Bunny not eating or drinking

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Feb 13, 2019
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hello. My rabbit is 8 years old and not eating or drinking much. He ate some greens today but he didn’t really touch them yesterday. He hasn’t ate any hay but he’s never been much of a hay eater.

He has only drank a few ounces of water in the past few days. When he runs he tilts his head to the side and he has been scratching at his ear. I’m thinking its an ear infection and I’m starting him on medicine for it tomorrow.

I was wondering if anyone knows if I can mix pineapple juice or cranberry juice in with his water? If so how much?
I am planning on getting him oxbow crital care and syringe feeding him until he gets better.

I don’t have the money to take him to the vet and no vets in our area will see him because he is considered a exotic animal.

If anyone has any tips on what else I could do it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.
Aside from getting him to a rabbit vet and on the proper medications right away(proper antibiotic and anti inflammatory for an ear infection), I would want to get him consuming food and fluids tonight, since it sounds like he hasn't been eating or drinking much at all for the last couple days, which is not good since it's considered an emergency for a rabbit to not eat(or not eat enough) for more than 12 hours.

If he is still eating and pooping some, then I would supplement this with critical care if I had it already, or make a pellet mush by soaking in warm water. I would offer it to him on a dish to see if he would eat it on his own, or syringe feed the pellet mush if he won't eat it on his own, done slowly and allowing time to swallow so as to avoid possible aspiration into the lungs. I would also buy some plain children's pedialyte and carefully syringe some of that and plain water if needed, as he's likely dehydrated.

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