Bunny Magic: The Simon and Olive Show

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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2011
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Pacific Northwest, , USA
This is the happy-ending bonding story of two bunnies, Simon and Olive:


Olive is my six month old Holland Lop, who reigned free and easy for four months before I decided to bond her with Simon, a we-don't-know-for-sure-how-old-but-let's-say four month old New Zealand White Rabbit, who sadly for him, but luckily for us, landed in a local shelter.

It was not love at first sight. Oh, no. It definitely was not. Yet, I thought it was workable. At the shelter, there was a little chasing going on, a little thumping, a little pellet-marking, but nothing untoward occurred. Eager to have my very own Big White Bunny that I'd heard oh-so-good-things about, I took this as a sign of peace, and figured a truce was better than a fight.

Boy, was I in for a rude awakening.

It was even less lovey-dovey when we arrived back home. Two weeks ago I came home with two very disgruntled bunnies (apparently riding in a cat carrier squished against a another furry combat buddy does less than you'd think for bonding bunnies--at least these two). I then promptly made the unwise mistake of plopping Simon in Olive's X pen and thinking the Queen Bee would be happy with this arrangement.

She was not.

And she showed her displeasure with an unlady-like display of mounting the poor newcomer. If his shelter stay had been in any way jail-like, I shudder to think what he must of thought of that kind of household initiation.

Then the fur flew, and I found out bunnies really do growl when they're angry and huffy. Like, my dog (if I had one) should be this scary when he growls.

So I had to strategize. The meet-and-greet-in-a-tub thing you read about... nope. Not gonna work. If the bunnies hated each other on the linoleum of my kitchen floor, they definitely loathed each other, on principle, skittering around on the porcelain slickness of my tub. It was there that they learned The Power Of the Water Sprayer Bottle Set to Stun... I mean stream.

This was exhausting my creativity, but not to be outdone by two determined-to-hate-each-other buns, I circled the wagons and figured out a third approach.

Out came the laundry basket, in went the bunnies, and down to the laundry room for bonding sessions we went.

For a few days, it was rough going. I gnashed my teeth. I wailed (a lot). I learned that Simon is a very vocal bunny with a wide repertoire of squeaks, honks, oinks and growlies. It was charming, but it was also unnerving to watch my plans for bunny bliss so terribly, terribly wrong.

In short, I freaked out. I had bonded bunnies before, you see. I thought I Knew What I Was Doing, bringing home a sweet, innocent, charming boy to my (who knew how!) now feisty, territorial bunny girl. I thought they would be BFF's, forever!

Rabbit 101: It may be your time invested, but everything's on their schedule.

This goes for pets, snuggles (I wish!) and that ever elusive thing called a happily bonded pair.

I despaired as I watched two my cute fluffballs lunge at each other with the ferocity of wild, untamed beasts. What on earth had I done, I wondered?

But in the end, true bunny love won out after only a week. Olive got less defensive, Simon got a clue, and I had the Power of the Banana as my secret weapon. After they stopped lunging to kill long enough to "sniff to look," I dabbed Simon's forehead with banana. Olive, being the greedy little sweets-hog she is, licked it off. Simon, thinking he was being groomed, melted into a big puddle of white bunny fur, discernible from a throw rug only by his gorgeous shell pink antennae ears and slowly blinking ruby eyes. I knew then, there'd be success.

Not right away, of course. Olive played coy for a few more days, and Simon contented himself with happy, awkward binkies in her presence. Little did I know they would soon be cavorting around my living room, binkying simultaneously for the sheer joy of it, and settling down for long afternoon naps thusly:


I call it "Bunloaf X2".

It's been major bunny-love around here ever since Olive decided to tolerate Simon's presence, and then grew to like him, as evidenced by:


"Back off! He's mine! I wubbb him lots!!"

Yeah... Olive had to work hard for a few days not to show how much she truly likes him, but trust me, the grooming party works but one way in this household. Rarely do I see Simon groom her. (Not to be outdone, when it comes to food, Olive is the pushiest, bossiest bunny around. But gentle Simon does not come unglued by this, nor give quarrel, so all is well in Bunland, one would think).

Simon also littertrained within that week, and is even neater in his litterbox habits than Olive (who likes to hop out of the litterpan and leave nature's little coco puff calling cards as she exits. It's only one or two every time, but it's a bunny habit that drives me insane. I shall certifiably be The Crazy Bunny Lady in no time).

Heartened by my success (well, really, the buns success) I decided to leave my largely non-chewy, non destructive pair out of their X pen for the night and was pleasantly rewarded with a house that is only messy because I am an inveterate slob, not because the rabbits decided to go all commando-bun destructo and wage warfare on my furniture and/or carpet while I slumbered. (Shhh! Don't tell them they're rabbits designed to chew and dig absolutely every single one of my cherished possessions and not-so-valuable valuables).

Stay tuned, more to come...

LakeCondo: thank you! I'm thrilled to bits and pieces that they're bonded. Bunnies just seem... better, I think, when they're bonded! It's pure joy to watch them together (especially after all that hard work--LOL).
Coolzio! I've got a rescue bunny too! But she's a little mini lop! She's 4 years old!
jJ: Thanks! Rescue bunnies are the best! (Shhh, don't tell Olive I said that--I purchased her from a breeder, actually, but I knew I wanted my next one to be a rescue bun).
Glad to see they have found TRUE LOVE. They make a lovely couple.

I look forward to many more pictures and stories of the two "Love Bunnies".

Susan: I'm thrilled that they bonded so "easily" (although it did not feel "easy" in the beginning and I truly thought they'd have months of bonding before they could be trusted together. Now I have the cutest pair of cuddle bunnies--I couldn't be happier, and I'd like to think they're happy, too!)
So, I have a confession to make. I am a rubbish photographer, and my bunnies are housed either in an X pen or free range in the living room/hallway. With the drab beige carpet that does nobody any photogenic favors.

I have Photoshop somewhere, but I'm petrified to use it, because I've heard it's so difficult to use you practically need to take a class on it. And I know nothing about a camera other than how to point it at my bunnies and press the button (that I'm sure has a technical name I'm just too doggone ignorant to know the nomenclature of). Any way, "SNAP! Magical photo!" is all's I know about digital cameras and photography.

And my bunnies are either a) eating b) resting c) grooming themselves or d) running Bunny 500s and binkying (oh, and I suppose Olive has a cute "Sneaky Pete" routine where she hops around the X pen like she's a stealth huntress, of what, I can only imagine, as the X pen is in the boring 1960's looking kitchen--but I digress). Any way, my point is, every time they're doing something oh-so-adorable, by the time I've grabbed my camera to take a picture, they've gone on to something with a high probability of being much less adorable, like taking a whizz (but at least it's in the litterpan).

Still, my paltry readership probably demands photographs (who has time to read these ramblings any ways?)

So, I submit for your delectation:

More pictures of the happy couple!


Simon's ruby red eyes come off as a garish, devil glow (he's really not Satan's minion, I swear it) and I am too unskilled to do anything about it, so just imagine pretty dark pink eyes in place of the Robo-bunny eyes, K? Thanks!

And one of them sharing dinner? lunch? bunny snacks? Whatever. They were enjoying it.


And here's one of Simon getting. verrryyy. verrrryyyy... sleeeeeepppyyyy.....

And, he's out! DEAD BUNNY FLOP! (With a petulant looking Olive beside him.)


So... oh dear. Simon has a nick of some sort on the back of his ear. I think Olive may have overgroomed him and nipped him, perhaps? There's a scant amount of serosanguinous drainage from the ear, but nothing horrific. Still, I worry about infection--I've read the horror stories about how sensitive rabbits can be, and it would be horrible if he got an a-b-c-e-s-s.

I don't think this was intentional/malicious, as I've been in the living room with them all day and haven't heard any commotion whatsoever; I'd know if they were fighting and being aggressive.

I got a bit frantic about the whole thing, though. Significant Other was talking about something else, and I was frantically gesturing to Simon, thinking to myself, "The bunny, the bunny! Stop your yapping and look at my poor baby bunny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" On inspection of the bunny's ear, he (SO) didn't seem that phased. Come to think of it, Simon doesn't seem phased, either. So, maybe I shouldn't be phased?


This is my baby bunny we're talking about. (Ok, ok, one of my baby bunnies--although I consider Olive a proper grown up Holland lop at six months of age. She may not be much older than Simon, but she's definitely got the most seniority, and boy, does she know it. Or thinks she knows it, any ways).

Ok, so maybe this is not a GI crisis or anything 'serious', but who knows? I mean, what if his ear falls off in the night? :p

Ok. So maybe that's not gonna happen. And probably everything's gonna be just fine.

But still. The worry. It kills me! I've only had him for two weeks, and I've been reading all of these Very Bad Things that sometimes happen to bunnies, and I would hate to have my bunny go through some of the scenarios others on this forum have gone through.

It's almost three o'clock in the afternoon. Is it too early for a glass of wine yet? Just need to know this is gonna be alright...
Nancy McClelland wrote:
:inlove: Love the DBF

Simon's so goofy. He does this thing where he rolls over on his side, only he kinda keeps going and once I think he rolled all the way over in a kind of side ways somersault. Wish I had my videocamera on me for those moments.
Bunny booty:


(I told you I ain't no photographer, and I wasn't kidding!)

More Olive aka Pancake posing:


Boy howdy, she's one "fluffy" pancake now that I look at her properly. :p

And a final shot... this was supposed to be an action shot of Simon. Well, like I said, my photographic prowess leaves a lot to be desired. Still, look at the cute bunny, ma!


You can even see Olive's head in this one (whoops, thought I cropped it out. Bad, bad editing on top of lousy photography skills. Sigh. One day I'll have gorgeous pictures. Or not).
Hey again! I'm your first bloggy friend! :clapping: Pembrooke would like to speak!
LOL! she typed vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv, all by herself. then threw herself ino a tizzy. she doesn't really like me but this is her 2nd day with me and shes doing pretty well
What a talented bunny! It's like rabbit poetry, or something. Postmodern rabbit poetry!
Excellent. Good luck with your bunny. Do you have a picture of her?

JjGoesBounce wrote:
LOL! she typed vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv, all by herself. then threw herself ino a tizzy. she doesn't really like me but this is her 2nd day with me and shes doing pretty well
Love the pictures. Your photography skills are quite good. I have this fancy camera that i bought last Xmas. OMG I haven't a clue how to use 90% of the settings.

I know what your saying about the red eye. My Bridge bunny Buttecup also had lovely red eyes but many of his pictures he looked like he had Satan Eyes.

Do you have Polysporun just the regular one not the pain one) i'd put a bit on the ear if that eas me. Or Bag Balm if you have that.


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