drawn to bunnies with the same markings as him. I also LOVE Holland Lops, they might be my favorite breed and if I could choose, I'd have a Holland Lop for my next bunny. So of course a chocolate otter Holland Lop is a winning combination for me :biggrin2: That being said, it seems weird that you have to reserve a bunny based on color. I know you said you can't, but I'd want to pick the rabbit that best suits my personality. Of course here in a couple weeks I might be needing to pick a baby lop based on her coloring too since I'm too far away to meet all the babies, so I wish us both luck! One of the babies in the litter I'm interested in is fawn too :)
yea. i don't know if the two are supposed to be bred together, but, thats what they have. lol. and those aren't the babies I can pick from. They are just examples the breeder sent me. and at the moment I live in San Diego and the breeder is way up in San Francisco, a good 9 to 10 hours away. Which, i'd love to see them and their personalities but even when I move closer i'll be about 4 hours away. With price of gas and me just being a student I really cant afford to make too many trips there. Oh well. Is it wierd that the breeder is having me choose a color and wait for it? do they usually no do that?
personality trumps all. a good breeder that is loving on their buns will know the personality's and will be able to advise you as to who is more cuddly and who likes to run on his/her own. and(this is gonna sound weird, but)take floor color into account. our cat Pickles is orange and the same color as our carpet. it makes it harder to find him some times:p. go with your gut! they're both cute, i couldn't pick a color! get both, LOL!
I'm voting for the chocolate otter, but if you can meet them in person, I would pick the one you like most after interacting with them. However, I know that with breeders sometimes you have to reserve them in advance or else someone else will take them.
I know I had to do that with my mini rex baby.
I like fawn too, it's close to red :)
I originally wanted a red holland lopbut all the breeders I talked to said that they have never had or even seen one in person... so... i guess that was out of the question. Then I wanted a fawn, it was the closest to red right? THEN the breeder sent me a pic of a chocolate otter and I loved it. So. Now its only a matter of time until I possibly change my mind again. I dont want to wait much longer to tell the breeder what I want. I'm afraid someone else will take my bun. :(. and that'd be terrible.
haha. i know! I'm kinda leaning back to fawn. But you love reds don't you? I saw your profile and stuff and your red hair is really amazing. hence the red rabbit im assuming? lol. Enter the pet and owner look-alike contest. :) those are always fun. well, when you get him of course.
Oh thanks :) Yes, I have a slight obsession with redheads... bunnies and people alike. That reminded me to add new pics to the Your Picture II photo phile :)
Hey, maybe we'll both end up with reddish/organgish buns

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