Bunny choking on food frequently Help!!!

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May 17, 2012
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valley, California, USA
I have a 5 month old bunny rabbit named Nibbles. He's pretty small still, as far as his breed goes, I'm not quite sure. I seen him at a flea market and fell in love. He is small, white, short eared, with red eyes.

I used to feed him Romaine Lettuce regularly. Sometimes I would tear it into chunks, other times I would just put a large leaf next to his food bowl and let him go at it but normally i would hand feed it to him.

Half of the way through a leaf of Romaine Lettuce last night, he started to make a face and his mouth went wide open like he was choking without making any noise. He started to make movements like he was coughing and i pulled a little piece of lettuce out of his mouth that had been hanging out but he continued to do it.

He ran away and started to hide from me then came back once he was done and tried to eat more. I thought maybe he was just a freak accident so i tried to feed him more lettuce (after i got him to drink some water). He seemed normal again, but soon after a little more lettuce he did it again! So I stopped for the night.

i thought maybe it was the lettuce so I went back to another store that I normally used to buy it from (I bought the last lettuce from Target, but normally buy it from FoodMax), and tried to feed him again today. Everything seemed fine, until more than halfway through he started to do it again! The same head slightly down, coughing face, mouth wide open, kind of heaving, without any sound. I was horrified and my boyfriend tried to look at him and he ran away, then came back a few seconds later for more...

he seems fine now, hes eating his peletes fine, drinking water, hopping around. i've been watching him and he seems normal. Does anyone else experience this? what do i do? I've fed him lettece three times, and all three times he seems to choke. i even tried little tiny pieces. I feel like if I try to feed him lettuce again he may experience the same thing... I don't want to accidently kill him but i also don't want to not feed him greens...

help please?
It might be possible that he's allergic to lettuce. Don't feed him any more until you figure it out. I read about a rabbit like that in one of my rabbit books & it was just fine without greens.
With the right amount of pellets and hay rabbits do perfectly fine without greens. All of our rabbits wouldnt know what to do with a leaf of romaine if they got one lol. I wouldnt feed lettuce anymore at least until he gets older if at all. Maybe try something else
We've never had a problem with Romaine, but we do give our only a small piece and also give them Parsley, Italian Parsley, Cilantro, Carrot, and Dandelion. Sounds like he may be stuffing in too much at one time.

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