Can rabbits swim?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2015
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I was wondering if rabbits liked to take a dip?

I wouldn't try it without knowing first. I wouldn't want to scare the poor things.
YES, rabbits can swim. Some quite enjoy it.

you won't know until you see what YOUR rabbit is like.

thing is to be smart about it. don't just pick your bunny up and dump him in the pool (chlorine not the best for bunnies).

BUT if you have a small kiddie pool or a puddle of water and your bunny investigates it and likes it, then well.. there you have your answer. Most European based rabbits (which is what most pet rabbits are descended from) aren't keen on swimming for the sake of swimming but... some like it! Go figure.

but there are rabbits who live in swamps and like to swim and do so quite well. I've given rabbits swimming time and have learned they swim quite well. Some freak out a bit and so they don't swim again, but other bunnies swim and don't seem to want to come out. You just don't know.
I learn something new every day, I thought Richard Adams got that part wrong :D

I never doubted that they can swim, like most mammals, but that some actually would go into the water by themself. Well, there are cats who do that too, and I guess those rabbits are oddballs.

Anyway, I would never put a rabbit into water for no good reason, I know how grumpy mine get when the rain starts seeping through to the skin. Also, that fur doesn't dry easily when soaked, not like that of many dogs and cats. If one decides that it likes a dip in a puddle, I'll run and fetch the camera, but I would never force it in.

In my opinion the fact that they don't drown, and that there are some oddballs out there shouldn't be understood as a "go ahead".
I know someone who had a pool and his rabbit liked to swim in it. Then again, I also know someone who tried to put his rabbit next to a sink with water in it and the rabbit drowned. Some rabbits might like to swim (mine freak out when they accidently step into the water dish so I don't think they would like it) but I would be very cautious about trying it and you have to dry your rabbit thoroughtly afterwards to avoid any illness (and, of course, no chlorine near the rabbit).
Lago, I just want to point out that this can be quite a polarizing topic on the internet. The opinions range from 'toss him in the pool' to 'Never never ever get a rabbit wet or you are torturing your rabbit and need to be reported to animal cruelty'.
Personally, I've never seen a need for it. I don't feel like my bun isn't happy/complete because he doesn't have regular access to a swimming pool. That said, if he needed it, I would attempt a shallow butt bath. I really feel like it's up to a good bun owner who knows his pet. I understand that the extremes are trying to prevent a bun from drowning. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.
Other topics that are sensitive: Meat rabbits, Breeding in General, outdoor vs indoor, trancing.
I only tell you this so that you are not alarmed when someone from the internet rakes you over the coals, as I once was.
I would welcome reasonable, polite discussion on any of these topics, but that doesn't happen much in cyberspace. This board
is the best one out there for discussing all aspects of bunnies.
My girl loves water. Loves getting wet. Yes she can swim a kind of bunny paddle. When we lived in a flat with a bath if you didnt shut the door properly she would jump in the bath with you.
This board
is the best one out there for discussing all aspects of bunnies.

I have a creek as a border of my premises, and that's the border for my 300m² rabbit garden. I'm very confident that non of my bunnies will ever go too close to that.

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