Cautiously optimistic....

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Aubrey, Member
Nov 26, 2013
Reaction score
Kingston. NY
So, I have a confession.....I miss having a bunny, a lot. I have been watching the Facebook page of my local SPCA, and today I saw these two. Meet Eclipse and Mercury, a bonded pair in need of a home. I am conflicted. I feel like I should have caught on to Staches problem sooner, I kinda feel like I let the poor guy down. In light of that, can I really handle TWO bunnies? conflicted. :/

Only you know if you are ready for another bun or two! My condolences in the passing of your sweet little Stache but don't beat yourself up over "what ifs." You tried to do the best that you could for him & that is all any of us can do. You're now more aware of what to look for in an ill bun & you will probably (I say this from my personal experience.) be watching another bun so closely & running to the vet at the first sign of a possible problem! lol I did with other pets. Also, you have RO with some very knowledgeable members to provide advice. Eclipse & Mercury are an adorable pair. I would have a hard time passing them up. Oh, & I'm a bunny mom to my first 2 bunnies, Jersey wooly sisters. So I am still getting my feet wet as a bunny mom myself. Best wishes as you make that decision! I can't wait for a follow-up post on your decision & the news of Eclipse & Mercury's home!
I was an occasional silent reader of Stache's blog, and I think those two bunnies would be hard pressed to find a more caring and loving bun mum than you! Stache's passing wasn't your fault at all, we all know how well rabbits instinctively hide pain and illness. Internal abscesses are impossible to detect until outward symptoms manifest, and by then it would have been too late to do much. You did all Stache could've asked of you. It was just his time to go.

If you feel ready to take on two bunnies, go for it. I'm sure he'd be honored to know that his life with you led you to welcome two more unwanted bunnies into the loving home you gave him.
:hug1:hug1:hug1Sorry to hear of your bun's passing. It is hard to not beat yourself up over a cherished animal's death, the what if's and could I haves are all swirling in your head, but I am sure you did your best for your bunny. Like the last poster said bunnys are very adept at hiding symptoms and illness (we have 6 birds and they are the same way). I think the two you are considering would get an excellent home in your care, they are beautiful rabbits!
Whenever a pet dies it's natural to blame yourself, think that there was more that you could have done. Sometimes this is true, sometimes it's not. But what's important is you now know how you could have helped Stache earlier and that means that you become a better bunny mom. You obviously have a lot of love to give and those two need someone to love them and care for them and if you feel you are ready to open your house to a rabbit or two again then don't let 'what ifs' stand in your way. You know more now than you did with Stache otherwise you would not feel like you let him down. We learn more every day about looking after bunnies, I know I do at least. So learn from the past and don't let it stop you giving a wonderful home to more bunnies. There aren't enough good rabbit owners out there and you are obviously a good one!
I've read your bunny blog of Stache and I don't think you should doubt your ability to care for an animal at all. I think these (gooooorgeous) buns would be the luckiest to be your companion animals. If you get these guys you definitely should post lots of pictures :D
All the best!

Aubrey, you'd be the best mama that Eclipse and Mercury could hope for. :)
I am sorry to hear your bunny Staches passed. I think you should go see those two and then you will know if its the right thing for you to do at this time. I think a bonded pair would be wonderful!
They are lovely and would be the luckiest of bunnies to have you as their bunny mom. Stache was so happy with you and there was very little you could have done so do not blame yourself. I loved reading about him and you could see his joy at being with you. If you feel the time is right, you will be changing these buns future forever and offering them a stable, loving and happy environment for the rest of their lives, the best of gifts. Of course we will expect a new blog and loads of pics lol :)
My opinion after taking pain killers.. .HELL YEAH... go get them asap...

I agree with whiskeylollipop! You would be the best bunny mom they could ever hope for. Think of all the nut cases that might get them.. 8 year olds that will torture them and chase them around the room and feed them candy, people who forget to give them water for days and think the rabbit is an after thought... some one who will think it's ok to let them out in the backyard and forage for food and so on... you get the idea...

You know when Chico and Chicas mom and the other two baby bunnies died-- just think THREE BUNNIES at one time died---I know ONE is bad enough at one time... but THREE.... wow... (and no I could no bury them I made my husband) I kicked myself in the ass every day for MONTHS.. I felt like I did something wrong..and cried every day thinking If I had maybe done this the mom and the other two buns would have lived. Why hadn't I noticed ... and then it was like.. what? What would I needed to have noticed? I was on my rabbits like white on rice. I spent so much time with them my husband was getting jealous. There was nothing glaring and I always called my vets if I thought anything was happening and kept TWO VETS that I used both with experience with rabbits.. so that shows you how paranoid I am/was...

When my mom passed away I went through the same thing why hadn't I noticed this or that...same thing.. same reaction.. and had read something years later in some buddhist journal I saw on a newstand that made me think that said illness is not the cause of death... hum... that is me paraphrasing it, but you get the general idea.

So that goes back to when it's your time to go, it's your time to go. It didn't matter if I had Chica and Chica's mom and all the damned bunnies at the vets locked up in a cage with security guards with more ammo than the National Guard we cannot stop death as much as I would have liked to and had all those buns with me now. Like the Rolling Stones said in the song You gotta move:

You gotta move
You gotta move
You gotta move, child
You gotta move
Oh, when the lord gets ready
You gotta move

Song sounds like crap when your younger I thought it was BS when I was like 16... but now I know.. if you have any type of religious beliefs at all or believe in a higher power ( I doubt Mick Jagger is some every Sunday Church going Christian, but...) or some supreme being.. when the Lord or the Supreme Being or whatever you call it says it's time for you to come home, you gotta move and go.

Look at Finn? Finn was in the prime of his life, having fun binkying and that was it. The grim bunny came and took him. He went on an upswing. I would rather go having a good time and partying then sick with an extended illness, but that is just my opinion.

So Finn and Stache is up in bunny heaven watching and Stache is thinking, I wish she wouldn't feel that way.
If I could have told her, she would have known.. it was just my time and she did a great job!

And **** it if Chica's mom could talk I would like to know what if something attacked them or tried to that caused them to maybe caused all three of them to have a heart attack! So see I'm still doing the same thing I'm tell you not to!!!

It's unfortunate but when we love it does cause us pain ultimately in the end, but I believe when all is said and done it's worth it.. look at Coco.. look at me with 3 fractured ribs because of Lady! :) Dust off some of stache's things that you
think these two would like and I would get ready... share some more of the love with these two you had for him. I'm sure
they will appreciate it and show you the same in kind...

I think if something about them is calling out to you, you should get them - that's how I ended up with Norm. You can't let guilt hold you back - you did all you could for Stache and he wouldn't want you to be bunnyless because you felt like you let him down.
Hello all. Thank you so much for the kind words. Today I went to the SPCA. I would like to introduce to you the newest addition to my family, Binnicula. ( we plan on changing that. ) she was seized in a cruelty case, according to her former owners her ear just fell off. She was recently spayed, the poor girl was terrified at the shelter. As soon as I met her, I knew she had to come home with me. :)
A REW, I just love her and what a dewlap. She is certainly a lucky lady to find you. Looks like she hasn't had much luck so far, poor girl but she can only expect hugs, love and treats from now on. She is going to be one spoiled bun. Can't wait to see what name you decide on. She looks like a Duchess to me, very regal :)
Her eyes are depressing :(... she looks like she's seen an awful lot of suffering. I'm so glad she was able to get rescued from it; hopefully she'll forget all about her awful past once she learns to trust that your home is truly hers now. She's very lucky to have found her way to you!
Her eyes are what got me. She came home with pain meds, I gave her some before we left the shelter. I am praying that she eats and poos, I do not want to have to deal with stasis. I told her to not give up, that this is a pretty ok place and I promise she will be safe. Fingers crossed.
Give her a little nose-rub from me, if she doesn't mind it... and tell her I asked her to please give you a chance - that not all humans are bad people and some of us really love and care for our bunnies, so please don't judge all of us based on her horrible former owner(s)!
Oh, I am so happy she has found a wonderful bunny home with you! She has evidently been through allot but I know she has now found a loving forever home to love & make the rest of her life a happy one! Hope you don't mind my making a name suggestion if you are considering changing her name (& since her previous life was less than ideal, I think a name change might be a good idea if she is agreeable!). The name that came to mind with reading your post with her story (or as much as you have been told) is Flicka! Below are a couple of meanings for the name from my online quick search of baby names. Besides the name meaning I picture her with your love & care binkying (or what I call little bunny foot flicks in the air to express her joy of life once more). Big bunny hugs & best wishes to the both of you!

Flicka \f-licka, fl(ic)-ka\ as a girl's name is a variant of Farica (Old German), and the meaning of Flicka is "peaceful ruler".

Meaning: Its source is a Swedish expression meaning "Little girl."
Oh the poor thing, so glad you rescued her! I have to agree with Chrisdoc, Duchess is a good name. Plus she'll think she's royalty with you, in comparison to her previous life! Let us know on what you decide on names, wish you all the best :)

Much bunny love,

Selina :brownbunny

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