Bunny Magic: The Simon and Olive Show

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Susan: Don't have any neosporin but I'll probably go to the store and get some... although frankly, I think I was upset for no reason; I can't see the mark any more and his ear looks ok--no tears, rips or punctures.

I'm so glad you like the pictures. Mine has a bunch of settings on it (it's on the older side) but I find plain old "Auto" mode works for me. Like I said, I just point and click. The shutter speed is a little on the slow side and I often don't get the shot I want, though, especially with quick moving, lithe bunnies.

SOOOSKA wrote:
Love the pictures. Your photography skills are quite good. I have this fancy camera that i bought last Xmas. OMG I haven't a clue how to use 90% of the settings.

I know what your saying about the red eye. My Bridge bunny Buttecup also had lovely red eyes but many of his pictures he looked like he had Satan Eyes.

Do you have Polysporun just the regular one not the pain one) i'd put a bit on the ear if that eas me. Or Bag Balm if you have that.

Bunny chillaxin', solo-style:


Love those feet!
piperknitsRN wrote:
What a talented bunny! It's like rabbit poetry, or something. Postmodern rabbit poetry!
Excellent. Good luck with your bunny. Do you have a picture of her?

JjGoesBounce wrote:
LOL! she typed vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv, all by herself. then threw herself ino a tizzy. she doesn't really like me but this is her 2nd day with me and shes doing pretty well

Lol yeah i do but my computers acting screwy so I'm waiting til like tomorrow tonight monday or tuesday. Plus Pembrooke doesn't feel like sharing her beauty with the world!

I think I'll start a rabbit poetry book

[align=center]A Bunny Slave's Rules[/align]
[align=center]By Pembrooke[/align]
[align=center]which loosely translates to food,cuddles.me-time and leave me alone you bunny carzed freak.[/align]
[align=left]Soon to come..... A Bunny Slave's Job: By Pembrooke[/align]
LOL! This is absolutely hilarious! So true!

JjGoesBounce wrote:
piperknitsRN wrote:
What a talented bunny! It's like rabbit poetry, or something. Postmodern rabbit poetry!
Excellent. Good luck with your bunny. Do you have a picture of her?

JjGoesBounce wrote:
LOL! she typed vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv, all by herself. then threw herself ino a tizzy. she doesn't really like me but this is her 2nd day with me and shes doing pretty well

Lol yeah i do but my computers acting screwy so I'm waiting til like tomorrow tonight monday or tuesday. Plus Pembrooke doesn't feel like sharing her beauty with the world!

I think I'll start a rabbit poetry book

[align=center]A Bunny Slave's Rules[/align]
[align=center]By Pembrooke[/align]
[align=center]which loosely translates to food,cuddles.me-time and leave me alone you bunny carzed freak.[/align]
[align=left]Soon to come..... A Bunny Slave's Job: By Pembrooke[/align]
funnybunnymummy wrote:
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute! You sure you don't want to bring them to Canada so I can bunnysit them? I'll bring them back. (Maybe. ;))


Awwwww..... thanks, but I think they're keepers... although I might trade ya for cutie-pie Gus. Just kidding!:biggrin2:
Pembrooke demands more pictures of that handsome Simon. Not that I want more pictures or anything:lookaround

Pembrooke will be appearing in her debut today. I hope!

Fierce and Love

The Great and All Powerful Simon will comply... when his Small and Not-so-Powerful Human complies with his wishes ;-).

JjGoesBounce wrote:
Pembrooke demands more pictures of that handsome Simon. Not that I want more pictures or anything:lookaround

Pembrooke will be appearing in her debut today. I hope!

Fierce and Love

Do you think it'd be a good idea to throw a national rabbits online forum join day? Where everyone logs on on a certain day so we can beat the record of 278 people on at one time?

JjGoesBounce wrote:
Do you think it'd be a good idea to throw a national rabbits online forum join day? Where everyone logs on on a certain day so we can beat the record of 278 people on at one time?


You could float the idea on the forum and see if it takes!
QUICK join now. It's in general chat! Join now piperknitsRN
or else:zoro:
At the request of one of our loyal readers, here are some (admittedly kinda lousy) pictures of Mr. Simon, White Bunny Extraordinaire.






Oh Wait... first I have to take a drink at the local watering hole...


And then I think... an appetizer of hay. But will she let me in the hay bar?


Success! NOM NOM NOM.


The day in a life of an urban rabbit is tiring indeed. Time for a good bunny flop:


Pembrooke is touched that you called her a loyal reader. She just thinks that that Simon is HAWT! Mind you she is a couple of years older then him. Love knows no boundaries right? Simon would definetely love winter's here in FUNNOSNOW B,C. Mainly because shhh i live in Victoria.
Btw I request a picture of you piperknitsRN
JjGoesBounce wrote:
Pembrooke is touched that you called her a loyal reader. She just thinks that that Simon is HAWT! Mind you she is a couple of years older then him. Love knows no boundaries right? Simon would definetely love winter's here in FUNNOSNOW B,C. Mainly because shhh i live in Victoria.
Btw I request a picture of you piperknitsRN
Oh gawd... no pictures of me... :biggrin2:

Well, maybe some day... I'm sure I have pics somewhere, but... hey, I haven't even seen Pembrooke yet. Are you gonna start a blog for her?
Ya definetley! I just need a new battery for my camera!
Iggy Pom Pom! I took some awesome pictures! Now to find me on my computer. Poor Pembrooke her beauty hidden from the world.
I've had this staring at me for the last five minutes:


I can't imagine what she's thinking (or plotting, more like).

These are a few of Olive's "baby" pictures, at around 10-11 weeks old, when I first got her:


And sitting pretty:


And finally, classic baby bunny loaf:


Olive was a sweet baby bunny--a bit scared when I got her, but that faded, and she's rather confident and cheeky now. She's extremely well behaved as far as being let out free range and has none of the bad habits of her predecessor, Flip-Flop, a dark-eyed, white with grey frosting Holland lop who was also cute as a bug, but whose mission in life was home redecoration, bunny style. Let's just say square baseboard corners weren't her thing, and she spent a lot of time nibbling on various parts of Chateau De Human.

Flip- flop also bossed around my heart dog, Piper, a Westie who died several years ago and whose presence I miss still to this day. Now that was a hoot to watch. I named her "Flip-flop" because she did a mean DBF. Like, eyes closed, completely passed out, front paws crossed DBF. I have pictures of it on an old web-based blog somewhere... It took quite a bit to wake her up from a DBF, too. In contrast, I rarely see Miss Olive DBF, and she rouses from it before I can take a picture.

As much as I enjoyed her winsome personality, I have to say it's less of a headache having two bunnies who enjoy each other's company and aren't constantly "helping" with the home decorating.


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