Bun Namez

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Love the names fellow buns! My name is Shya but I get to be "big girl" which I think is a joke since I'm so dainty. It's not nearly as funny as my house mate Teddy. He mostly gets called lump cause he just kind of sits around. They say he's better behaved but pffft it's whatev. We're all just hippity hoppitys to them.
My hoomin named me Eliza Lucille Roland, but my mummy just calls me 'Liza most of the time. My future husband bun is named Isaac. I don't know what I think about him yet.. Mummy and daddy just kept that name because that's what his last hoomins called him.
Our hoomans think they're witty, but boy are they SQUARES.

My name's Molly and that's just fine, but when she sees me she always says "Good golly miss Molly!" I'd give all my hay today to know what a "good golly" is! (No I wouldn't, it's delicious). Sometimes she calls me MOLLYCAKES! I'm not a snack!

And poor Gubble has all sorts of nicknames! Gubbs, Gub-Gub, Gubbicus, GUBZILLA!

And Atticus..I just can't understand it! The female hooman calls him MR. FINCH all the time! Who ever heard of an Atticus FINCH? 2+2 does not equal 4 in THIS house, boy howdy.

I almost hate to share my name, but its not my mommy's fault, she had all kinds of respectable names picked out for me, but unfortunately, she got over-ruled by daddy and the 3 midgets that live at our house.....my name is Skeletor MacFuzzypants and my wife is She-Ra MacFuzzypants....our slaves definitely FAILED EPICLY with our last name *sigh* they dont even use my first name most of the time! I get called "Boogers" and "Skelly" a lot---im not sure i really like being called Skelly, but Boogers?? COME ON!

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