Captain The Awesome Bunny

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Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
London, Ontario, Canada
He is home now with me.

He is the most PERFECT bunny ever. i mean like he is awesome. he is gentle loving, and whats so awesome he has no fear at all of dogs or cats or humans. I leave the cage door open and he hops out hops around a bit and hops back in his cage, he does this ever 20 mins. the cats sniff him and he like ignores them and hops away, my cats are like of cool a fuzzy thing. its like it was always ment to be. im-insta-in-love with him.

His name is Mr.Hopkins, but i really like Captain, and when i feel like i can call him Captain Jack Sparrow, or Captain John luk Pecard or Captain Jack Harkness. his last mom says he might be a "X between lop and dutch..maybe." I love that he has one one ear up and one down.

The cage he is in is L 24 x W12, I am gonna be making him a NIC cage or a bunny hutch i haven't decided which but he will be mostly free range. cage when i am not here or when i am sleeping.

the women that gave him to me said she has already another bunny and a shizsu and she says having another bunny is to much. I am not to sure i understand that but what ever i get a bunny, she was really nice though.

he doesn't know what to make of the hay i gave him i don't know if he understand that's for him to eat. but he did eat the leafy greens and carrots i gave him.

here is the picture of him at my house, but my camera died, i am sure i will be showing more,w hen he is more conferable, but he seems pretty happy to me.

I think he is so adorable. I like his little uneven stripe above his nose.
I love the name Captain more than Mr.Hopkins - it's more cute and friendly : )

I'm so glad you got him! I can't wait to hear all the good stories about him ;)
So i think Captain LOOOVES my cat gabriel. he chases him all over the place. Gabriel grooms him. its so awesome when animals bond.

he also like to steal my clothing. he is sooo funny!!
Gray_Lady wrote:
SweetSassy wrote:
Do you know if the other owner gave him hay?
I don't think they did, why is it a bad thing to give him hay now?
No it's a good idea to give Captain hay. If he's not eating the hay try a different kind. There are lots of different types.

He is an adorable bunny I like his helicopter ears.
Gray_Lady wrote:
SweetSassy wrote:
Do you know if the other owner gave him hay?
I don't think they did, why is it a bad thing to give him hay now?
Make sure you give him unlimited hay. It helps their gut and their teeth. Keeps their molars ground down. :biggrin2:

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