Charlie Bunny & Himi Buck Blog

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No, no Bing is going to show. If it looks like that won't pan out of maybe even after he's done with his Show career he IS getting neutered.
Boys had another brawl. This one was kind of bad. I do NOT know how Bing found his way into Charlie's cage because I closed it. I have seen Charlie burst the door open before, so maybe Bing picked it open with his teeth? He does that with his own door too. No one got hurt, but there was a good chunk of fur that I found when cleaning the cages today. Everyone is moving around fine with no blood and no bald patches. They seem to be OK. Bing is locked in his cage right now so that I can figure out how to keep him OUT of Charlie's cage. GRRRR...BOYS! The crazy thing is that right after he got his butt kicked, he was trying to go back and see Charlie....WHAT THE HECK :pullhair:

I didn't pick Bing up right away because they were both wound up from the fight, and I didn't want to get bitten if he was still in fight mode. He just stood and watched Charlie. I could tell he wanted to try to go back into his cage despite the fur chunk DEFINITELY coming from Bing...kid is a little slow, I guess? Charlie quickly retreated to his 'cave' (a grass hut in which he likes to sleep).

Those Boys! You could get a snap clip to help keep the door secured. I'm sure Bing just wants another bunny friend to play with. Hopefully Charlie will mellow a bit as those hormones fade away.
I didn't know Bing wasnt neutered. You are braver than I am! :) I would NEVER attempt a m/m bond if they weren't both neutered. The standing on hind legs and wanting to get back to the other not slow ;) that's typical aggressive male to male behavior. Definitely be careful with them. I admit I'm a worry wart overly cautious person but bunny fights are nothing to sneeze at. I did so much research on bonding before I adopted my male maybe it scared me too much but I read some pretty horrible stories so I'm now from the be safe than sorry mindset. I'd just hate to see anything bad happen to your buns! If anything, like Jenny said, definitely let Charlies hormones dissipate a bit before more attempts.

On another note did you decide on Bings full name yet?
I didn't know Bing wasnt neutered. You are braver than I am! :) I would NEVER attempt a m/m bond if they weren't both neutered. The standing on hind legs and wanting to get back to the other not slow ;) that's typical aggressive male to male behavior. Definitely be careful with them. I admit I'm a worry wart overly cautious person but bunny fights are nothing to sneeze at. I did so much research on bonding before I adopted my male maybe it scared me too much but I read some pretty horrible stories so I'm now from the be safe than sorry mindset. I'd just hate to see anything bad happen to your buns! If anything, like Jenny said, definitely let Charlies hormones dissipate a bit before more attempts.

On another note did you decide on Bings full name yet?

NO NO! I am NOT attempting to bond them. Bing broke into Charlie's cage. I have decided to hold off on that at least until Charlie's hormones subside. In a month or so I'd like to try them again in the tub and if that goes terribly its ok. I can just have two unbounded buns! If Bing gets neutered quickly because show isn't panning out I'll try again too!
Thanks for the info on the m/m bonding :nod
Just caught up on the blog! So what made you come up with Bing anyway? How's Charlie doing? He coming around any?
Oh my bad! I guess I jumped to conclusions when I read you tried the tub just yesterday and then the "break in" today I thought maybe bonding was in their near future :) so sorry! Sounds like you have it all planned out no matter :)

So did you decide on Bings full name? I sure did like Mikes suggestion of Bing
Or what about Bing Crosbunny, or Bing O, Bing Bong, Bing Ka-ching. Ok, my brains worn out now. That name's a little hard to find common associations for.
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Just caught up on the blog! So what made you come up with Bing anyway? How's Charlie doing? He coming around any?

I ended up with the name Bing because his eyes reminded me of two beautiful little Bing cherries :D Charlie is doing well. He is a little more bold today, but he still hasn't come out and he still hates pets :nosir: I think he hates me LOL I used to take him out and he would binky around and play with me a little on the floor and I felt like we were making progress, but everyone on the forum jumped in and said don't pick him up and let him come out of his cage on his own. Since I've done that...we have only gone backwards more and more on our progress with taming him.
You know, if you think he was doing better when you were getting him out of his cage, then just do it. You're the best judge of what is or isn't working for your rabbit. Since he was obviously happy once you got him out, then it doesn't seem like it was upsetting him too much. I take my rabbits out all the time, but cause they know it's for playtime, they don't put up a fuss like they did in the beginning. Granted, my rabbits aren't nervous about me being around or interacting with them, but they still didn't like being picked up. I think he'll learn that taking him out of his cage means playtime, and learn not to mind it so much. When it's time to put him back in, you may want to have treats or veggies in his cage, so that he learns to associate being put away, with good things too. One thing to consider for his backtrack in progress, is the new addition of Bing.
These are all great points! I will try a few days of getting him out of his cage. If it seems like it isn't helping, then I will stop. I think it is worth trying to see what works for Charlie. He is such a special bunny :D

I wanted to add that thanks to the new food the boys went a whole day and half without litter pan changes and it wasn't burning out my eyes! There was more saturation than I'm used to cleaning because of the extra 12 hours, but they really did NOT smell as bad as a week ago! They are also both eating hay and pellets well. Charlie gets his Greens and Bing will start in a week or so with small introductions of cilantro etc.

ALSO Today, Bing has taken to climbing onto the couch and sitting on the back like a cat....oy...this bunny be cray cray!
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I agree, see if it works better the old way and also the new addition may have added to the difficulty.

Lol, that Bing must be an acrobat!
HE'S INSANE!!! I fear he will soon figure out how to jump out windows :S LOL
What food did you switch to?
I wanted to add that thanks to the new food the boys went a whole day and half without litter pan changes and it wasn't burning out my eyes! There was more saturation than I'm used to cleaning because of the extra 12 hours, but they really did NOT smell as bad as a week ago! They are also both eating hay and pellets well. Charlie gets his Greens and Bing will start in a week or so with small introductions of cilantro etc.

Isn't it so much better! I may be undecided about a few things with this food, but the decreased ammonia smell is a BIG plus.
I agree you have to do what works with your bun. It's all about following your gut as each bun is so different what may work for one may not work for another :) I also think bunnies emotions/moods are more complex than we give them credit for. They may have a day where they are more cuddly or outgoing and then days when they are more reserved.....which could explain Charlies differences.

Glad you are noticing such positive changes with the food and less pee ammonia smell. ANYtime that is better is a good thing. Bunny pee smell is not good!
Yes, the smell of bunny pee is not good. Mine aren´t keen on being picked up but I sometimes have to do it to let them out. However, I do try and let them go in on their own. There´s nothing worse than chasing a bun to try and put him away. They usually win lol.
Charlie is doing really well with being picked up and taken out. He is back to playing with me and binkying about the house :)

Here is an update of Bing's molt.


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